Table of Contents
I. Part I: Installing Host Machine Required Software
Host machine requirements
Installing WSL, Ubuntu and Git for Linux
2.1 Check versions for WSL, Ubuntu, and Git Open Powershell As Admin and Ck wsl version (mp4)
2.2. Uninstall WSL/Ubuntu (Optional)
2.3. Install WSL2 and Ubuntu after uninstalling WSL/Ubuntu
2.4. Setup Ubuntu Username and Password
Linux Administrator Operations 3.1. Install git for Linux (if not installed)
Verify LXSSMANAGER is running Start Service LXSS (mp4)
Clean Up Prior to Installing Docker 5.1. Uninstall Docker Desktop 5.2. Check for Docker for Linux 5.3. Uninstall Docker 5.4. Remove Existing Containers/Images
Install Docker in Ubuntu 6.1. Obtain a Docker ID Create docker hub account (mp4) 6.2. Install Docker 6.3. Configure the Linux host machine to work better with Docker 6.4. Verify the Docker installation 6.5. Important Docker Commands:
II. Part II: Build and Run the Test Suite
Build the Test Runner 1.1. First Time Building the Test Runner 1.2. Agree to the EULA: 1.3. Update or rebuild the Test Runner see: Update Test Runner
Import Content
2.1. Clean Up Docker in the event of a problem
Configure access to the test runner:
Run a Test (“Phase 2”)
4.1. Run a test (Single Device (Host and DUT running on the same device
4.2. Run a test on a 2-device setup -
Analyze a Recording (“Phase 3”) 5.1. Build the image 5.2. Add Results 5.3. Configure the Observation Framework 5.4. Run the analysis 5.5. Getting the analysis results 5.6. Debugging
Additional Notes 6.1. Steps to Create an Inbound Firewall Rule 6.2. Configuring IP address 6.3. Adding the observation-config.ini file
Helpful Links
Installation of the WAVE Streaming Media Test Suite – Devices on Computers Running Docker CE for Linux and Windows with WSL2
These instructions are for the user intending to install the WAVE Streaming Media Test Suite – Devices on a Windows 10/11 machine, running Ubuntu Linux on that machine using the Windows WSL2 services. These instructions have been tested specifically for those installation parameters, although the knowledgeable developer will be able to adapt the instructions to their preferences, such as running a different Linux distro instead of Ubuntu.
The WAVE Project offers the Test Suite and these instructions as open source (for details see at on the main Github Deployment page, However, we regret that we cannot provide general technical support. Bugs or feature requests may be filed at
GENERAL NOTES: For additional information and instructions see README • These instructions are for Windows 10 build 19041+ or Windows 11 build 20262+, WSL2 and a recent Ubuntu distribution (recommend 20.04 or higher). • These instructions are NOT for use with Docker Desktop • It is recommended you update Windows and then existing or newly installed WSL2, Linux and Docker packages before starting to install and build the test suite. • It is recommended that the Host PC have 2 monitors to view the instructions during the installation of the required packages and the Test Suite Build. It also allows the installer to copy and paste commands from the instructions and external sources. There have been instances where previous installations of WSL2, Ubuntu and Docker have caused issues when building and/or running the Test Suite. If you run into issues during the installation or running the Test Suite, consider uninstalling WSL, Ubuntu, Git for Linux and Docker and reinstalling them and delete the Test Suite before reinstalling. • WSL2 is required • It is highly recommended you start with a clean installation by uninstalling all prior versions of WSL2, Ubuntu and Docker for Linux and reinstall them. However, if WSL2, Ubuntu (and Git for Linux) are already installed, working, and up to date (see section 2.1 below to check), you may choose to skip to section 4 (LSXX) followed by section 5.4 below.
• IMPORTANT NOTE: Before leaving your computer for an extended period, turning off your PC, or at the end of the day (in case of an update or crash) always stop Docker by running docker stop dpctf to avoid corruption of docker files (see commands below). Restart the service and container to run the Test Suite. In case you forget or the Test Runner stops working, when all else fails, delete the WAVE folders (dpctf-deploy-master and device-observation-framework folders), and delete the container and image. Then follow the instructions for downloading and installing the Test Runner. See Part II, 2.1 for more details.
