Releases: cuhacking/2025
Releases · cuhacking/2025
1.8.0 (2024-12-02)
Bug Fixes
- config/chromatic: deployment failing due to incorrect paths (2466149)
- config/docs/source: math equations not rendering (c26c97c)
- config/docs: mermaid diagrams not rendering (559a94a)
- config/shared/eslint: missing nx import (733da2c)
- config/shared/shadcn: revert to default (59126e2)
- aceternity/components/ui: create story for feature-section component (f12b247)
- aceternity/components/ui: export feature-section component (7932e0c)
- docs/components/ui: add story for feature-section component (cc0dcb7)
- docs/header: change design link (198bae6)
- libs/external/aceternity: add aceternity ui (c657ee0)
- ui/docs/footer: add 'Edit on GitHub' button (d4f7a5e)
- ui/docs/header: activate eslint link (035ec43)
- ui/docs/header: add color to logo text (be3270e)
- ui/docs/layout: remove root toggle (027b8c6)
- ui/docs/sidebar: re-order technology stack page to appear after overview (e9a609d)
- ui/docs/sidebar: rename 'Introduction' divider to 'Guide' (179d37d)
- ui/docs: add footer text (1e53998)
- ui/docs: change Inter font to JetBrains Mono (dff41e0)
- ui/docs: rename 'Tools Overview' to 'Technology Stack' (bb7bbd5)
- ui/docs: update cuhacking logo (3b20fcf)
1.7.0 (2024-11-21)
Bug Fixes
- libs/shared: update path to tsconfig.base.json (502e396)
- apps/website: serve website home page (7404ef8)
- extend tailwind themes (fbc8784)
- libs/website/assets: import website ascii art (8884fb6)
- libs/website/feature/events/constants: create event constants (ca1e1cd)
- libs/website/feature/events: create entry point (48bd76b)
- libs/website/feature/events: create events section (eece775)
- libs/website/feature/faq: create faq constants (24149bd)
- libs/website/feature/faq: create faq section (f88bfad)
- libs/website/feature/introduction/mission: create mission constants (cd3bcba)
- libs/website/feature/introduction/mission: create mission section (43d35b0)
- libs/website/feature/introduction/welcome: create welcome constants (e67227e)
- libs/website/feature/introduction/welcome: create welcome section (2d1b816)
- libs/website/feature/introduction: create entry point (547779f)
- libs/website/feature/sponsorship/constants: create sponsorship constants (153556d)
- libs/website/feature/sponsorship: create entry point (f4f06b3)
- libs/website/feature/sponsorship: create section (b8d8276)
- libs/website/feature/stats: create stats constants (f79414e)
- libs/website/feature/stats: create stats section (2f3bc67)
- libs/website/layout: create basic layout (49a2c75)
- libs/website/pages: create home page for website (29ea545)
- libs/website/shared/navigation: create navigation entry point (087cc69)
- libs/website/shared/socials: create entry point (49428f2)
- libs/website/shared/ui/navigation/footer: create component (4eb68cf)
- libs/website/shared/ui/navigation/footer: create constants (7699c44)
- libs/website/shared/ui/navigation/navbar: create navbar constants (f573285)
- libs/website/shared/ui/navigation: create navbar (0cbb763)
- libs/website/shared/ui: create socials component (5ec0291)
- libs/website: create project.json (545d61e)
- libs/website: temp commits to test website homepage (3ffd4d8)
- shadcn/compnents/ui: add drawer (0a303a0)
- shadcn/component/ui: create navigation-menu story (f77d9fb)
- shadcn/components/ui: add navigation-menu (9043806)
- shadcn/components/ui: add separator (1843344)
- shadcn/components/ui: create drawer stories (ca3544a)
- shared/assets/icons: import general and social media icons (0da44cf)
- shared/assets/logos/sponsors: add past sponsor svgs (ab262ba)
- shared/assets: update cuHacking logo (99ab1ea)
- shared/types: create media (aa317c2)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create accordion (a147fba)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create accordion stories (8ada1ab)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create button (560758c)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create button stories (17d5ea1)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create drawer (4b07cdb)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create drawer stories (2424fb8)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create glassmorphic card stories (889c64a)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create glassmorphic cards (57b873a)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create icon (93520cf)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create icon stories (7c77678)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create navigation menu (aa4510b)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create separator (b8f8244)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create terminal text (5cace7f)
- shared/ui/cuhacking/components: create terminal text stories (dfa272a)
- shared/utils: create date helpers (9d74cb2)
- website/app: add smooth scroll and JetBrains (a398470)
1.5.0 (2024-11-07)
Bug Fixes
- config/docs: knowledge base page crashing due to missing image loader url (562815c)
- docs: 404 error when card in 'Categories' section is clicked (8de491b)
- docs-e2e: 'Edit on GitHub' button going to 404 page (6a9acb5)
- ui/docs: 'Knowledge Base' button 2nd last page instead of last page (e0949a8)
- ui/docs: 'Knowledge Base' page icon same as 'Libraries' page (1b9d8e2)
- ui/docs: 'Knowledge Base' page is second last in order instead of last (b91a74c)
1.4.1 (2024-10-18)
Bug Fixes
- config/docs: knowledge base page crashing due to missing image loader url (562815c)
- ui/docs: 'Knowledge Base' button 2nd last page instead of last page (e0949a8)
- ui/docs: 'Knowledge Base' page icon same as 'Libraries' page (1b9d8e2)
- ui/docs: 'Knowledge Base' page is second last in order instead of last (b91a74c)