diff --git a/docs/source/package.rst b/docs/source/package.rst
index b14fa69ef..b9c1af54d 100644
--- a/docs/source/package.rst
+++ b/docs/source/package.rst
@@ -40,16 +40,69 @@ CWL CommandLineTool
Following CWL package definition represents the :py:mod:`weaver.processes.builtin.jsonarray2netcdf` process.
.. literalinclude:: ../../weaver/processes/builtin/jsonarray2netcdf.cwl
- :language: YAML
+ :language: YAML
+ :linenos:
+The first main components is the ``class: CommandLineTool`` that tells `Weaver` it will be a *base* process
+(contrarily to `CWL Workflow`_ presented later).
CWL Workflow
+`Weaver` also supports `CWL` ``class: Workflow``. When an `Application Package` is defined this way, the process
+deployment operation will attempt to resolve each ``step`` as another process.
+The following `CWL` definition demonstrates an example ``Workflow`` process that would resolve each ``step`` with
+local processes of match IDs. For instance, the ``jsonarray2netcdf`` middle step corresponds to the `builtin`_
+process presented in the previous section. Other processes referenced here
+.. raw:: html
+ CWL Workflow Example
+.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/functional/application-packages/workflow_subset_ice_days.cwl
+ :language: JSON
+ :linenos:
+.. raw:: html
+Step Reference
+In order to resolve referenced processes as steps, `Weaver` supports 3 formats.
+1. Process ID explicitly given
+ (e.g.: ``jsonarray2netcdf`` resolved to :py:mod:`weaver.processes.builtin.jsonarray2netcdf`).
+ Any *visible* process from |getcap-req|_ response should be resolved this way.
+2. Full URL to the process description endpoint, provided that it also offers a |pkg-req|_ endpoint (`Weaver`-specific).
+3. Full URL to the explicit `CWL` file (usually corresponding to (2) or the ``href`` provided in deployment body).
+When an URL to the `CWL` process "file" is provided with an extension, it must be one of the supported values defined
+in :py:data:`weaver.processes.wps_package.PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS`. Otherwise, `Weaver` will refuse it as it cannot figure
+out how to parse it.
+Because `Weaver` and the underlying `CWL` executor need to resolve all steps in order to validate their input and
+output definitions correspond (id, format, type, etc.) in order to chain them, all intermediate processes **MUST**
+be available. This means that you cannot `Deploy`_ nor `Execute`_ a ``Workflow``-flavored `Application Package` until
+all referenced steps have themselves been deployed and made visible.
+.. warning::
+ Because `Weaver` needs to convert given `CWL` documents into equivalent `WPS` process definition, embedded `CWL`
+ processes within a ``Workflow`` step are not supported currently. This is a known limitation of the implementation,
+ but not much can be done against it without major modifications to the code base.
+ See also issue `#56 `_.
+.. seealso::
+ - :py:func:`weaver.processes.wps_package.get_package_workflow_steps`
+ - `Deploy`_ request details.
Correspondance between CWL and WPS fields
diff --git a/weaver/processes/builtin/jsonarray2netcdf.cwl b/weaver/processes/builtin/jsonarray2netcdf.cwl
index 39db02c2d..a4ad3308f 100644
--- a/weaver/processes/builtin/jsonarray2netcdf.cwl
+++ b/weaver/processes/builtin/jsonarray2netcdf.cwl
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ cwlVersion: v1.0
class: CommandLineTool
# target the installed python pointing to weaver conda env to allow imports
baseCommand: python
-arguments: ["${WEAVER_ROOT_DIR}/weaver/processes/builtin/jsonarray2netcdf.py", "-o", $(runtime.outdir)]
+ - "${WEAVER_ROOT_DIR}/weaver/processes/builtin/jsonarray2netcdf.py"
+ - "-o"
+ - "$(runtime.outdir)"
type: File