2.1 Check versions for WSL, Ubuntu, and Git Open Pwershell as Admin and Check WSL Version (MP4). The following link will show how:
WSL2 is required to run the test suite using Docker CE. To check your WSL version, open a Windows Powershell as an administrator, type” wsl” and hit enter. You may need to enter your password for Linux. It will return with the “$” prompt if you have Ubuntu (or another Linux distro). If it does, type wsl.exe --list --verbose If you are running WSL 2 with one or more Linux distributions you should see something like: NAME STATE VERSION Ubuntu Running 2 Ubuntu-22.04 Stopped 2 If you do not see Version 2 (“Version 2” refers to WSL version), go to Install WSL 2 and Ubuntu below. If you see WSL Version 2 but not an Ubuntu/Linux distribution, install Ubuntu.
Check Ubuntu is installed and update.
- In a Linux terminal type: lsb_release -a Your version appears on the "Description" line. If it is not installed, see section 2.3 “Install WSL2 and Ubuntu” below.
- To update Ubuntu see Be sure to follow the first 4 steps
- Check version of Git for Linux type: git --version If not installed, go to section 3.1 “Install git for Linux”.
2.2 Uninstall WSL/Ubuntu (Optional) NOTE: If you decide to start with a clean installation of WSL and Ubuntu (recommended), you must first uninstall them.
Uninstall WSL: There are many sites on uninstalling WSL. Examples: • Windows 11: See • Windows 10: See
To completely uninstall an Ubuntu distribution from WSL (without removing WSL2): See:
2.3. Install WSL2 and Ubuntu after uninstalling WSL/Ubuntu This step may not be required if you have up to date versions of WSL2 and Ubuntu already installed and choose not to uninstall and reinstall them. However, it is recommended to start with a clean installation to avoid complications arising from prior installations.
Open a Windows Powershell as administrator and type wsl --install Ubuntu may be installed along with WSL2. This operation will take some time.
Turn on “Windows subsystem for Linux” (wsl2) and “Virtual Machine Platform” in Features by navigating to Control Panel | Programs | Turn Windows feature on or off, or by typing “Turn Windows Features On/Off” in the search bar; then check the boxes for both. For a screenshot on how to Turn Windows Features On or Off See how at: "Turn Widows Features On or Off" (PDF)
- If the Virtual Machine Platform feature does not exist or won’t let you enable it, see
Restart computer
Set Default to WSL 2 In a Powershell as Administrator, Type wsl --set-default-version 2 This ensures that any Linux distribution will use WSL2.
Check to see that Ubuntu was installed when WSL2 was installed. Type lsb_release -a It will show the version #. Ignore the message “No LSB modules are available”.
If Ubuntu is not installed, you will need to install it. See the following link It will show you how to load a Linux Distribution. Ubuntu 22.04 is preferred. This link also covers enabling WSL 2, and setting WSL 2 to default above:
2.4. Setup Ubuntu Username and Password
Open a Linux terminal from the start menu, locate Ubuntu and click on it. This will open a Linux bash terminal.
If this is the first time you run the terminal, follow prompts to add a Linux User Name and PW, Note that these are not your Windows/user name or PW.
Setup Ubuntu Username_Password and Check version (mp4)
- Update/Upgade packages: Type sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
NOTE: Now that WSL2 and Ubuntu are installed, unless otherwise indicated all commands are performed using a Linux (Ubuntu) bash terminal as an administrator.
- To open a Linux (Ubuntu) terminal from the start menu, locate the Ubuntu app and click on it. This will open an Ubuntu bash terminal or Type “Ubuntu” in the search bar and select it.
NOTE: When running the commands that follow, unless you have set your username with root privileges you may get “command not found”. If you do, preface the command with “sudo”.
NOTE: Depending on whether your $Path includes the Path to your Unix directory, some Powershell commands such as netsh and ipconfig may require them to be prefaced with “./” e.g. ./netsh… or ./ipconfig.
3.1. Install git for Linux (if not installed)
Change directory
Type ***cd ~*** and hit enter. Then Type or copy sudo apt install git-all
Configure git. See
git config --global "John Doe" git config --global [email protected]
This service makes available a subsystem that deals with Linux executables (LX’s). See a video on how to "Start Service LXSS" at
Press WIN+R
- Type: services.msc
- Find LXSSMANAGER in the list
- If this service is not running, right click it and select START or RESTART
NOTE: You must repeat this after any restart of your PC.
In this step, we check versions and uninstall items if necessary. If this is a new install on a clean machine, these steps are not necessary, and you can skip to section 6 “Install Docker in Ubuntu”.
