Gives you just the app, not the fancy disk image.
- Download the repo, extract it
1. install homebrew
2. open terminal, run
brew install node
to install nodejs
sudo npm install -g nativefier
to install nativefier globally
3. in the terminal, run
cd PathToThisDirectory
to set the icon input and build output for nativefier
nativefier --name "Asana" "" --min-width 750 --min-height 300 --single-instance --title-bar-style "hidden" --icon "Icons/asana.icns"
to build the thing
Gives you just the app in a folder, no installer whatsoever.
- Download the repo, extract it
1. install chocolatery
2. open cmd or powershell as admin, run
set-executionpolicy remotesigned
to enable signed remote powershell scripts
choco install nodejs.install
to install nodejs
npm install -g nativefier
to install nativefier globally
3. in the terminal, run
cd "PathToThisDirectory"
to set the icon input and build output for nativefier
nativefier --name "Asana" "" --min-width 750 --min-height 300 --single-instance --icon "Icons\asana.ico"
to build the thing