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Non-critical corrections - September 2024 Edition #1090

epage opened this issue Aug 30, 2024 · 50 comments · Fixed by #1107

Non-critical corrections - September 2024 Edition #1090

epage opened this issue Aug 30, 2024 · 50 comments · Fixed by #1107
enhancement Improve the expected


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epage commented Aug 30, 2024

Please list any corrections you noticed typos doesn't fix and we'll roll these up into a single PR, making it lighter weight for adding new corrections.

Preferred format (for easy copy/pasting):

bad1 -> good1
bad2 -> good2

(using a code block allows me one-click copy/paste)

Feel free to update your comment as you find more suggestions for this month to reduce noise and making updating the dictionary easier

Please use dedicated issues for false positives as they likely need more discussion than is intended for this thread.

Related open issues

@epage epage added the enhancement Improve the expected label Aug 30, 2024
@epage epage pinned this issue Aug 30, 2024
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rusty-snake commented Aug 30, 2024

irelevant -> irrelevant
inaccessiable -> inaccessible
temporar -> temporary
arethmetic -> arithmetic
negeated -> negated
exeutable -> executable
analyse -> analyze

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edmorley commented Sep 1, 2024

bttr -> better
clonable -> cloneable
dependending -> depending
interpereters -> interpreters
non-determistic -> non-deterministic
practcies -> practices
quites -> quotes
revlalidation -> revalidation
simplicifaction -> simplification
subproces -> subprocess
transtive -> transitive
versfion -> version

(some of these are probably less common, so feel free to skip any as you see fit :-) )

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Thank you for developing a useful tool. Suggest minor correction.

coonnection -> connection

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ncvv commented Sep 2, 2024

evalauted -> evaluated

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accecess -> access
certifate -> certificate
convedsion -> conversion
defeind -> defined
explicly -> explicitly
expoter -> exporter
igonoring -> ignoring
metri -> metric
observabl -> observable
observatrions -> observations
observerable -> observable
priroritize -> prioritize
progatators -> propagators
recoreds -> records

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addicionally -> additionally

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NathanBaulch commented Sep 3, 2024

anager -> manager
byets -> bytes
capaacity -> capacity
clenaup -> cleanup
cluter -> cluster
colleced -> collected
collectng -> collecting
comsumable -> consumable
comunications -> communications
confinguration - configuration
considereable -> considerable
consoluted -> consulted
constansts -> constants
crictical -> critical
dynammic -> dynamic
eviciton -> eviction
exclive -> exclusive
genenric -> generic
idenitified -> identifies
inconsistence -> inconsistency
inhibt -> inhibit
listeral -> literal
mardown -> markdown
mountble -> mountable
nonexisted -> nonexistent
orphanded -> orphaned
palne -> plane
partialially -> partially
participanting -> participating
popoulator -> populator
reconciliates -> reconciles
refencing -> referencing
regitration -> registration
repored -> reported
requities -> requisites
resvolved -> resolved
runetime -> runtime
sattisfied -> satisfied
sercret -> secret
speecified -> specified
sythetic -> synthetic
terminoloy -> terminology
tolerants -> tolerates
topolgy -> topology
upgradring -> upgrading
useable -> usable
variabled -> variables

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approate -> appropriate

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jrosdahl commented Sep 3, 2024

boudning -> bounding
correpsondences -> correspondences
dirve -> drive
dirves -> drives
dirving -> driving
enseble -> ensemble
expantion -> expansion
immatable -> immutable, imitable
immatably -> immutably
lmited -> limited
rekative -> relative
surrondings -> surroundings
tagg -> tag
taggs -> tags

I also suggest

checkings -> checkins, checks

instead of

checkings -> checkins

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ejpcmac commented Sep 3, 2024

instalded -> installed

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NathanBaulch commented Sep 3, 2024

becaused -> because
coccupied -> occupied
configuratio -> configuration
confingure -> configure
conlict -> conflict
destrination -> destination
downcale -> downscale
expectataions -> expectations
expotential -> exponential
generoator -> generator
mutatable -> mutable
percentabge -> percentage
poilcy -> policy
ppoulator -> populator
provison -> provision
reevaludated -> reevaluated
reosource -> resource
replacemnnt -> replacement
retuned -> returned
scrubed -> scrubbed
shutted -> shut
similates -> simulates
skup -> skip
teanant -> tenant
tentant -> tenant
unmamanged -> unmanaged
unresolveable -> unresolvable
utilizization -> utilization

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hofbi commented Sep 4, 2024

Inuition -> Intuition

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NathanBaulch commented Sep 5, 2024

accorind -> according
accourdingly -> accordingly
aggregration -> aggregation
alghorithms -> algorithms
alwaty -> always
appliyed -> applied
automattic -> automatic
avoing -> avoiding
backfil -> backfill
chubks -> chunks
compactible -> compactable
cosumed -> consumed
diableld -> disabled
exmplar -> exemplar
fleat -> float
gracelfuly -> gracefully
imge -> image
incrememnting -> incrementing
ingeger -> integer
intecepting -> intercepting
mutuall -> mutually
permessions -> permissions
prefereed -> preferred
qoutient -> quotient
referered -> referred
replics -> replicas
sclaing -> scaling
teest -> test
unlass -> unless
usting -> using
withtout -> without

