Local Welcome is a project to help new refugees meet people in their community. The big goal is to help people get back into their industry - for instance, introducing a Syrian dentist to a British dentist. Meetups are held around the country on the first Sunday of each month.
Previously, all the meetups were organised "by hand" using a combination of Eventbrite, Google Docs, and human co-ordinators. The aim of this webapp is to save time, allow other people to run local chapters independently, give the project its own permanent web presence, and remove the bottleneck/single point of failure of having a single overall co-ordinator.
The app is live at http://www.local-welcome.org/ now.
I've been experimenting with livestreaming my work on Twitch. Feedback is welcomed!
I've also made a screencast to show chapter organisers how to add & announce events.
Local Welcome is a standard Rails app. As long as you have Ruby and Bundler installed, running the app should be as simple as:
bundle install
bundle exec rake db:setup
bundle exec rails server
You can login as an admin with the username "[email protected]" and the password "password".
I'm using RSpec as a test framework. You can run the test suite with the following command:
bundle exec rake spec
The Thoughtbot article about Rails testing is my preferred crib sheet for Rails tests.