// server
import { initialize } from 'meteor/cultofcoders:apollo';
initialize(ApolloConstructorOptions?, MeteorApolloOptions?);
// quickest way:
Quick Tip: Engine
If you want to use engine GraphQL monitoring tool:
// server
engine: {
apiKey: "XXX"
Do not override schema
// server
// Here you can provide the apollo options provided here:
// https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/api/apollo-server.html#constructor-options-lt-ApolloServer-gt
// You must not override schema
meteorAccounts: true, // You can disable reading the users via Meteor accounts
// You can add `schemaDirectives` and `context` without worrying about context update
schemaDirectives: {
// You get access to db, user, userId inside the resolver.
context: async ({ db, user, userId }) => ({
}, {
// This is just an example, you have cors built in ApolloOptions
// You can also add other connect middlewares to '/graphql' endpoint
middlewares: [],
// GUI, because we're using an express middleware to connect with our WebApp, gui configuration is done at that level
// So basically the `gui` config from `ApolloConstructorOptions` will be ignored
gui: Meteor.isDevelopment
// Because we support authentication by default
// We inject { user, userId } into the context
// These fields represent what fields to retrieve from the logged in user on every request
// You can use `undefined` if you want all fields
userFields: {
_id: 1,
username: 1,
emails: 1,
roles: 1,