diff --git a/spec/lib/annotate/annotate_models_spec.rb b/spec/lib/annotate/annotate_models_spec.rb
index 029718d09..a01de1aa0 100644
--- a/spec/lib/annotate/annotate_models_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/annotate/annotate_models_spec.rb
@@ -987,283 +987,429 @@ def mock_column(name, type, options = {})
- describe '#get_schema_info with custom options' do
- def self.when_called_with(options = {})
- expected = options.delete(:returns)
- default_columns = [
- [:id, :integer, { limit: 8 }],
- [:active, :boolean, { limit: 1 }],
- [:name, :string, { limit: 50 }],
- [:notes, :text, { limit: 55 }]
- ]
+ describe '.get_schema_info (with custom options)' do
+ let :klass do
+ mock_class(:users, :id, columns)
+ end
+ subject do
+ AnnotateModels.get_schema_info(klass, header, options)
+ end
+ context 'when header is "Schema Info"' do
+ let :header do
+ 'Schema Info'
+ end
+ context 'with options' do
+ context 'when "hide_limit_column_types" is specified in options' do
+ let :columns do
+ [
+ mock_column(:id, :integer, limit: 8),
+ mock_column(:active, :boolean, limit: 1),
+ mock_column(:name, :string, limit: 50),
+ mock_column(:notes, :text, limit: 55)
+ ]
+ end
+ context 'when "hide_limit_column_types" is blank string' do
+ let :options do
+ { hide_limit_column_types: '' }
+ end
+ let :expected_result do
+ <<~EOS
+ # Schema Info
+ #
+ # Table name: users
+ #
+ # id :integer not null, primary key
+ # active :boolean not null
+ # name :string(50) not null
+ # notes :text(55) not null
+ #
+ end
+ it 'works with option "hide_limit_column_types"' do
+ is_expected.to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when "hide_limit_column_types" is "integer,boolean"' do
+ let :options do
+ { hide_limit_column_types: 'integer,boolean' }
+ end
+ let :expected_result do
+ <<~EOS
+ # Schema Info
+ #
+ # Table name: users
+ #
+ # id :integer not null, primary key
+ # active :boolean not null
+ # name :string(50) not null
+ # notes :text(55) not null
+ #
+ end
+ it 'works with option "hide_limit_column_types"' do
+ is_expected.to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
- it "should work with options = #{options}" do
- with_columns = (options.delete(:with_columns) || default_columns).map do |column|
- mock_column(column[0], column[1], column[2])
+ context 'when "hide_limit_column_types" is "integer,boolean,string,text"' do
+ let :options do
+ { hide_limit_column_types: 'integer,boolean,string,text' }
+ end
+ let :expected_result do
+ <<~EOS
+ # Schema Info
+ #
+ # Table name: users
+ #
+ # id :integer not null, primary key
+ # active :boolean not null
+ # name :string not null
+ # notes :text not null
+ #
+ end
+ it 'works with option "hide_limit_column_types"' do
+ is_expected.to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
- klass = mock_class(:users, :id, with_columns)
+ context 'when "hide_default_column_types" is specified in options' do
+ let :columns do
+ [
+ mock_column(:profile, :json, default: {}),
+ mock_column(:settings, :jsonb, default: {}),
+ mock_column(:parameters, :hstore, default: {})
+ ]
+ end
- schema_info = AnnotateModels.get_schema_info(klass, 'Schema Info', options)
- expect(schema_info).to eql(expected)
- end
- end
+ context 'when "hide_default_column_types" is blank string' do
+ let :options do
+ { hide_default_column_types: '' }
+ end
- describe 'hide_limit_column_types option' do
- when_called_with hide_limit_column_types: '', returns: <<-EOS.strip_heredoc
- # Schema Info
- #
- # Table name: users
- #
- # id :integer not null, primary key
- # active :boolean not null
- # name :string(50) not null
- # notes :text(55) not null
- #
+ let :expected_result do
+ <<~EOS
+ # Schema Info
+ #
+ # Table name: users
+ #
+ # profile :json not null
+ # settings :jsonb not null
+ # parameters :hstore not null
+ #
+ end
- when_called_with hide_limit_column_types: 'integer,boolean', returns:
- <<-EOS.strip_heredoc
- # Schema Info
- #
- # Table name: users
- #
- # id :integer not null, primary key
- # active :boolean not null
- # name :string(50) not null
- # notes :text(55) not null
- #
+ it 'works with option "hide_default_column_types"' do
+ is_expected.to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
