diff --git a/cvat-ui/src/components/annotation-page/standard-workspace/objects-side-bar/object-item-basics.tsx b/cvat-ui/src/components/annotation-page/standard-workspace/objects-side-bar/object-item-basics.tsx
index 0e7cda1ecd0b..d33a578540c2 100644
--- a/cvat-ui/src/components/annotation-page/standard-workspace/objects-side-bar/object-item-basics.tsx
+++ b/cvat-ui/src/components/annotation-page/standard-workspace/objects-side-bar/object-item-basics.tsx
@@ -98,7 +98,11 @@ function ItemTopComponent(props: Props): JSX.Element {
diff --git a/tests/cypress/integration/actions_tasks_objects/case_55_repeat_draw_feature.js b/tests/cypress/integration/actions_tasks_objects/case_55_repeat_draw_feature.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fe1738ca1ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cypress/integration/actions_tasks_objects/case_55_repeat_draw_feature.js
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+import { taskName, labelName } from '../../support/const';
+context('Repeat draw feature.', () => {
+ const caseId = '55';
+ const createRectangleShape2Points = {
+ points: 'By 2 Points',
+ type: 'Shape',
+ labelName: labelName,
+ firstX: 150,
+ firstY: 350,
+ secondX: 250,
+ secondY: 450,
+ };
+ const createCuboidShape2Points = {
+ points: 'From rectangle',
+ type: 'Shape',
+ labelName: labelName,
+ firstX: 300,
+ firstY: 350,
+ secondX: 400,
+ secondY: 450,
+ };
+ const createPolygonShape = {
+ redraw: false,
+ type: 'Shape',
+ labelName: labelName,
+ pointsMap: [
+ { x: 450, y: 350 },
+ { x: 550, y: 350 },
+ { x: 550, y: 450 },
+ ],
+ complete: true,
+ numberOfPoints: null,
+ };
+ const createPolylinesShape = {
+ type: 'Shape',
+ labelName: labelName,
+ pointsMap: [
+ { x: 600, y: 350 },
+ { x: 700, y: 350 },
+ { x: 700, y: 450 },
+ ],
+ complete: true,
+ numberOfPoints: null,
+ };
+ const createPointsShape = {
+ type: 'Shape',
+ labelName: labelName,
+ pointsMap: [{ x: 750, y: 400 }],
+ complete: true,
+ numberOfPoints: null,
+ };
+ const keyCodeN = 78;
+ function checkCountShapes(expectedCount) {
+ cy.get('.cvat-objects-sidebar-state-item').then(($sidebarItem) => {
+ expect($sidebarItem.length).to.be.equal(expectedCount);
+ });
+ }
+ function checkShapeType(id, expectedType) {
+ cy.get(id).find('.cvat-objects-sidebar-state-item-object-type-text').should('have.text', expectedType);
+ }
+ function repeatDrawningStart() {
+ cy.get('body').trigger('keydown', { keyCode: keyCodeN });
+ }
+ function repeatDrawningFinish() {
+ cy.get('.cvat-canvas-container').trigger('keydown', { keyCode: keyCodeN }).trigger('keyup');
+ }
+ before(() => {
+ cy.openTaskJob(taskName);
+ });
+ describe(`Testing case "${caseId}"`, () => {
+ it('Draw and repeat the drawing of the rectangle.', () => {
+ cy.createRectangle(createRectangleShape2Points);
+ repeatDrawningStart(); // Repeat the drawing the rectangle
+ cy.get('.cvat-canvas-container')
+ .click(createRectangleShape2Points.firstX, createRectangleShape2Points.firstY - 200)
+ .click(createRectangleShape2Points.secondX, createRectangleShape2Points.secondY - 200);
+ cy.get('#cvat_canvas_shape_2').should('exist');
+ checkCountShapes(2);
+ checkShapeType('#cvat-objects-sidebar-state-item-2', 'RECTANGLE SHAPE');
+ });
+ it('Draw and repeat the drawing of the polygon.', () => {
+ cy.createPolygon(createPolygonShape);
+ repeatDrawningStart(); // Repeat the drawing the polygon
+ createPolygonShape.pointsMap.forEach((element) => {
+ cy.get('.cvat-canvas-container').click(element.x, element.y - 200);
+ });
+ repeatDrawningFinish();
+ cy.get('#cvat_canvas_shape_4').should('exist');
+ checkCountShapes(4);
+ checkShapeType('#cvat-objects-sidebar-state-item-4', 'POLYGON SHAPE');
+ });
+ it('Draw and repeat the drawing of the polyline.', () => {
+ cy.createPolyline(createPolylinesShape);
+ repeatDrawningStart(); // Repeat the drawing the polyline
+ createPolylinesShape.pointsMap.forEach((element) => {
+ cy.get('.cvat-canvas-container').click(element.x, element.y - 200);
+ });
+ repeatDrawningFinish();
+ cy.get('#cvat_canvas_shape_6').should('exist');
+ checkCountShapes(6);
+ checkShapeType('#cvat-objects-sidebar-state-item-6', 'POLYLINE SHAPE');
+ });
+ it('Draw and repeat the drawing of the point.', () => {
+ cy.createPoint(createPointsShape);
+ repeatDrawningStart(); // Repeat the drawing the point
+ createPointsShape.pointsMap.forEach((element) => {
+ cy.get('.cvat-canvas-container').click(element.x, element.y - 200);
+ });
+ repeatDrawningFinish();
+ cy.get('#cvat_canvas_shape_8').should('exist');
+ checkCountShapes(8);
+ checkShapeType('#cvat-objects-sidebar-state-item-8', 'POINTS SHAPE');
+ });
+ it('Draw and repeat the drawing of the cuboid.', () => {
+ cy.createCuboid(createCuboidShape2Points);
+ repeatDrawningStart(); // Repeat the drawing the cuboid
+ cy.get('.cvat-canvas-container')
+ .click(createCuboidShape2Points.firstX, createCuboidShape2Points.firstY - 200)
+ .click(createCuboidShape2Points.secondX, createCuboidShape2Points.secondY - 200);
+ cy.get('#cvat_canvas_shape_10').should('exist');
+ checkCountShapes(10);
+ checkShapeType('#cvat-objects-sidebar-state-item-10', 'CUBOID SHAPE');
+ });
+ it('Cteate and repeat the creating of the tag.', () => {
+ cy.createTag(labelName);
+ repeatDrawningStart(); // Repeat the creating the tag
+ cy.get('#cvat-objects-sidebar-state-item-12').should('exist');
+ checkShapeType('#cvat-objects-sidebar-state-item-12', 'TAG');
+ });
+ });