Linker Config for Color (RGBA)
Add Linker setting for min height
default values in all loadJSONConfig methods
make them not static
- Basic Particle Effects
- Vines
- Lizards (swarms to anchors)
- Weird square effect (MOMA)
- Anchor type effects where your code structure influences particle behaviour
- Customizable Anchor Types (Bracket/Brace/Parenthesis/Colon)
- MultiLayer w/ caret tracking
- Linker Chains w/ caret tracking
- hotkey to activate (bonus: configurable?)
- Sound panel (Tabbed Panel) (MP3)
- Play 2x Song w/ 2 Hotkeys to trigger each one (MP3)
- Droste effect
- CopyPasteVoid effect
- Background Loading of Assets
- Max 500 *.png or 1.0GB of data per Image Collection
- clone zeranthium-extras repo and select config pack to load
- Action Key Sound Options (Copy/Paste/Backspace/Del/Enter)
- Locked layer that stretches or pins to corner
- Supports multiple editors
- 'Lantern' Particles
- 'Tap Animation' -- keypress controls how fast it animates
- ON/OFF hotkey to quickly toggle Zeranthium
future TODO:
BUILDUP_MONITOR, where you hit different thresholds
- based on threshold, different SOUNDS/EFFECTS HAPPEN
- thresholds can be based on wpm
- can be based on typing X characters to achieve threshold 2
- then type Y characters more to achieve threshold 3
- then resets back to threshold 1
Add PackLoader support for all settings, provide template for how to write config file
Ability to 'export' all settings as saved package (pngs/mp3s/json)
code explorer (e.g. wave collapse for dungeon background) ---- when you type it lights up background, e.g. icnreasing alpha from 0->0.1
code explorer v2 ---- typing lights up dungeion PLUS sends out ai units to battle spiders etc.. LOL
plant growth using wave collapse function?
BELOW NEED "FONTSET" type datatype;
36daysofType callout
36daysofType COMPLETE replacement of all characters LOL
- would require minimum fontsize?
- or 'master font set 100x100px' would 'generate' font size set for current fontsize e.g. 14pt would show a 'genereating font' after setting is set
TOKEN callout with decoration above
- can choose 'holder' animation/image
- can choose 'font' to display each char typed