5.1. Uninstall Docker Desktop (if installed)
Use of Docker Desktop is not supported. If Docker Desktop is installed it should be uninstalled using Windows uninstall. In the search bar enter “add or uninstall programs” and look for Docker Desktop.
- Uninstall (Click on the 3 dots, then click uninstall).
5.2. Check for Docker for Linux Docker for Linux is required. Check if Docker for Linux (not Docker Desktop) is installed.
- In a Linux (bash) terminal type docker -v or docker --version
It should return the Docker version e.g. “Docker version 26.1.4, build 5650f9b” if it is installed.
NOTE: It is highly recommended that you uninstall and reinstall Docker unless you know it is already working correctly and/or it is needed for other work. Remnants from prior installations may cause issues.
5.3. Uninstall Docker (if required) If a version of Docker is installed and you wish to start with a fresh install, see
5.4. Remove Existing Containers/Images (if required) If this is a re-install of the Test Suite, you should remove existing Docker containers and images before re-installing. Older containers and images may contain errors or other remnants that can cause issues. See
6.1. Obtain a Docker ID Before installing Docker you will need first to obtain a Docker ID and PW at Watch a video "Create docker hub account" at
6.2. Install Docker To install Docker for Ubuntu, See (for other distributions see list at left on the page).
NOTE: If you get a “failed public key” error message when installing Docker with an Ubuntu 22.04 distro, follow the instructions at: You can also check out for additional suggestions.
6.3. Configure the Linux host machine to work better with Docker Follow these steps after Docker installation. See to set up Docker. These instructions will also allow you to run Docker as root, without prefacing Docker commands with “sudo”. See the link for full information. Some IT departments may discourage running as root for security reasons.
6.4. Verify the Docker installation
To ensure installation was successful in a bash terminal Run docker --version and docker-compose --version Both should return the version of the install. If docker-compose is not installed, run sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin Then recheck the version to confirm it is installed.
To ensure Docker is running correctly, in bash terminal Run sudo docker run hello-world This should return “Hello from Docker!” if successful
Watch a video on "Confirm Docker Working_Hello World" at
6.5. Important Docker Commands: NOTE: Before leaving your computer for an extended period of time, turning off your PC or at the end of the day (in case of an update) always stop Docker to avoid corruption of docker files (see commands below). Restart the service or container to run the Test Suite.
If you forget to stop the service/container before shutting down or restarting your computer (or an update restarts it) and Docker fails to restart, try each of the following in order:
- restart LSXX
- stop and restart the Docker Service
- restart the computer
- If that fails, clean out Docker and rebuild the Test Runner. See II section 2.1 “To cleanout Docker and rebuild the Test Suite“ below.
Docker Login/Logout: Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. docker login docker logout If you don't have a Docker ID, go to to create one.\
Start / Stop Docker. Use these commands. Run
sudo service docker start sudo service docker stop
To start and stop a single container Run sudo docker start [container name] e.g. docker start dpctf sudo docker stop [container] e.g. docker stop dpctf
Now that the platform is configured with WSL2, Ubuntu, git, Docker, etc., you are ready to install and run the WAVE Streaming Media Test Suite – Devices.
The following instructions include additional information that is not in the Deploy README but that may be useful, especially when installing in a Windows/WSL environment and for those without experience working in a Linux environment. See also the Deploy README at,
1.1. First Time Building the Test Runner
- Open an Ubuntu bash terminal NOTE: It’s important to change the directory to the location where you will store the test suite repository. e.g.
cd /mnt/c/next_level/next_level... Typically for this install it would be: cd /mnt/c/users/username/ where /username/ is your user name on your PC Then type or copy
git clone select the Code tab and clone the repository.
Then run sudo ./ This will add a new folder “dpctf-deploy” to the directory you are in e.g. /mnt/c/users/username/dpctf-deploy/. For a video on what the run should look like See the video Build the Test Runner (mp4) at
Change directory to the newly created folder dpctf-deploy e.g.
cd /mnt/c/users/your_user-name/dpctf-deploy
1.2. Agree to the EULA: For the test runner to start you are required to agree to the EULA. Set "AGREE_EULA" to "yes" in the docker-compose.yml file, which can be found in the dpctf-deploy folder.
For PDF Instructions on agreeing to the EULA see
1.3. Update or rebuild the Test Runner see: Update Test Runner at
See the video at
- run sudo ./
- When it competes run sudo docker-compose up
NOTE: This may take 5 or 10 minutes or more and appear to stall at least once. Wait until it is complete. NOTE: It will not exit when done. To proceed, leave this terminal window open and start/ open a new terminal bash and use it to continue with section 3 “Configure access to the test runner” below followed by section 4 – Run a Test.
