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File metadata and controls

202 lines (160 loc) · 11.3 KB

Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Analytics release notes

Changes in 3.5.3-preview


  • Added a property, StreamPath of type string to USqlTableFragment class

Changes in 3.5.2-preview


  • Added two additional job states to support scope jobs - Yielded and Finalizing

Changes in 3.5.1-preview


  • Added a property, degreeOfParallelismPercent of type double to CreateJobParameters and UpdateJobParameters classes
  • Added two fields, DegreeOfParallelismPercent of type double and HierarchyQueueNode of type string to JobInformationBasic class

Changes in 3.5.0-preview


  • Added new Catalog APIs:
    • Catalog_PreviewTablePartition
    • Catalog_PreviewTable

Changes in 3.4.0-preview


  • Added new Catalog APIs:
    • Catalog_ListTableFragments

Changes in 3.3.0-preview

Breaking changes

  • The Account operations object has been changed from Account to Accounts
    • E.g., Account.Get(...) to Accounts.Get(...)
  • When creating or updating resources (accounts, compute policies, etc.), explicit parameter objects are now required:
    • Account creation:
      • DataLakeAnalyticsAccount to CreateDataLakeAnalyticsAccountParameters
        • List of DataLakeStoreInfo to AddDataLakeStoreWithAccountParameters
        • List of StorageAccountInfo to AddStorageAccountWithAccountParameters
        • List of FirewallRule to CreateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters
        • List of ComputePolicy to CreateComputePolicyWithAccountParameters
    • Account update:
      • DataLakeAnalyticsUpdateParameters to UpdateDataLakeAnalyticsParameters
        • List of DataLakeStoreInfo to UpdateDataLakeStoreWithAccountParameters
        • List of StorageAccountInfo to UpdateStorageAccountWithAccountParameters
        • List of FirewallRule to UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters
        • List of ComputePolicy to UpdateComputePolicyWithAccountParameters
    • Data Lake Store account addition:
      • DataLakeStoreAccountInfo to AddDataLakeStoreParameters
    • Storage account addition and update:
      • StorageAccountInfo to AddStorageAccountParameters
      • StorageAccountInfo to UpdateStorageAccountParameters
    • Compute policy creation and update:
      • ComputePolicy to CreateOrUpdateComputePolicyParameters
      • ComputePolicy to UpdateComputePolicyParameters
    • Firewall rule creation and update:
      • FirewallRule to CreateOrUpdateFirewallRuleParameters
      • FirewallRule to UpdateFirewallRuleParameters
  • When retrieving resources, all the properties are now read-only and the following object names have been changed:
    • Changed DataLakeStoreAccountInfo to DataLakeStoreAccountInformation
    • Changed StorageAccountInfo to StorageAccountInformation
  • Changed the ODataQuery parameter type from JobInformation to JobInformationBasic for the Job_List API
  • Changed the ODataQuery parameter type from DataLakeStoreAccountInfo to DataLakeStoreAccountInformation for the DataLakeStoreAccounts_ListByAccount API
  • Changed the ODataQuery parameter type from StorageAccountInfo to StorageAccountInformation for the StorageAccounts_ListByAccount API
  • Changed the return type from AclList to IPage<Acl> for these APIs:
    • Catalog_ListAclsByDatabase
    • Catalog_ListAcls

Changes in 3.2.3-preview

Breaking changes

  • Changed the ODataQuery parameter type from DataLakeAnalyticsAccount to DataLakeAnalyticsAccountBasic for these APIs:
    • Account_List
    • Account_ListByResourceGroup
  • For USqlJobProperties, fixed the property name of TotalPauseTime to TotalPausedTime


  • Added more properties to JobStatisticsVertexStage
  • Added two more states to DataLakeAnalyticsAccountStatus enum: Undeleting and Canceled
  • Added new Account APIs:
    • Account_CheckNameAvailability
    • Location_GetCapability
    • Operation_List
  • Added new Catalog APIs:
    • Catalog_ListAclsByDatabase
    • Catalog_ListAcls
    • Catalog_GrantAclToDatabase
    • Catalog_RevokeAclFromDatabase
    • Catalog_GrantAcl
    • Catalog_RevokeAcl

Changes in 3.1.2-preview


  • Added a read-only field, InnerError of type JobInnerError, to the JobInnerError class.

Changes in 3.1.1-preview


  • Reverted the fields "statistics" and "debugData" of the USqlJobProperties object to be read-only.

