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Vadim Senderovich edited this page Nov 3, 2016 · 14 revisions

Upcoming Changes (unreleased)

0.6.6 - November 3, 2016

  • allowing to pass strict: true to validator
  • added raw_national method for returning unformatted national number part of international number

0.6.5 - August 25, 2016

  • allowing + in the beginning of number when strict check is on

0.6.4 - August 25, 2016

  • updated data

0.6.3 - August 8, 2016

  • fixing to override default country when + passed in the beginning of phone
  • fixed error when int passed as phone number
  • fixed error when ";" passed as phone number
  • fixed area_code method behaviour
  • changed documentation to yard

0.6.2 - June 14, 2016

  • fixed bug in international method when no country can be defined

0.6.1 - June 4, 2016

  • updated data
  • added method full_national which returns national number with extension
  • fixed methods returning formatted numbers with extension not to put ";" sign in case extension is empty
  • fixed international and e164 methods to return number with country code if it's not present in number

0.6.0 - April 20, 2016

  • updated data
  • fixed bad behaviour, when country valid regex didn't match, but some type's regex was matching
  • added more strict behaviour when country passed - don't try to detect country when it was specified for parsing

0.5.6 - March 7, 2016

  • updated data
  • added flag Phonelib.strict_check to disable sanitizing of phone number being passed for parsing
  • added boolean param for national and international methods, if false passed, it will return unformatted phone representation

0.5.5 - January 16, 2016

  • updated data

0.5.4 - November 03, 2015

  • fixed bug in validator for types when type is :fixed_or_mobile
  • added full_e164 and full_international methods to return phone number with extensions
  • added Phonelib.extension_separator= method to define extension separator while formatting
  • added Phonelib.extension_separate_symbols= method to define extension separating symbols for parsing

0.5.2 - October 07, 2015

  • Fixed parsing with national code for CN

0.5.1 - October 07, 2015

  • Added setting to use special numbers types for phone parsing. Disabled by default. In order to enable use Phonelib.parse_special = true in initializer.
  • Fixed behaviour of double country codes in phones for IN, DE, BR
  • Updated phone data

0.5.0 - September 04, 2015

  • Added method valid_country for returning country for parsed phone just in case phone number was valid
  • Changed behavior of method country, now it returns main country for international code in case there is such country, or first country from array
  • Added local_number method to Phone, returns local number without area code
  • Added area_code method to Phone, returns area code of phone or nil if none present for parsed number
  • Added extension method to Phone, returns extension passed for parsing after # or ; signs
  • Updated phones data

0.4.9 - July 28, 2015

  • Parsing of phone may return type :fixed_or_mobile even when patterns are different but valid for both :mobile and :fixed_line. Previously it could be only when patterns match
  • Added changelog

0.4.8 - July 27, 2015

  • Updated data and added test for TT phone
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