EC2 Check Reserved Instances - Compare instance reservations with running instances
Amazon's reserved instances (ec2-describe-reserved-instances, ec2-describe-reserved-instances-offerings) are a great way to save money when using EC2. An EC2 instance reservation is specified by an availability zone, instance type, and quantity. Correlating the reservations you currently have active with your running instances is a manual, time-consuming, and error prone process.
This quick little Python script uses boto to inspect your reserved instances and running instances to determine if you currently have any reserved instances which are not being used. Additionally, it will give you a list of non-reserved instances which could benefit from additional reserved instance allocations.
To use the program, make sure you have boto installed. If you don't already have it, run:
$ python install
The only configuration needed is your AWS keys. See the boto docs to learn how to configure your credentials.
$ ec2-check-reserved-instances --region eu-west-1
UNUSED RESERVATION! (1) m3.large linux vpc eu-west-1c
UNUSED RESERVATION! (4) m1.medium linux vpc eu-west-1c
UNUSED RESERVATION! (1) m3.large linux vpc eu-west-1a
UNUSED RESERVATION! (4) m1.medium linux vpc eu-west-1a
UNUSED RESERVATION! (2) t2.small linux vpc eu-west-1b
UNUSED RESERVATION! (1) m4.large linux vpc eu-west-1b
UNUSED RESERVATION! (1) t2.medium linux vpc eu-west-1a
UNUSED RESERVATION! (1) t2.large linux vpc eu-west-1b
UNUSED RESERVATION! (2) m3.large linux vpc eu-west-1b
Instance not reserved: (1) t2.large linux vpc eu-west-1c
Instance not reserved: (1) m1.medium linux ec2 eu-west-1b
Instance not reserved: (4) m1.medium linux ec2 eu-west-1c
Instance not reserved: (2) m1.large linux ec2 eu-west-1b
Instance not reserved: (1) m4.large windows vpc eu-west-1b
Instance not reserved: (2) c4.large linux vpc eu-west-1a
Instance not reserved: (4) m1.medium linux ec2 eu-west-1a
Instance not reserved: (1) m1.large linux ec2 eu-west-1a
Instance not reserved: (1) t2.large linux vpc eu-west-1a
Instance not reserved: (1) c1.medium linux ec2 eu-west-1c
Instance not reserved: (2) t2.small windows vpc eu-west-1b
(39) running on-demand instances
(36) reservations
(17) unused reservations
$ ec2-check-reserved-instances --region eu-west-1 --service rds
RDS Checks
UNUSED RESERVATION! (1) db.t2.small mysql True
Congratulations, you have no unreserved instances
(5) running on-demand instances
(6) rds reservations
(1) unused rds reservations