Changes in 3.1.0-preview

Breaking changes

  • Revised the inheritance structure for objects dealing with job creation, building, and retrieving.
    • NOTE: Only U-SQL is supported in this change; therefore, Hive is not supported.
    • When submitting jobs, change JobInformation objects to CreateJobParameters.
      • When setting the properties for the CreateJobParameters object, be sure to change the USqlJobProperties object to a CreateUSqlJobProperties object.
    • When building jobs, change JobInformation objects to BuildJobParameters objects.
      • When setting the properties for the BuildJobParameters object, be sure to change the USqlJobProperties object to a CreateUSqlJobProperties object.
      • NOTE: The following fields are not a part of the BuildJobParameters object:
        • degreeOfParallelism
        • priority
        • related
    • When getting a list of jobs, the object type that is returned is JobInformationBasic and not JobInformation (more information on the difference is below in the Notes section)
  • When getting a list of accounts, the object type that is returned is DataLakeAnalyticsAccountBasic and not DataLakeAnalyticsAccount (more information on the difference is below in the Notes section)


  • When getting a list of jobs, the job information for each job now includes a strict subset of the job information that is returned when getting a single job
    • The following fields are included in the job information when getting a single job but are not included in the job information when getting a list of jobs:
      • errorMessage
      • stateAuditRecords
      • properties
        • runtimeVersion
        • script
        • type
  • When getting a list of accounts, the account information for each account now includes a strict subset of the account information that is returned when getting a single account
    • There are two ways to get a list of accounts: List and ListByResource methods
    • The following fields are included in the account information when getting a list of accounts, which is less than the account information retrieved for a single account:
      • provisioningState
      • state
      • creationTime
      • lastModifiedTime
      • endpoint
  • When retrieving account information, an account id field called "accountId" is now included.
    • accountId's description: The unique identifier associated with this Data Lake Analytics account.
  • Add support for a basic parameter on ListTables and ListTablesByDatabase which enables a user to retrieve a limited set of properties when listing their tables, resulting in a performance improvement when full metadata is not required.

Changes in 3.0.1


  • This is a hotfix release; therefore, the changes addressed here do not carry over to the versions above.
  • Add support for a basic parameter on ListTables and ListTablesByDatabase which enables a user to retrieve a limited set of properties when listing their tables, resulting in a performance improvement when full metadata is not required. (this is addressed in version 3.1.0-preview)
  • Add a read-only field, InnerError of type JobInnerError, to the JobInnerError class (this is addressed in version 3.1.2-preview)
  • Add two more states to DataLakeAnalyticsAccountStatus enum: Undeleting and Canceled (this is addressed in version 3.2.3-preview)

Changes in 3.0.0

  • All previous preview changes (below) are now stable and part of the official release
  • Add support for Compute Policy management
    • Compute policies allow an admin to define maximum parallelism and priority for jobs for given users and groups
    • The policy support can be accessed through the ComputePolicy operations property.
  • Add support for Job Relationships
    • This allows for better definitions and searchability of jobs that are part of pipelines or specific runs.
    • There is a new property bag on JobInformation called Related
    • There are four new APIs allowing for retrieval of jobs in a pipeline or recurrence.

Changes in 2.2.0-preview

  • Introduces the new package item type for catalog items.
  • Switched the FileType enum to a string since this field is read only and will have new types added and changed with some regularity.
  • Allows for listing the following catalog items from their parent's parent item (the database)
    • Table
    • View
    • Table valued function
    • Table statistics

Changes in 2.1.1-preview

  • Update underlying AutoRest framework to the latest. This cleans up a lot of the generated code, making it easier to read.
  • The property FirewallAllowAzureIps in the Account object is currently ignored by the service and will not have a value when calling get. This property will be enabled and honored by the service in a future update.

Changes in 2.0.1-preview

  • Add support for firewall rule management in Data Lake Analytics
  • Remove minimum value requirements for Job parallelism. If a value < 1 is specified, it will use 1.
  • Address minor documentation issues for methods and objects.

Changes in 2.0.0

  • As the first official stable release of the Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Analytics package, changes between this version and the preview version are enumerated below.
    • All nested properties have been flattened down into their containing objects. For example: myAccount.Properties.DefaultDataLakeStoreAccount is now: myAccount.DefaultDataLakeStoreAccount
    • Reorganized account management operations into three distinct operation groups: Account, StorageAccounts and DataLakeStoreAccounts. This results in changes to how certain operations are reached. For example, to get firewall rules previously this would be called: myClient.Account.GetStorageAccount(). Now: myClient.StorageAccounts.Get().
    • All object properties have been updated to reflect whether they are required, optional or read-only (un-settable). This more explicitly helps the caller understand what they need to pass in and what they cannot pass in. As a result, there are some read-only properties that previously were not, and will need to be removed from object initialization.
    • Updates to include default values for some optional properties for objects. Please see class documentation for details on these defaults.
    • Added billing support for account creation and updates
    • Added support for CRUD of catalog credentials and initiated deprecation warnings for catalog secret CRUD, which will be removed in a future release.
    • As part of credential CRUD, added cascading delete support for a given credential, which will delete all other catalog resources dependent on the credential automatically.
    • Removed unsupported OData query options
    • Added new SeverityType enum values
    • Added deprecation warnings for CreateSecret,UpdateSecret and DeleteSecret
    • Fixed the return type for UpdateSecret to properly reflect that nothing is returned.