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Getting started

Alessandro Daducci edited this page Aug 6, 2020 · 17 revisions

This tutorial illustrates the basics for using the COMMIT framework to evaluate the evidence of a tractogram.

Download data

Download and extract the example dataset from the following ZIP archive, which contains the following files:

  • DWI.nii: a diffusion MRI dataset with 100 measurements distributed on 2 shells, respectively at b=700 s/mm^2 and b=2000 s/mm^2;
  • DWI.scheme: its corresponding acquisition scheme;
  • peaks.nii.gz: main diffusion orientations estimated with CSD;
  • fibers.trk: tractogram with about 280K fibers estimated using a streamline-based algorithm;
  • WM.nii.gz: white-matter mask extracted from an anatomical T1w image.

Import the tractogram

Open the Python interpreter and go to the folder where you downloaded/unzipped the ZIP archive. Then run the following commands:

from commit import trk2dictionary
    filename_tractogram = 'LausanneTwoShell/fibers.trk',
    path_out            = 'LausanneTwoShell/CommitOutput',
    filename_peaks      = 'LausanneTwoShell/peaks.nii.gz',
    filename_mask       = 'LausanneTwoShell/WM.nii.gz',
    fiber_shift         = 0.5,
    peaks_use_affine    = True

The output should be something like this:

-> Creating the dictionary from tractogram:
	* Segment position = COMPUTE INTERSECTIONS
	* Fiber shift X    = 0.500 (voxel-size units)
	* Fiber shift Y    = 0.500 (voxel-size units)
	* Fiber shift Z    = 0.500 (voxel-size units)
	* Points to skip   = 0
	* Loading data:
		* tractogram
			- 106 x 106 x 60
			- 2.0000 x 2.0000 x 2.0000
			- 283522 fibers
		* filtering mask
			- 106 x 106 x 60
			- 2.0000 x 2.0000 x 2.0000
		* EC orientations
			- 106 x 106 x 60 x 9
			- 2.0000 x 2.0000 x 2.0000
			- ignoring peaks < 0.10 * MaxPeak
			- flipping axes : [ x=True, y=True, z=False ]
		* output written to "LausanneTwoShell/CommitOutput"
	* Exporting IC compartments:
          [ 283522 fibers, 24388967 segments ]
	* Exporting EC compartments:
          [ 53021 voxels, 145472 segments ]
   [ 44.6 seconds ]

Please note that, in this particular example, in order to have all the data in the same reference system we had to:

  • apply a translation of half voxel to the fibers.

Flipping in the data

Load the diffusion data

Precompute the rotation matrices used internally by COMMIT to create the lookup-tables for the response functions:

import commit

Now, load the data:

mit = commit.Evaluation( '.', 'LausanneTwoShell' )
mit.load_data( 'DWI.nii', 'DWI.scheme' )

The output should be something like:

-> Loading data:
	* DWI signal...
		- dim    = 106 x 106 x 60 x 100
		- pixdim = 2.000 x 2.000 x 2.000
	* Acquisition scheme...
		- 100 samples, 2 shells
		- 10 @ b=0 , 30 @ b=700.0 , 60 @ b=2000.0
   [ 0.2 seconds ]

-> Preprocessing:
	* Normalizing to b0... [ min=0.00,  mean=0.64, max=36.15 ]
	* Merging multiple b0 volume(s)... [ 106 x 106 x 60 x 91 ]
   [ 0.5 seconds ]

Set the forward model

For this example we made use of the Stick-Zeppelin-Ball model described in (Panagiotaki et al., NeuroImage, 2012):

  • the contributions of the tracts are modeled as "sticks", i.e. tensors with a given axial diffusivity (1.7*10^-3 mm^2/s) but null perpendicular diffusivity;
  • extra-cellular contributions are modeled as tensors with the same axial diffusivity as the sticks (1.7*10^-3 mm^2/s) and whose perpendicular diffusivities are calculated with a tortuosity model as a function of the intra-cellular volume fractions (0.7);
  • isotropic contributions are modeled as tensors with isotropic diffusivities (1.7*10^-3 mm^2/s and 3.0*10^-3 mm^2/s).

