- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with heka
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Heka is a tool for collecting and collating data from a number of different sources, performing "in-flight" processing of collected data, and delivering the results to any number of destinations for further analysis.
If applicable, this section should have a brief description of the technology the module integrates with and what that integration enables. This section should answer the questions: "What does this module do?" and "Why would I use it?"
If your module has a range of functionality (installation, configuration, management, etc.) this is the time to mention it.
Install the heka server:
include heka
Install plugins:
heka::plugin::dashboard { 'Dashboard': }
heka::plugin::tcpinput { 'RsyslogDecoder':
port => 1514,
decoder => 'RsyslogDecoder',
send_decode_failures => true,
splitter => 'NullSplitter',
use_tls => false,
net => 'tcp4',
heka::decoder::rsyslogdecoder { 'RsyslogDecoder': template => '<%PRI%>%TIMESTAMP:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg%\n' }
Configure a heka server:
heka::plugin::tcpinput { 'heka_server':
port => 5565,
send_decode_failures => true,
use_tls => true,
tls_cert_file => "${::settings::ssldir}/certs/${::clientcert}.pem",
tls_key_file => "${::settings::ssldir}/private_keys/${::clientcert}.pem",
tls_client_cafile => "${::settings::ssldir}/certs/ca.pem",
tls_client_auth => 'RequireAndVerifyClientCert',
tls_prefer_server_ciphers => true,
tls_min_version => 'TLS11',
net => 'tcp4',
On the server, we don't want to have the tcpinput plugin enabled:
Heka::Plugin::Tcpoutput <| title == 'to_heka_server' |> {
ensure => absent
Print all messages to stdout:
heka::encoder::rstencoder {'RstEncoder': }
heka::plugin::logoutput {'debug':
message_matcher => "Type == 'heka.counter-output'",
encoder => 'RstEncoder',
- Fork the project
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Send a pull request with a description of your changes