2019-03-01T01:43:36.110655+01:00 # timestamp
valueaa1pu # hostname
haproxy[8517]: # process_name [pid] # client_ip : client_port
[01/Mar/2019:01:43:36.041] # request_date
value_front_https~ # frontend
value_back_https/valueas3 # backend / server_name
0/0/0/70/70 # timers (TR / Tw / Tc / Tr / Ta)
#| | | | |--Ta: Request active time (first bytes send - last byte received)
#| | | |-----Tr: Server response time
#| | |--------Tc: Connection time (to final server)
#| |----------Tw: Queues time
#|------------TR: Client request time
200 # status_code
322 # bytes_read
- # captured_request_cookie
- # captured_response_cookie
---- # termination_state (https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.8/configuration.html#8.5)
10/10/0/1/0 # counters (actconn / feconn / beconn / srv_conn / retries)
#| | | | |--retries: ~~~
#| | | |----srv_conn: active connections
#| | |------beconn: connections on backend
#| |--------feconn: connections on frontend
#|-----------actconn: connections on the process
0/0 # srv_queue / backend_queue
{} # captured_request_headers
{} # captured_response_headers
"GET /vmweb/vmwebHTTP/1.1" # http_request
# show top 5 urls with error, sort by request count
<haproxy.log halog -s -1 -u -e -q | sort -n | tail -5
# show missing files
<haproxy.log halog -s -1 -u -q -H -hs 404
# server ran in timeout
<haproxy.log halog -s -1 -q -tcn sH
# Queued connections count
<haproxy.log halog -s -1 -q -Q -c