Setup the parameters of the model and generate the lookup-tables:

mit.set_model( 'StickZeppelinBall' )

d_par = 1.7E-3              # Parallel diffusivity [mm^2/s]
d_perps = [ 0.51E-3 ]       # Perpendicular diffusivitis [mm^2/s]
d_isos = [ 1.7E-3, 3.0E-3 ] # Isotropic diffusivitie(s) [mm^2/s]

mit.model.set( d_par, d_perps, d_isos )
mit.generate_kernels( regenerate=True )

and the output should look like:

-> Simulating with "Stick-Zeppelin-Ball" model:
	* 1 stick, 1 extra-cellular and 2 isotropic
	* A_001... [ OK ]
	* A_002... [ OK ]
	* A_003... [ OK ]
	* A_004... [ OK ]
   [ 1.5 seconds ]

-> Resampling kernels for subject "LausanneTwoShell":
	* A_001... [ OK ]
	* A_002... [ OK ]
	* A_003... [ OK ]
	* A_004... [ OK ]
	* Merging multiple b0 volume(s)... [ OK ]
	* Normalizing... [ OK ]
   [ 1.0 seconds ]

Load the sparse data-structure

Load in memory the sparse data-structure previously created with

mit.load_dictionary( 'CommitOutput' )

The output should show that around 280K fibers have been loaded, in addition to 145K segments for the extra-cellular contributions in the 53K voxels of the white matter:

-> Loading the dictionary:
	* segments from the tracts... [ 283522 fibers and 24388967 segments ]
	* segments from the peaks...  [ 145472 segments ]
	* isotropic contributions...  [ 53021 voxels ]
	* post-processing...          [ OK ]
   [ 14.8 seconds ]

Build the linear operator A

Now it's time to build the linear operator A to compute the matrix-vector multiplications for solving the linear system. This operator uses information from the segments loaded in the previous step and the lookup-tables for the response functions; it also needs to know the workload to be assigned to each thread during the multiplications. To this aim, run the following commands:


The output should be something similar to this:

-> Distributing workload to different threads:
	* number of threads : 4
	* A operator...  [ OK ]
	* A' operator... [ OK ]
   [ 3.5 seconds ]

-> Building linear operator A:
   [ 2.1 seconds ]

NB: the number of threads is automatically set to the maximum number found in the system (4 in this example), but this setting can be manually set, e.g., mit.set_threads( 1 ).

Fit the model to the data

To fit the model (Stick-Zeppelin-Ball in this case) to the data, simply run: tol_fun = 1e-3, max_iter = 1000 )

The optimization progress is displayed by default:

-> Fit model using "nnls":
|     ||Ax-y||     |  Cost function    Abs error      Rel error    |     Abs x          Rel x
1  |   7.5552614e+02  |  2.8540987e+05  4.0602923e+05  1.4226180e+00  |  5.4262515e+01  1.0000000e+00
2  |   6.7997468e+02  |  2.3118278e+05  5.4227093e+04  2.3456372e-01  |  1.6229691e+01  2.6520302e-01
3  |   6.2490484e+02  |  1.9525303e+05  3.5929749e+04  1.8401635e-01  |  1.4457099e+01  2.0335528e-01
137  |   1.4197542e+02  |  1.0078510e+04  1.0588051e+01  1.0505571e-03  |  1.5019784e+00  4.0796383e-03
138  |   1.4190279e+02  |  1.0068201e+04  1.0309090e+01  1.0239257e-03  |  1.4936457e+00  4.0495040e-03
139  |   1.4183213e+02  |  1.0058177e+04  1.0024696e+01  9.9667126e-04  |  1.4848343e+00  4.0182480e-03
< Stopping criterion: REL_OBJ >
[ 00h 07m 04s ]

where the columns report, respectively, the iteration number, the cost function and its relative change.

Storing the results

The results and the output maps can be stored to files as follows:


As shown in the output, the results are saved in the folder Results_StickZeppelinBall:

-> Saving results to "Results_StickZeppelinBall/*":
	* configuration and results... [ OK ]
	* fitting errors:
		- RMSE...  [ 0.059 +/- 0.018 ]
		- NRMSE... [ 0.117 +/- 0.037 ]
	* voxelwise contributions:
		- intra-axonal [ OK ]
		- extra-axonal [ OK ]
		- isotropic    [ OK ]
   [ 2.0 seconds ]

The following figure shows the density of the tracts (Calamante et al., NeuroImage, 2010) of the original tractogram (left) and of its optimized version (right):


It is also possible to visualize voxelwise maps of the corresponding contributions of the extra-cellular space (left) and other isotropic contaminations (right):


Finally, the fitting error in each voxel can also be inspected:

fitting error