- when_called_with hide_limit_column_types: 'integer,boolean,string,text',
- returns:
- <<-EOS.strip_heredoc
- # Schema Info
- #
- # Table name: users
- #
- # id :integer not null, primary key
- # active :boolean not null
- # name :string not null
- # notes :text not null
- #
- end
+ context 'when "hide_default_column_types" is "skip"' do
+ let :options do
+ { hide_default_column_types: 'skip' }
+ end
- describe 'hide_default_column_types option' do
- mocked_columns_without_id = [
- [:profile, :json, default: {}],
- [:settings, :jsonb, default: {}],
- [:parameters, :hstore, default: {}]
- ]
+ let :expected_result do
+ <<~EOS
+ # Schema Info
+ #
+ # Table name: users
+ #
+ # profile :json default({}), not null
+ # settings :jsonb default({}), not null
+ # parameters :hstore default({}), not null
+ #
+ end
- when_called_with hide_default_column_types: '',
- with_columns: mocked_columns_without_id,
- returns:
- <<-EOS.strip_heredoc
- # Schema Info
- #
- # Table name: users
- #
- # profile :json not null
- # settings :jsonb not null
- # parameters :hstore not null
- #
+ it 'works with option "hide_default_column_types"' do
+ is_expected.to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
- when_called_with hide_default_column_types: 'skip',
- with_columns: mocked_columns_without_id,
- returns:
- <<-EOS.strip_heredoc
- # Schema Info
- #
- # Table name: users
- #
- # profile :json default({}), not null
- # settings :jsonb default({}), not null
- # parameters :hstore default({}), not null
- #
+ context 'when "hide_default_column_types" is "json"' do
+ let :options do
+ { hide_default_column_types: 'json' }
+ end
- when_called_with hide_default_column_types: 'json',
- with_columns: mocked_columns_without_id,
- returns:
- <<-EOS.strip_heredoc
- # Schema Info
- #
- # Table name: users
- #
- # profile :json not null
- # settings :jsonb default({}), not null
- # parameters :hstore default({}), not null
- #
- end
+ let :expected_result do
+ <<~EOS
+ # Schema Info
+ #
+ # Table name: users
+ #
+ # profile :json not null
+ # settings :jsonb default({}), not null
+ # parameters :hstore default({}), not null
+ #
+ end
- describe 'classified_sort option' do
- mocked_columns_without_id = [
- [:active, :boolean, { limit: 1 }],
- [:name, :string, { limit: 50 }],
- [:notes, :text, { limit: 55 }]
- ]
+ it 'works with option "hide_limit_column_types"' do
+ is_expected.to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
+ end
- when_called_with classified_sort: 'yes',
- with_columns: mocked_columns_without_id, returns:
- <<-EOS.strip_heredoc
- # Schema Info
- #
- # Table name: users
- #
- # active :boolean not null
- # name :string(50) not null
- # notes :text(55) not null
- #
- end
+ context 'when "classified_sort" is specified in options' do
+ let :columns do
+ [
+ mock_column(:active, :boolean, limit: 1),
+ mock_column(:name, :string, limit: 50),
+ mock_column(:notes, :text, limit: 55)
+ ]
+ end
- describe 'with_comment option' do
- mocked_columns_with_comment = [
- [:id, :integer, { limit: 8, comment: 'ID' }],
- [:active, :boolean, { limit: 1, comment: 'Active' }],
- [:name, :string, { limit: 50, comment: 'Name' }],
- [:notes, :text, { limit: 55, comment: 'Notes' }],
- [:no_comment, :text, { limit: 20, comment: nil }]
- ]
+ context 'when "classified_sort" is "yes"' do
+ let :options do
+ { classified_sort: 'yes' }
+ end
- when_called_with with_comment: 'yes',
- with_columns: mocked_columns_with_comment, returns:
- <<-EOS.strip_heredoc
- # Schema Info
- #
- # Table name: users
- #
- # id(ID) :integer not null, primary key
- # active(Active) :boolean not null
- # name(Name) :string(50) not null
- # notes(Notes) :text(55) not null
- # no_comment :text(20) not null
- #
+ let :expected_result do
+ <<~EOS
+ # Schema Info
+ #
+ # Table name: users
+ #
+ # active :boolean not null
+ # name :string(50) not null
+ # notes :text(55) not null
+ #
+ end
- mocked_columns_with_multibyte_comment = [
- [:id, :integer, { limit: 8, comment: 'ID' }],
- [:active, :boolean, { limit: 1, comment: 'ACTIVE' }],
- [:name, :string, { limit: 50, comment: 'NAME' }],
- [:notes, :text, { limit: 55, comment: 'NOTES' }],
- [:cyrillic, :text, { limit: 30, comment: 'Кириллица' }],
- [:japanese, :text, { limit: 60, comment: '熊本大学 イタリア 宝島' }],
