Note: For full compatibility, use Python >= 3.6 to run this notebook.
This notebook explains how you can evaluate an individual solution to one of the problem instances without creating a whole submission.
This way, you can quickly and easily check if the solutions you calculated conform the the business rules and you will also get a score for each solution, telling you how good it, as it will also calculate the objective value of this specific solution.
This makes frequent testing and tuning of your algorithm much easier than using the submission process.
However: Please observe a limit of at most one (1) validation per minute in order not to overwhelm the service
Note: The following code is also collected in this script
Setup config:
import requests
import translate
import json
from io import StringIO
import os,sys,inspect
AUTH = ('MartyMcFly', 'Uranium-235')
Specify the files to use. Validating a solution only makes sense when also specifying which problem instance the solution is intended for. So we specify both the problem instance and the solution. Both must be available as a JSON file.
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
scenario = os.path.join(parentdir,'sample_files',"sample_scenario.json")
solution = os.path.join(parentdir,'sample_files',"sample_scenario_solution.json")
with open(scenario) as fp:
scenario_content = json.load(fp)
We first read the file and send it to the translation. Translation translates the model from English to German, so our Solution Validator can understand it.
scenario_content = ""
with open(scenario) as fp:
scenario_content = json.load(fp)
scenario_content = translate.translate(scenario_content, translate.translate_to_ger)
We can now upload the solution to the service
scenario_file = {"verkehrsplan": StringIO(json.dumps(scenario_content))}
upload_response =, files=scenario_file, auth=AUTH)
print(f"upload finished with status {upload_response}")
upload finished with status <Response [200]>
We now read the solution file and translate it...
solution_content = ""
with open(solution) as fp:
solution_content = json.load(fp)
solution_content = translate.translate(solution_content, translate.translate_to_ger)
... in order to upload and validate the solution. The response from the validation is then translated again back into English
solution_file = {"loesung": StringIO(json.dumps(solution_content))}
validation_response =, files=solution_file, auth=AUTH)
print(f"validation finished with status {validation_response.status_code}")
response = validation_response.json()
validation_result = translate.translate(response, translate.translate_to_eng)
validation_result = translate.translate_message_word_for_word(validation_result)
validation finished with status 200
Inspect the response. The rule violations are collected in the attribute business_rules_violations
. They are grouped into warnings
and errors
mean your solution violates some non-essential business rules. A common such case is if an event is scheduled too late (i.e. a delay). Solutions with warnings but no errors are accepted, but they may receive an imperfect score.errors
means the solution violates an essential business rule. Solutions with errors are not accepted and scored just like a missing solution.
Note: Some of the text might still be in German. Please use Google Translate in order to get some understanding.
warnings = [x for x in validation_result["business_rules_violations"] if x["severity"] == "warning"]
errors = [x for x in validation_result["business_rules_violations"] if x["severity"] == "error"]
print(f"There are {len(warnings)} warnings and {len(errors)} errors" + "\n")
if len(errors) > 0:
print(f"the solution has {len(errors)} errors. It will not be accepted as a feasible solution. "
f"See the error messages for details.")
for x in errors:
print("- "+x["message"])
# print(x["message_original"])
for x in warnings:
print("- "+x["message"])
elif len(warnings) > 0:
print(f"the solution has {len(warnings)} warnings. It will be accepted as a feasible solution. ")
if validation_result['objective_value'] > 0.0:
print(f"However, it will incur {validation_result['objective_value']} penalty points in the grader.")
for x in warnings:
print("- "+x["message"])
# print(x["message_original"])
There are 0 warnings and 0 errors
The following solution has a wrong solution hash. This causes a warning
, but this particular warning is irrelevant. Also, the solution is not penalized because of this. The objective_value
of the solution is zero, which is perfect.
you may safely ignore all solution-hash warnings in your solutions
solution = os.path.join(parentdir,'sample_files',"sample_scenario_solution_warningHash.json")
with open(solution) as fp:
solution_content = json.load(fp)
solution_content = translate.translate(solution_content, translate.translate_to_ger)
solution_file = {"loesung": StringIO(json.dumps(solution_content))}
validation_response =, files=solution_file, auth=AUTH)
print(f"validation finished with status {validation_response.status_code} \n")
response = validation_response.json()
validation_result = translate.translate(response, translate.translate_to_eng)
validation_result = translate.translate_message_word_for_word(validation_result)
warnings = [x for x in validation_result["business_rules_violations"] if x["severity"] == "warning"]
errors = [x for x in validation_result['business_rules_violations'] if x['severity'] == 'error']
print(f"There are {len(warnings)} warnings and {len(errors)} errors" + "\n")
if len(errors) > 0:
print(f"the solution has {len(errors)} errors. It will not be accepted as a feasible solution. "
f"See the error messages for details.")
for x in errors:
print("- "+x["message"])
for x in warnings:
print("- "+x["message"])
elif len(warnings) > 0:
print(f"the solution has {len(warnings)} warnings. It will be accepted as a feasible solution. ")
if validation_result['objective_value'] > 0.0:
print(f"However, it will incur {validation_result['objective_value']} penalty points in the grader.")
for x in warnings:
print("- "+x["message"])
validation finished with status 200
There are 1 warnings and 0 errors
the solution has 1 warnings. It will be accepted as a feasible solution.
