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Twitter plugin

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Using Composer

composer require cvo-technologies/cakephp-twitter

Ensure require is present in composer.json:

    "require": {
        "cvo-technologies/cakephp-twitter": "~1.1"

Load the plugin

Plugin::load('Muffin/Webservice', ['bootstrap' => true]);

Configure the Twitter webservice

Add the following to the Datasources section of your application config.

        'twitter' => [
            'className' => 'Muffin\Webservice\Connection',
            'service' => 'CvoTechnologies/Twitter.Twitter',
            'consumerKey' => '',
            'consumerSecret' => '',
            'oauthToken' => '',
            'oauthSecret' => ''



namespace App\Controller;

use Cake\Event\Event;

class StatusesController extends AppController
    public function beforeFilter(Event $event)
        $this->loadModel('CvoTechnologies/Twitter.Statuses', 'Endpoint');

    public function index()
        $statuses = $this->Statuses->find()->where([
            'screen_name' => 'CakePHP',

        $this->set('statuses', $statuses);

Streaming example

This is an example of how to implement the Twitter streaming API.

namespace App\Shell;

use Cake\Console\Shell;

class StreamShell extends Shell
    public function initialize()
        $this->modelFactory('Endpoint', ['Muffin\Webservice\Model\EndpointRegistry', 'get']);
        $this->loadModel('CvoTechnologies/Twitter.Statuses', 'Endpoint');

    public function main()
        $statuses = $this->Statuses
            ->find('filterStream', [
                'word' => 'twitter',

        foreach ($statuses as $status) {
            echo $status->text . PHP_EOL;