This document describes how to manually configure your system for running CyclOSM. This guide is the recommended approach to run and develop CyclOSM.
There is also a quick, platform independent setup for a development environment, without the need to install and configure tools by hand, follow a Docker installation guide in
You will need, to use this style:
- PostgreSQL
- PostGIS
- osm2pgsql
On Ubuntu/Debian, these can be installed with
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.6 postgis osm2pgsql
You need OpenStreetMap data loaded into a PostGIS database. These stylesheets
expect a database generated with osm2pgsql
using the pgsql backend (table
names of planet_osm_point
, etc), the default database name (osm
Start by creating the database
sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USER
createdb osm
Enable PostGIS and hstore extensions with
psql -d osm -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION hstore;'
then grab some OSM data. It's probably easiest to grab an PBF of OSM data from Geofabrik. Once you've done that, import with osm2pgsql:
osm2pgsql -c -G --hstore -d osm ~/path/to/data.osm.pbf
Note: Be careful if you use a Lua script with osm2pgsql
as it might
drop nodes with no tags except the hstore
tags column (typically, a
Important: If you plan on enabling CLPC / bicycle give way signs render
(see below), make sure to include the --slim
option in your osm2pgsql
command, to ensure temporary tables are created in database and store the raw
details about relations (especially table planet_osm_rels
Create sql views used by cyclosm style:
psql -d osm --file=views.sql
This style requires some preprocessed shapefiles for some features. They are
listed in the project.mml
file. You can either download them manually or rely
on Kosmtik
to handle this for you for a developement setup (see below).
The stylesheet uses Noto, an openly licensed font family from Google with support for multiple scripts. The stylesheet uses Noto's "Sans" style where available. If not available, this stylesheet uses another appropriate style of the Noto family. The "UI" version is used where available, with its vertical metrics which fit better with Latin text.
DejaVu Sans is used as an optional fallback font for systems without Noto Sans. If all the Noto fonts are installed, it should never be used. Noto Naskh Arabic UI is used an an optional fallback font for systems without Noto Sans Arabic.
Hanazono is used a fallback for seldom used CJK characters that are not covered by Noto.
Unifont is used as a last resort fallback, with it's excellent coverage, common presence on machines, and ugly look.
On Ubuntu 16.04 or Debian Testing you can download and install most of the required fonts
sudo apt-get install fonts-dejavu-core fonts-noto fonts-noto-color-emoji fonts-noto-cjk fonts-noto-hinted fonts-noto-unhinted fonts-hanazono ttf-unifont
It might be useful to have a more recent version of the fonts for rare non-latin scripts. The current upstream font release has also some more scripts and style variants than in the Ubuntu package. It can be installed from source.
You might want to install these fonts from sid
to ensure having latest
DejaVu is packaged as fonts-dejavu-core
The fonts can be downloaded here:
After the download, you have to install the font files in the usual way of your operation system.
For proper rendering of non-latin scripts, particularly those with complicated diacritics and tone marks the requirements are
FreeType 2.6.2 or later for CJK characters
A recent enough version of Noto with coverage for the scripts needed.
This part of the guide is heavily based on the very good documentation from OpenTopoMap. This part will guide you through generating the required data and import elevation lines into a PostgreSQL database for the render.