- Solution with VP-Label "SBB_challenge_sample_scenario_with_routing_alternatives" and problem_instance_hash "-1254734547" has a wrong Hash! Hash: 161193081, expected: 1538680897
The following solution again has a wrong solution hash, but again we ignore it.
More importantly: Train 111 should arrive no later than 8:50:00 according to the problem instance, but solution schedules it only at 8:51:08, which is 1.13 minutes too late. For this reason the solution is penalized with 1.13 minutes_of_delay
, which is also its total objective_value
(you can read up how the objective function is calculated here).
solution = os.path.join(parentdir,'sample_files',"sample_scenario_solution_delayed_arrival.json")
with open(solution) as fp:
solution_content = json.load(fp)
solution_content = translate.translate(solution_content, translate.translate_to_ger)
solution_file = {"loesung": StringIO(json.dumps(solution_content))}
validation_response =, files=solution_file, auth=AUTH)
print(f"validation finished with status {validation_response.status_code} \n")
response = validation_response.json()
validation_result = translate.translate(response, translate.translate_to_eng)
validation_result = translate.translate_message_word_for_word(validation_result)
warnings = [x for x in validation_result["business_rules_violations"] if x["severity"] == "warning"]
errors = [x for x in validation_result['business_rules_violations'] if x['severity'] == 'error']
print(f"There are {len(warnings)} warnings and {len(errors)} errors" + "\n")
if len(errors) > 0:
print(f"the solution has {len(errors)} errors. It will not be accepted as a feasible solution. "
f"See the error messages for details.")
for x in errors:
print("- "+x["message"])
for x in warnings:
print("- "+x["message"])
elif len(warnings) > 0:
print(f"the solution has {len(warnings)} warnings. It will be accepted as a feasible solution. ")
if validation_result['objective_value'] > 0.0:
print(f"However, it will incur {validation_result['objective_value']} penalty points in the grader.")
for x in warnings:
print("- "+x["message"])
validation finished with status 200
There are 2 warnings and 0 errors
the solution has 2 warnings. It will be accepted as a feasible solution.
However, it will incur 1.1333333 penalty points in the grader.
- Solution with VP-Label "SBB_challenge_sample_scenario_with_routing_alternatives" and problem_instance_hash "-1254734547" has a wrong Hash! Hash: 1611930817, expected: 2080299070
- Exit time 08:51:08 after exit_latest 08:50 for Train run sections with FAB-Id "111#14" and Section Marker "C" in fA "111"
This solution has actual errors. It will not be accepted as a feasible solution by the grader. There are three errors:
- The service intentions 111 and 113 occupy both occupy resource 'AB' at the same time, namely
- 111 on its route section with sequence number 3 (route section id '111#3') from 07:50:00 to 08:20:53
- 113 on its route section number 1 from 07:50:00 to 07:50:53
The same service intentions also conflict each other on route sections 111#3 and 113#4. This is listed as a separate conflict
Service intention 111 enters route section 111#3 (its first route section) at 07:50:00. This is earlier than the
earliest entry
of 08:20:00 specified in the service intention.
solution = os.path.join(parentdir,'sample_files',"sample_scenario_solution_early_entry.json")
with open(solution) as fp:
solution_content = json.load(fp)
solution_content = translate.translate(solution_content, translate.translate_to_ger)
solution_file = {"loesung": StringIO(json.dumps(solution_content))}
validation_response =, files=solution_file, auth=AUTH)
print(f"validation finished with status {validation_response.status_code} \n")
response = validation_response.json()
validation_result = translate.translate(response, translate.translate_to_eng)
validation_result = translate.translate_message_word_for_word(validation_result)
warnings = [x for x in validation_result["business_rules_violations"] if x["severity"] == "warning"]
errors = [x for x in validation_result['business_rules_violations'] if x['severity'] == 'error']
print(f"There are {len(warnings)} warnings and {len(errors)} errors" + "\n")
if len(errors) > 0:
print(f"the solution has {len(errors)} errors. It will not be accepted as a feasible solution. "
f"See the error messages for details.")
for x in errors:
print("- "+x["message"])
for x in warnings:
print("- "+x["message"])
elif len(warnings) > 0:
print(f"the solution has {len(warnings)} warnings. It will be accepted as a feasible solution. ")
if validation_result['objective_value'] > 0.0:
print(f"However, it will incur {validation_result['objective_value']} penalty points in the grader.")
for x in warnings:
print("- "+x["message"])
validation finished with status 200
There are 1 warnings and 3 errors
the solution has 3 errors. It will not be accepted as a feasible solution. See the error messages for details.
- Occupancy conflict (Blocking resource) Release time[s] 30, Resource: "AB", fAs: "111" / "113", FABs: "111#3" / "113#1", Times entry-exit: 07:50-08:20:53 / 07:50-07:50:53
- Occupancy conflict (Blocking resource) Release time[s] 30, Resource: "AB", fAs: "111" / "113", FABs: "111#3" / "113#4", Times entry-exit: 07:50-08:20:53 / 07:50:53-07:51:25
- Entry time 07:50 before entry_earliest 08:20 for Train run sections with FAB-Id "111#3" and Section Marker "A" in fA "111"
- Solution with VP-Label "SBB_challenge_sample_scenario_with_routing_alternatives" and problem_instance_hash "-1254734547" has a wrong Hash! Hash: 1611930817, expected: 460224476