# Where Syntax Currently, the `WHERE` statement only applies to the `GO` statement. ```ngql WHERE (expression [ AND | OR expression ...]) ``` Usually, `WHERE` is a set of logical combination that filter vertex or edge properties. > As syntactic sugar, you can freely choose to use both `AND` and `&&`. They are both boolean logical and. So do `OR` and `||`. ## Examples ```ngql /* GO FROM 201 OVER like */ -- Apply in a GO statement WHERE e1.prop1 >= 17 -- the edge e1's property prop1 is larger than 17 WHERE $^.v1.prop1 == $$.v2.prop2 -- the source vertex v1's property prop1 is equivalent with destination vertex v2's property prop2 WHERE ((e3.prop3 < 0.5) OR ($^.v4.prop4 != "hello")) AND $$.v5.prop5 == "world" -- logical combination is allowed WHERE 1 == 1 OR TRUE --always TRUE ```