First, you should install gdal
and geotiff
tools. On Ubuntu/Debian, this
can be done using
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin python-gdal geotiff-bin
We will also need
to generate
the elevation lines (contours). On Ubuntu/Debian, you can download the Debian
package on their download page and run
sudo dpkg -i phyghtmap*.deb
sudo apt-get --fix-broken install # To ensure missing dependencies are installed
We will be running everything from now on in the dem
NASA provides elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). Files from SRTMv3 can be downloaded from the NASA EarthData website after creating an account. To easily download all the required tiles for the area you want covered, you can use phyghtmap
(here downloading for the entire world):
phyghtmap --download-only --srtm=3 --srtm-version=3 --earthexplorer-user=<NASA-USERNAME> --earthexplorer-password=<NASA-PASSWORD> --hgtdir=./dem/hgt -a -180:-85.05112877980659:180:85.05112877980659
You can now reproject it into WGS84 projection, using:
gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:4269 -t_srs "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" -r bilinear <IN.tif> <PROJ.tif>
You can now create semi-transparent hillshades using the ramp provided in
and GDAL:
gdaldem hillshade -co compress=lzw -compute_edges <PROJ.tif> <HILLSHADE.tif>
gdaldem color-relief <HILLSHADE.tif> -alpha shade.ramp <SEMI-TRANSPARENT-HILLSHADE.tif>
And build a VRT file for your semi-transparent hillshades
gdalbuildvrt dem/shade.vrt <SEMI-TRANSPARENT-HILLSHADE.tif>
Note that hillshades are disabled by default in the style. You can enable them
by using a block such as the following one in Kosmtik localconfig.json
below for more details):
"where": "Layer",
"if": {
"id": "hillshade"
"then": {
"properties.status": "on"
Run phyghtmap and generate contours (this step can take quite a few tens of minutes):
phyghtmap --polygon=france.poly -j 2 -s 10 -0 --source=view3 --max-nodes-per-tile=0 --max-nodes-per-way=0 --pbf
# Remove now useless files
rm -r hgt
rm france.poly
Note: You can use any other polygon from Geofabrik. The previous command will generate elevation lines for the whole France area.
The output of this will be in a OpenStreetMap Protocolbuffer Binary Format
called something like
We will load the contours into a database called contours
. If a contours
database exists already, you will need to drop it and recreate it first.
sudo -u postgres createdb data
sudo -u postgres psql data -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'
Load the data into the contours database:
sudo -u postgres osm2pgsql --slim -d data --cache 5000 --style ./ ./*.osm.pbf
rm ./*.osm.pbf
Note that due to historical reasons, we have specific requirements for the
contours table, which is not exactly given by the output of phyghtmap
Therefore, you should probably update the project.mml
and base.mss
file or
edit the generated table. Main differences are:
- We are using a table named
instead ofplanet_osm_line
. - We are having a geometry field named
instead ofway
(this appears both in the SQL query and in theDatasource.geometry_field
Note that contours are disabled by default in the style. You can enable them
by using a block such as the following one in Kosmtik localconfig.json
below for more details):
"where": "Layer",
"if": {
"class": "contours"
"then": {
"properties.status": "on"
You can use Kosmtik
to develop on this
style. You can use the kosmtik-fetch-remote
plugin to handle
downloading remote preprocessed shapefiles automatically. Information on
setting up Kosmtik is available in the
You can also use a
file put in the root of this directory to overload parts of the project.mml
file. For instance, if you want to use a database named gis
with credentials,
you can use
"where": "Layer",
"if": {
"Datasource.type": "postgis"
"then": {
"Datasource.password": "gis",
"Datasource.user": "gis",
"": "localhost"
"where": "Layer",
"if": {
"Datasource.dbname": "osm"
"then": {
"Datasource.dbname": "gis"
You can also generate a Mapnik XML configuration file using Kosmtik and the
file with:
kosmtik export path/to/cyclosm-cartocss-style/project.mml --output path/to/cyclosm-cartocss-style/mapnik.xml
which you can then use in Tirex, mod_tile or any other tile queue manager.
If you want to render bicycle give way relations, you should ensure your
osm2pgsql setup is building a planet_osm_rels
table storing relations and
this one stays available after initialization of the whole database.
Then, you can enable the layer with a Kosmtik local config file such as:
"where": "Layer",
"if": {
"id": "clpc"
"then": {
"properties.status": "on"
Here are a few useful tweaks for running CyclOSM in a production setup, such as on
A few databases indexes can help speed up the queries to the PostgreSQL database. On, we are currently using:
all the indexes defined in the
style. -
an additional index for the bicycle routes:
create index planet_osm_bicycle_routes on planet_osm_line using gist(way) where route='bicycle' OR route='mtb';
- an additional index for the ferry lines:
create index planet_osm_line_ferry on planet_osm_line using gist (way) where route = 'ferry';
This guide is based on the
installation guide.