This project is sponsored by Vercel, they offer free and paid webhosting. We use their service to keep the dashboard online 24/7, they guarantee 99.9% uptime. Checkout their service at
We expect you to have a basic understanding of JavaScript / TypeScript hosting of things like websites and Discord bots when using one of our repositories. Do not ask general questions like "How to install NodeJS?" or "How to update .env" in both our Discord server and the issue tracker.
Please don't open issues or ask for support with the reason "... doesn't work". If something does not work, explain as detailed as possible what went wrong, how to reproduce it and what versions you used (NodeJS version, etc)
Hosting your own version is allowed, however, there is 1 rule. MIT License doesn't mean oh, I can just steal the bot and say it's mine. No, you leave credits where they are and you clearly state that the bot is created by us. That's easy you might think. Well not for the users who think, that credits are bullshit and don't want it. It's the only thing I want you guys to do, nothing more.
This project is WIP, please come back later for a guide on how to host this bot yourself.
👤 DaanGamesDG
- Website:
- Email: [email protected]
- Twitter: @DaanGamesDG
- Github: @DaanGamesDG
This will always be open source project, even if I don't receive donations. But there are still people out there that want to donate, so if you do here is the link PayPal or to Ko-Fi. Thanks in advance! I really appriciate it <3
Project is licensed under the © MIT License