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kachick commented Sep 5, 2024

trancate -> truncate

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advenced -> advanced

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NathanBaulch commented Sep 5, 2024

affeccting -> affecting
affinily -> affinity
appriorate -> appropriate
bactch -> batch
circulary -> circular
cluste -> cluster
confgi -> config
conformace -> conformance
containeres -> containers
delopyment -> deployment
devie -> device
dostribution -> distribution
enpoind -> endpoint
existings -> existing
expirese -> expires
faillures -> failures
flakeness -> flakiness
headlesss -> headless
hosrtname -> hostname
hostnae -> hostname
housingkeeping -> housekeeping
inactvie -> inactive
intermitten -> intermittent
interpretad -> interpreted
mataching -> matching
menaingful -> meaningful
mirrorowing -> mirroring
mustated -> mutated
optiona -> optional
ownerd - owned
peplica -> replica
provisoined -> provisioned
repilcas -> replicas
repoerter -> reporter
reprensents -> represents
resourece -> resource
restartalbe -> restartable
sateful -> stateful
simultinously -> simultaneously
suject -> subject
supsequent -> subsequent
taits -> taints
thir -> this
toopology -> topology
unublish - unpublish
voluem -> volume

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increate -> increase
convertes -> converts, converted

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deprecatation -> deprecation

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phip1611 commented Sep 6, 2024

montitor -> monitor
analsys -> analysis

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Veetaha commented Sep 6, 2024

statless -> stateless
overrdies -> overrides
trarget -> target
oredering -> ordering
buuilder -> builder
monty -> month, money
missng -> missing

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NathanBaulch commented Sep 6, 2024

admisssion -> admission
allwoed -> allowed
ammortize -> amortize
anymoer -> anymore
asscoaied -> associated
availablee -> available
cannpt -> cannot
casses -> cases
cient -> client
cliuster -> cluster
colletor -> collector
concurreny -> concurrency
consequene -> consequence
consuminng -> consuming
decideds -> decides
dedependents -> dependents
definitoins -> definitions
delievere -> delivered
demamd -> demand
deoends -> depends
dependentes -> dependencies
dvided -> divided
enqueud -> enqueued
ensuers -> ensures
equest -> request
expessive -> expressive
exportint -> exporting
expoter -> exporter
filfills -> fulfills
functoins -> functions
funvion -> function
graceufl -> graceful
hermertic -> hermetic
incomng -> incoming
inmutable -> immutable
insentively -> insensitively
interoperabilty -> interoperability
latecny -> latency
latenciy -> latency
lateny -> latency
maintenaing -> maintaining
metohd -> method
milesone -> milestone
mimc -> mimic
minimimum -> minimum
mutatations -> mutations
namespaeed -> namespaced
nullalbe -> nullable
obcject -> object
oprhan -> orphan
popualted -> populated
recrated -> recreated
registertd -> registered
represensts -> represents
reqisters -> registers
resourece -> resource
rlated -> related
selctor -> selector
seup -> setup
stogare -> storage
structually -> structurally
sttrict -> strict
taked -> taken
traversible -> traversable
validaing -> validating
variabled -> variables

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akx commented Sep 9, 2024

depracted -> deprecated

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zecakeh commented Sep 10, 2024

campare -> compare
ttrying -> trying

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Facel3ss1 commented Sep 10, 2024

tokne -> token
unitialised -> uninitialised

Note that uninitialised is British English.

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hofbi commented Sep 10, 2024

lifecicle -> lifecycle

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mamekoro commented Sep 11, 2024

enumeratable -> enumerable
enumuratable -> enumerable
enumurate -> enumerate
enumurated -> enumerated
enumurates -> enumerates
enumurating -> enumerating
enumuration -> enumeration
enumurator -> enumerator

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ejpcmac commented Sep 11, 2024

crete -> create
cretes -> creates

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swahpy commented Sep 12, 2024

interogate -> interrogate

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DJMcNab commented Sep 12, 2024

adverserial -> adversarial

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cbachhuber commented Sep 12, 2024

congugate -> conjugate
acceleation -> acceleration

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embe-pw commented Sep 13, 2024

terrabytes -> terabytes

(the singular version is there already)

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NathanBaulch commented Sep 15, 2024

asssertions -> assertions
betweeb -> between
concatanete -> concatenate
descripriptors -> descriptors
disruptness -> disruption
emput -> empty
inheritend -> inherited
lexographical -> lexicographical
mulltiple -> multiple
otional -> optional
panc -> panic
preferaable -> preferable
preferaable -> preferable
recogonize -> recognize
recogonize -> recognize
referecnes -> references
regax -> regex
represes -> represents
rnger -> ranger
roatated -> rotated
spcifying -> specifying
successefully -> successfully
timetstamp -> timestamp
togetheer -> together
trucation -> truncation
unerlying -> underlying
unsupposed -> unsupported

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SOF3 commented Sep 16, 2024

aggregats -> aggregate/aggregates
aggergation -> aggregation
aciton -> action

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cartisian -> Cartesian

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declairs -> declares

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unduee -> undue

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analyse -> analyze

Hard disagree. analyse is British English and often used as such.

