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BigQuery bad rows tables

This directory contains sql statements for creating tables in BigQuery based on Snowplow's structured bad rows formats. You should create a separate table for each of Snowplow's different bad row schemas.

Missing fields ⚠️

The following fields are missing from the bigquery table definitions:

  • Enrichment failures: data.failure.message.error
  • Loader iglu error: data.failure.dataReports.targets
  • Loader recovery error: data.failure.error.location
  • Schema violations: data.failure.messages.error
  • Tracker protocol violations: data.failure.messages.error

We have omitted fields from the table definitions if they are "polymorphic", e.g. where they can be a string or an object depending on the context. Unfortunately this makes the fields inaccessible in bigquery. This problem will be fixed in future versions of Snowplow, by removing polymorphic fields (see issues in snowplow-badrows and iglu-central).

Create tables

These instructions make use of the bq command-line tool which is packaged with the google cloud sdk. Follow the sdk instructions for how to initialize and authenticate the sdk. Also take a look at the BigQuery dashboard as you run these commands, so you can see your tables as you create them.

Create a dataset to contain your bad rows tables:

bq mk --data_location=EU bad_rows_prod1
# Dataset 'my-snowplow-project:bad_rows_prod1' successfully created.

The --data-location should match the location of your bad rows bucket. Also replace prod1 with the name of your pipeline.

The table definitions in this repo contain a {{ BUCKET }} placeholder which you will need to edit before you can create the tables. Change this placeholder to match the GCS bucket where your bad rows files are stored.

Now run bq mk for each table definition in turn. Use the --external_table_definition parameter so that bigquery uses the bucket as the back-end data source. Here is how to run the command for the first three tables (note you should change the dataset name bad_rows_prod1 to match the dataset you just created):

bq mk \
  --display_name="Adapter failures" \
  --external_table_definition=./adapter_failures.json \

# Table 'my-snowplow-project:bad_rows_prod1.adapter_failures' successfully created.

bq mk \
  --display_name "Schema violations" \
  --external_table_definition=./schema_violations.json \

# Table 'my-snowplow-project:bad_rows_prod1.schema_violations' successfully created.

bq mk \
  --display_name "Tracker protocol violations" \
  --external_table_definition=./tracker_protocol_violations.json \

# Table 'my-snowplow-project:bad_rows_prod1.tracker_protocol_violations' successfully created.

Continue to run those commands for each of the table definitions in this directory.

BigQuery table definition Corresponding bad rows JSON schema
adapter_failures.json adapter_failures 1-0-0
collector_payload_format_violation.json collector_payload_format_violation 1-0-0
enrichment_failures.json enrichment_failures 2-0-0
loader_iglu_error.json loader_iglu_error 2-0-0
loader_parsing_error.json loader_parsing_error 2-0-0
loader_recovery_error.json loader_recovery_error 1-0-0
loader_runtime_error.json loader_runtime_error 1-0-1
relay_failure.json relay_failure 1-0-0
schema_violations.json [schema_violations 2-0-0]
size_violation.json [size_violation 1-0-0]
tracker_protocol_violations.json tracker_protocol_violations 1-0-0

Example usage of tables

You can query your tables from the query editor in the BigQuery console. You might want to start by getting counts of each bad row type from the last week. This query will work, but it is relatively expensive because it will scan all files in the schema_violations directory:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bad_rows_prod1.schema_violations

You can construct a more economical query by using the _FILE_NAME pseudo column to restrict the scan to files from the last week:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bad_rows_prod1.schema_violations
WHERE DATE(PARSE_TIMESTAMP('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', LTRIM(REGEXP_EXTRACT(_FILE_NAME, 'output-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+T[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+'), 'output-'))) >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 7 DAY);

You can repeat that query for each table you created in your bad rows dataset.

BigQuery count

If you have schema violations, you might want to find which tracker sent the event:

SELECT data.payload.enriched.app_id, COUNT(*) FROM bad_rows_prod1.schema_violations
WHERE DATE(PARSE_TIMESTAMP('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', LTRIM(REGEXP_EXTRACT(_FILE_NAME, 'output-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+T[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+'), 'output-'))) >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 7 DAY)
GROUP BY data.payload.enriched.app_id;

If you have tracker protocol failures, you can do a deeper dive into the error messages to get a explanation of the last 10 failures:

SELECT data.failure.messages[OFFSET(0)].field AS field,
       data.failure.messages[OFFSET(0)].value AS value,
       data.failure.messages[OFFSET(0)].expectation AS expectation,
       data.failure.messages[OFFSET(0)].schemaKey AS schemaKey,
       data.failure.messages[OFFSET(0)].schemaCriterion AS schemaCriterion
FROM bad_rows_prod1.tracker_protocol_violations
WHERE DATE(PARSE_TIMESTAMP('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', LTRIM(REGEXP_EXTRACT(_FILE_NAME, 'output-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+T[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+'), 'output-'))) >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 7 DAY)
ORDER BY data.failure.timestamp DESC

Appendix: Why bother with schemas?

BigQuery has a 'Auto-detect' feature to automatically generate the table definition for you by inspecting the file contents. So you might wonder why it is necessary to provide explicit schema definitions for your tables.

There are two potential pitfalls when using the autogenerated schema with the Snowplow bad rows files:

  • Optional fields. BigQuery might not "notice" that a field exists, depending on the sample of data used to detect the schema.
  • Polymorphic fields, i.e. a field that can be either a string or an object. BigQuery will throw an exception if it sees an unexpected value for a field.