2.1. Clean Up Docker in the event of a problem
NOTE: If sudo docker-compose up fails, try cleaning out Docker and rebuilding the Test Suite. Be cautious when running the following commands, as they will remove all containers and images regardless of their state or usage. Make sure you really want to delete everything before proceeding. Call your IT department if unsure how to proceed. Also see
- To clean out Docker and rebuild the Test Suite Stop all running containers by running docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
Then run To remove all containers run docker container prune To remove all images run Docker image prune
Follow the instructions to rebuild the test runner. See Update Test Runner.
If you have already run ./ under section 5.1 "Build the Image" you will have to rerun that again as well. Make sure to run both in the directory that contains the dpctf-deploy directory e.g. /mnt/c/users/username.
Edit the “host_override” in the config.json file which can be found in the “dpctf-docker” folder. Follow the instructions at:
NOTE: For information on locating your address and your <wsl_IP> address see Note 6.2 “Configuring IP address”.
For tests run locally (e.g. your PC is both the host and the DUT (single device setup) you can use localhost instead of host IP. However, you will need to use your host IP or “yourhost.domain.tld” if you wish to run a test on a mobile device or a TV (two-device setup). Whichever you choose to use, make sure you enter it in the config.json file and use it to run the test per section 4 “Run a Test”.
NOTE: Some tests require certificates to support https. You may need to contact your IT personnel to do this. See more details at
NOTE: You may need to open port 8000 to incoming connections. See Note 7.1 "Steps to Create an Inbound Firewall Rule" in the Additional Notes at the end of these instructions.
For more details, see Phase 2:
NOTE: There have been reported cases where tests stall on e.g. frame 1 or other frames. Allowing stalled test to run to “Session completed” often clears this error for subsequent test runs. If the error persists, try running the tests on a different browser.
Ensure Docker is running the dpctf container by running sudo docker start dpctf
4.1. To run a test (Single Device (Host and DUT running on the same device
If you added “localhost” to the config.json file in section 3 “Configure Access to the Test Runner” above. Open a browser and go to http://localhost:8000/_wave/index.html or if you added your host IP to the config.json file in section 3 “Configure Access to the Test Runner” above go to http://host_IP:8000/_wave/index.html where "host_IP" is your host IP address.
Press “Configure Session” and choose the test(s) you wish to run.
Take note of the Token. The entire Token is used in both the single-device and 2-device tests to identify the test run for later access. The first 8 Token characters are used to configure the host for a 2-device test.
To see a video of a test run, see the video at "Running a Test Single Device"
- Start recording on the recording device
- Immediately press "Start session" button to start the test(s). A new tab will open to the left of the configuration tab. Be sure to switch immediately to the new tab to view and record the session. (Do not move your cursor around the test screen).
- Once the "Session completed" screen appears, stop the recording.
- The Results can be accessed from the "Session Completed" screen. They are also saved in the dpctf-deploy “Results” folder.
- Store the recording in the dpctf-deploy directory or create a new folder to save recordings. Be sure to include the full path to the folder in <mp4-filepath> when running the analysis. See “Analyze a Recording” below.
- Save the link to the testing session including the session Token for later reference.
NOTE: If you left the terminal session where you ran “docker-compose up” running you will see the test running.
4.2. To run a test on a 2-device setup (separate host and DUT e.g. a phone or Tablet and a TV), To watch a video of a complete test run, see Running a Test 2-Devices.mp4
See See also Phase 2: Test execution and recording
Open a browser on the DUT and enter http://host_ip:8000/_wave/index.html where host_ip is your host IP address.
Open a browser on the host or companion device open a and enter http://host_ip:8000/_wave/configuration.html or just scan the QR code from the DUT browser.
After entering the first 8-characters of the token from the DUT into the Host/companion browser, configure the test and start the recording, then start the test session. The video will run on the DUT. Record the video from start to end.
Store the recording you made in Phase 2 in the dpctf-deploy directory or create a new folder to save recordings. Be sure to include the full path to the folder in <mp4-filepath> when running the analysis. See “Analyze a Recording” below.