- [:arabic, :text, { limit: 20, comment: 'لغة' }],
- [:no_comment, :text, { limit: 20, comment: nil }],
- [:location, :geometry_collection, { limit: nil, comment: nil }]
- ]
+ it 'works with option "classified_sort"' do
+ is_expected.to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
+ end
- when_called_with with_comment: 'yes',
- with_columns: mocked_columns_with_multibyte_comment, returns:
- <<-EOS.strip_heredoc
- # Schema Info
- #
- # Table name: users
- #
- # id(ID) :integer not null, primary key
- # active(ACTIVE) :boolean not null
- # name(NAME) :string(50) not null
- # notes(NOTES) :text(55) not null
- # cyrillic(Кириллица) :text(30) not null
- # japanese(熊本大学 イタリア 宝島) :text(60) not null
- # arabic(لغة) :text(20) not null
- # no_comment :text(20) not null
- # location :geometry_collect not null
- #
+ context 'when "with_comment" is specified in options' do
+ context 'when "with_comment" is "yes"' do
+ let :options do
+ { with_comment: 'yes' }
+ end
- mocked_columns_with_geometries = [
- [:id, :integer, { limit: 8 }],
- [:active, :boolean, { default: false, null: false }],
- [:geometry, :geometry, {
- geometric_type: 'Geometry', srid: 4326,
- limit: { srid: 4326, type: 'geometry' }
- }],
- [:location, :geography, {
- geometric_type: 'Point', srid: 0,
- limit: { srid: 0, type: 'geometry' }
- }]
- ]
+ context 'when columns have comments' do
+ let :columns do
+ [
+ mock_column(:id, :integer, limit: 8, comment: 'ID'),
+ mock_column(:active, :boolean, limit: 1, comment: 'Active'),
+ mock_column(:name, :string, limit: 50, comment: 'Name'),
+ mock_column(:notes, :text, limit: 55, comment: 'Notes'),
+ mock_column(:no_comment, :text, limit: 20, comment: nil)
+ ]
+ end
- when_called_with with_columns: mocked_columns_with_geometries, returns:
- <<-EOS.strip_heredoc
- # Schema Info
- #
- # Table name: users
- #
- # id :integer not null, primary key
- # active :boolean default(FALSE), not null
- # geometry :geometry not null, geometry, 4326
- # location :geography not null, point, 0
- #
+ let :expected_result do
+ <<~EOS
+ # Schema Info
+ #
+ # Table name: users
+ #
+ # id(ID) :integer not null, primary key
+ # active(Active) :boolean not null
+ # name(Name) :string(50) not null
+ # notes(Notes) :text(55) not null
+ # no_comment :text(20) not null
+ #
+ end
- it 'should get schema info as RDoc' do
- klass = mock_class(:users,
- :id,
- [
- mock_column(:id, :integer, comment: 'ID'),
- mock_column(:name, :string, limit: 50, comment: 'Name')
- ])
- expect(AnnotateModels.get_schema_info(klass, AnnotateModels::PREFIX, format_rdoc: true, with_comment: true)).to eql(<<-EOS.strip_heredoc)
- # #{AnnotateModels::PREFIX}
- #
- # Table name: users
- #
- # *id(ID)*:: integer, not null, primary key
- # *name(Name)*:: string(50), not null
- #--
- # #{AnnotateModels::END_MARK}
- #++
+ it 'works with option "with_comment"' do
+ is_expected.to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when columns have multibyte comments' do
+ let :columns do
+ [
+ mock_column(:id, :integer, limit: 8, comment: 'ID'),
+ mock_column(:active, :boolean, limit: 1, comment: 'ACTIVE'),
+ mock_column(:name, :string, limit: 50, comment: 'NAME'),
+ mock_column(:notes, :text, limit: 55, comment: 'NOTES'),
+ mock_column(:cyrillic, :text, limit: 30, comment: 'Кириллица'),
+ mock_column(:japanese, :text, limit: 60, comment: '熊本大学 イタリア 宝島'),
+ mock_column(:arabic, :text, limit: 20, comment: 'لغة'),
+ mock_column(:no_comment, :text, limit: 20, comment: nil),
+ mock_column(:location, :geometry_collection, limit: nil, comment: nil)
+ ]
+ end
+ let :expected_result do
+ <<~EOS
+ # Schema Info
+ #
+ # Table name: users
+ #
+ # id(ID) :integer not null, primary key
+ # active(ACTIVE) :boolean not null
+ # name(NAME) :string(50) not null
+ # notes(NOTES) :text(55) not null
+ # cyrillic(Кириллица) :text(30) not null
+ # japanese(熊本大学 イタリア 宝島) :text(60) not null
+ # arabic(لغة) :text(20) not null
+ # no_comment :text(20) not null
+ # location :geometry_collect not null
+ #
+ end
+ it 'works with option "with_comment"' do
+ is_expected.to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when geometry columns are included' do
+ let :columns do
+ [
+ mock_column(:id, :integer, limit: 8),
