Create facial UV-texture dataset
Prepare a directory of dataset project, which contains a "images" subfolder.
Put the original facial images into the "images" subfolder.
Modify the configuration and then run the following script to create the facial UV-texture dataset.
sh # Please refer to this script for detailed configuration
Put the original facial images into "images" subfolder of the dataset project.
The checkpoints and topology assets can be downloaded from here .
cd ./DataSet_Step1_Inversion
python \
--proj_data_dir ${proj_data_dir} \
--e4e_model_path ${checkpoints_dir}/e4e_model/ \
--shape_predictor_model_path ${checkpoints_dir}/dlib_model shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat
Step 2 - Detect attributes of the inverted faces
cd ../DataSet_Step2_Det_Attributes
python \
--proj_data_dir ${proj_data_dir} \
--dpr_model_path ${checkpoints_dir}/dpr_model/trained_model_03.t7
python \
--proj_data_dir ${proj_data_dir}
Based on Deep Single-Image Portrait Relighting (DPR) and Microsoft Face API .
The DPR is used to detect 9-dimensional spherical harmonic lighting coefficients (see example (.npy file) ).
The Microsoft Face API is used to detect attributes: Age, Baldness, Beard, Expression, Gender, Glasses, Pitch, Yaw (see example (.json file) ).
Microsoft Face API is not accessible for new users , one can find an alternative API, or manually fill in the json file to avoid this step.
We provide the detected facial attributes of the FFHQ dataset we used , please find details from here .
Step 3 - StyleGAN-based facial image editing
cd ../DataSet_Step3_Editing
python \
--proj_data_dir ${proj_data_dir} \
--network_pkl ${checkpoints_dir}/stylegan_model/stylegan2-ffhq-config-f.pkl \
--flow_model_path ${checkpoints_dir}/styleflow_model/ \
--exp_direct_path ${checkpoints_dir}/styleflow_model/ \
--exp_recognition_path ${checkpoints_dir}/exprecog_model/FacialExpRecognition_model.t7 \
--edit_items delight,norm_attr,multi_yaw
Step 4 - UV-texture extraction, correction & completion
cd ../DataSet_Step4_UV_Texture
python \
--proj_data_dir ${proj_data_dir} \
--ckp_dir ${checkpoints_dir} \
--topo_dir ${topo_assets_dir}
Using our trained Deep3D model to predict 3D shapes of multi-view facial images.
Extract facial textures from multi-view facial images.
Perform texture correction & completion to generate high-quality UV-texture maps robustly.