NOTE: For more details see the README at
5.1. Build the image
To build the image run the build script in the dpctf-deploy directory:
- Run sudo ./
To watch a video of the build, see "Build the Observation Framework" at
5.2. Add Results To allow the Observation Framework to add the results to the Test Runner's session set the correct domain name of the Test Runner in the config file see:
5.3. Configure the Observation Framework For a video on configuring the Observation Framework see "Configure the Observation Framework" at
To create the observation-config.ini file see Note 6.3 Adding the observation-config.ini file. Alternatively you can follow the Deploy instructions at:
To view the text you entered Run sudo cat observation-config.ini
5.4. Run the analysis For a video on analyzing a recording see "Analyze a Recording"
- Run sudo ./ [mp4-filepath]/mp4-filename [options] where the [mp4-filepath] is the path to the recording followed by the file name of the recording file (be sure to include “.mp4” at the end of the file name). [options] are defined at the link below. e.g. /mnt/c/users/<your_user_name>/dpctf-deploy/<xyz1234.mp4> assuming the mp4 file is stored in the dpctf-deploy directory.
NOTE: For more information on available [options] see
NOTE: After running the analysis, the mp4 file will be renamed and stored. To rerun the analysis on the same file you will need to use that new name for the analysis.
5.5. Getting the analysis results
If configured correctly in the step Configure the Observation Framework, the results of the analysis are now available in the Test Runner's session: http://<yourhost.domain.tld>:8000/_wave/results.html?token=SESSIONTOKEN
The Observation results are also located in the dpctf-deploy/observation-results directory.
5.6. Debugging
If the observation framework reports errors and/or that the device has failed, some information on analysis and debugging can be found at
6.1. Steps to Create an Inbound Firewall Rule
- Open Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security:
- Press Windows Key + R, type wf.msc, and press Enter. This will open the Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security.
- Create a New Inbound Rule:
- In the left-hand pane, click on "Inbound Rules".
- In the right-hand pane, click on "New Rule..." to start the New Inbound Rule Wizard.
- Select Rule Type: Select "Port" and click "Next".
- Specify the Ports:
- Choose "TCP".
- In the "Specific local ports" field, enter 8000 and click "Next".
Action: Select "Allow the connection" and click "Next".
Profile: Check all profiles (Domain, Private, and Public) to apply the rule in all network conditions, then click "Next".
Name the Rule: Give the rule a meaningful name, such as "Allow Port 8000", and click "Finish".
6.2. Configuring IP address:
To find your host IP address, open a Windows PowerShell as Administrator. Then type ipconfig and copy the IPV4 address of your windows host e.g. (let’s call this [host_ip]. This is the IP you should use in "host_override": "[host_ip]". See the config.json file in dpctf-deploy) NOTE: Which Host IP address you use depends on whether you are using Ethernet or WiFi as the network for your host.
In Windows PowerShell run: wsl hostname -I and copy the (first) IP address e.g. Lets call this [wsl_ip]
To find your Host and WSL IP addresses see "IP Config and wsl IP address" at:
Using the above WSL IP addresses, in Windows PowerShell (must be run as Admin by Admin User!) run: netsh.exe interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=8000 listenaddress= connectport=8000 connectaddress=[wsl_ip]
netsh.exe interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=8443 listenaddress= connectport=8443 connectaddress=[wsl_ip]
NOTE: Make sure you use the correct IP addresses [host_ip] & [wsl_ip].
For a screenshot of the commands see the screenshot "Configure access to the Test Runner WSL Proxy" at
6.3. Adding the observation-config.ini file
For more information see
- To configure the Observation Framework create the observation-config.ini file in the dpctf-deploy folder using a Linux bash terminal follow these instructions:
• cd to the dpctf-deploy directory • Run
cat >observation-config.ini press enter. It will create and open the observation-config.ini file. It will show a blank line since you have not entered any text yet. Next: • Copy and paste the observation-config.ini text into the blank line from
press Ctrl+d to save press ctrl X to exit
- To view the text you entered Run
cat observation-config.ini
or open the file using notepad.
7. Helpful Links Test Suite Installation README
Docker and WSL2 without Docker Desktop ***
Check WSL version
Upgrade WSL to WSL2
Uninstall WSL and Ubuntu Windows 11: Windows 10:
How to Install Ubuntu in WSL2 in Just 3 Steps **
Update Ubuntu
Git First Time Setup
Uninstall Docker
Install Docker in Ubuntu
Running Docker on WSL2 without Docker Desktop (the right way)
Post install: managing docker and setting up permissions, etc.