+ mock_column(:active, :boolean, default: false, null: false),
+ mock_column(:geometry, :geometry,
+ geometric_type: 'Geometry', srid: 4326,
+ limit: { srid: 4326, type: 'geometry' }),
+ mock_column(:location, :geography,
+ geometric_type: 'Point', srid: 0,
+ limit: { srid: 0, type: 'geometry' })
+ ]
+ end
+ let :expected_result do
+ <<~EOS
+ # Schema Info
+ #
+ # Table name: users
+ #
+ # id :integer not null, primary key
+ # active :boolean default(FALSE), not null
+ # geometry :geometry not null, geometry, 4326
+ # location :geography not null, point, 0
+ #
+ end
+ it 'works with option "with_comment"' do
+ is_expected.to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
- it 'should get schema info as Markdown with multibyte comment' do
- klass = mock_class(:users,
- :id,
- [
- mock_column(:id, :integer, comment: 'ID'),
- mock_column(:name, :string, limit: 50, comment: 'NAME')
- ])
- expect(AnnotateModels.get_schema_info(klass, AnnotateModels::PREFIX, format_markdown: true, with_comment: true)).to eql(<<-EOS.strip_heredoc)
- # #{AnnotateModels::PREFIX}
- #
- # Table name: `users`
- #
- # ### Columns
- #
- # Name | Type | Attributes
- # --------------------- | ------------------ | ---------------------------
- # **`id(ID)`** | `integer` | `not null, primary key`
- # **`name(NAME)`** | `string(50)` | `not null`
- #
+ context 'when header is "== Schema Information"' do
+ let :header do
+ AnnotateModels::PREFIX
- it 'should get schema info as Markdown' do
- klass = mock_class(:users,
- :id,
- [
- mock_column(:id, :integer, comment: 'ID'),
- mock_column(:name, :string, limit: 50, comment: 'Name')
- ])
- expect(AnnotateModels.get_schema_info(klass, AnnotateModels::PREFIX, format_markdown: true, with_comment: true)).to eql(<<-EOS.strip_heredoc)
- # #{AnnotateModels::PREFIX}
- #
- # Table name: `users`
- #
- # ### Columns
- #
- # Name | Type | Attributes
- # ----------------- | ------------------ | ---------------------------
- # **`id(ID)`** | `integer` | `not null, primary key`
- # **`name(Name)`** | `string(50)` | `not null`
- #
+ context 'when "format_doc" and "with_comment" are specified in options' do
+ subject do
+ AnnotateModels.get_schema_info(klass, AnnotateModels::PREFIX, format_rdoc: true, with_comment: true)
+ end
+ context 'when columns are normal' do
+ let :columns do
+ [
+ mock_column(:id, :integer, comment: 'ID'),
+ mock_column(:name, :string, limit: 50, comment: 'Name')
+ ]
+ end
+ let :expected_result do
+ <<~EOS
+ # == Schema Information
+ #
+ # Table name: users
+ #
+ # *id(ID)*:: integer, not null, primary key
+ # *name(Name)*:: string(50), not null
+ #--
+ # == Schema Information End
+ #++
+ end
+ it 'returns schema info in RDoc format' do
+ is_expected.to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when "format_markdown" and "with_comment" are specified in options' do
+ subject do
+ AnnotateModels.get_schema_info(klass, AnnotateModels::PREFIX, format_markdown: true, with_comment: true)
+ end
+ context 'when columns have comments' do
+ let :columns do
+ [
+ mock_column(:id, :integer, comment: 'ID'),
+ mock_column(:name, :string, limit: 50, comment: 'Name')
+ ]
+ end
+ let :expected_result do
+ <<~EOS
+ # == Schema Information
+ #
+ # Table name: `users`
+ #
+ # ### Columns
+ #
+ # Name | Type | Attributes
+ # ----------------- | ------------------ | ---------------------------
+ # **`id(ID)`** | `integer` | `not null, primary key`
+ # **`name(Name)`** | `string(50)` | `not null`
+ #
+ end
+ it 'returns schema info in Markdown format' do
+ is_expected.to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when columns have multibyte comments' do
+ let :columns do
+ [
+ mock_column(:id, :integer, comment: 'ID'),
+ mock_column(:name, :string, limit: 50, comment: 'NAME')
+ ]
+ end
+ let :expected_result do
+ <<~EOS
+ # == Schema Information
+ #
+ # Table name: `users`
+ #
+ # ### Columns
+ #
+ # Name | Type | Attributes
+ # --------------------- | ------------------ | ---------------------------
+ # **`id(ID)`** | `integer` | `not null, primary key`
+ # **`name(NAME)`** | `string(50)` | `not null`
+ #
+ end
+ it 'returns schema info in Markdown format' do
+ is_expected.to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end