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migare -> migrate

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NathanBaulch commented Sep 19, 2024

abillity -> ability
accummulated -> accumulated
addiation -> additional
adminitions -> admonitions
alwans -> always
annotion -> annotation
comopose -> compose
compoenents -> components
conditinals -> conditionals
conffig -> config
conficting -> conflicting
conidtion -> condition
conventionss -> conventions
deom -> demo
disamgiguation -> disambiguation
envidenced -> evidenced
essnetial -> essential
expliclity -> explicitly
hadler -> handler
highjack -> hijack
htttp -> http
inconsitencies -> inconsistencies
infromers -> informers
inhertis -> inherits
inteegration -> integration
interogation -> interrogation
interoptability -> interoperability
isuses -> issues
mainained -> maintained
mananager -> manager
nsted -> nested
occording -> according
organaize -> organize
paramerter -> parameter
Prefererred -> Preferred
preferrable -> preferable
presedence -> precedence
prioroty -> priority
recevieved -> received
relevnt -> relevant
reuseing -> reusing
revsions -> revisions
seclector -> selector
stribe -> strive
subsequentely -> subsequently
successefully -> successfully
terarform -> terraform
terminaed -> terminated
variablwes -> variables
wether -> whether
workdpace -> workspace

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embbedding -> embedding

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YgorSouza commented Sep 20, 2024

dependning -> depending
manufaturer -> manufacturer
fifferent -> different
hiddent -> hidden
tranlucent -> translucent
speicfic -> specific
independenant -> independent
efficvely -> effectively
intdicating -> indicating
calcel -> cancel
integraton -> integration
calender -> calendar
mthods -> methods
netween -> between
clairify -> clarify

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fintie -> finite

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coulnd't -> couldn't

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egonomic -> ergonomic, economic
uninitilized -> uninitialized

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captalized -> capitalized
cliping -> clipping
dependant -> dependent

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@waywardmonkeys You can edit your previous comment.

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ejpcmac commented Sep 27, 2024

regsitre -> register

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RainRat commented Sep 29, 2024

abjects -> objects
abondone -> abandoned, abandon
alognment -> alignment
amiguity -> ambiguity
ammounts -> amounts
anoynimize -> anonymize
anscestor -> ancestor
anympore -> anymore
archioves -> archives
archove -> archive
arcvhive -> archive
attenation -> attenuation, attention
autentificated -> authenticated
auxililary -> auxiliary
balue -> blue
begninning -> beginning
bofere -> before
breadcumbs -> breadcrumbs
candiacy -> candidacy
capitlizes -> capitalizes
carraige -> carriage
changnig -> changing
characetr -> character
charatcer -> character
clicklabe -> clickable
coleasing -> coalescing
collectinos -> collections
comensate -> compensate
concanented -> concatenated
configuuration -> configuration
contiuously -> continuously
conversts -> converts
coomposed -> composed
copyies -> copies
cordiante -> coordinate
correalation -> correlation
couning -> counting
croucing -> crouching
cruicial -> crucial
cusomers -> customers
decallocate -> deallocate
declaraction -> declaration
decprecated -> deprecated
decrpyt -> decrypt
dectorator -> decorator
deemphesized -> deemphasized
definmed -> defined
deletetions -> deletions
dependens -> depends, dependents
dereigstering -> deregistering
deriatives -> derivatives
descrimination -> discrimination
deuplicated -> deduplicated, duplicated
dictioary -> dictionary
differenatiate -> differentiate
diposable -> disposable
disasembled -> disassembled
dismbiguate -> disambiguate
dupliclated -> duplicated
eanbles -> enables
emphazied -> emphasized
encrrypted -> encrypted
encrytpion -> encryption
eplicitly -> explicitly
epoches -> epochs
epxansion -> expansion
erroreous -> erroneous
evalulated -> evaluated
exapct -> except, exact
expandibility -> expandability
expectred -> expected
explanitory -> explanatory
exposese -> exposes
extenision -> extension
extenssion -> extension
extisting -> existing
extrimities -> extremities
flattern -> flatten
fllowing -> following, flowing
foreruners -> forerunners
forgein -> foreign
fragent -> fragment
froozen -> frozen
functrion -> function
gradaully -> gradually
hiearchical -> hierarchical
humands -> humans
illigel -> illegal
implemening -> implementing
increaseing -> increasing
indentatin -> indentation
influcence -> influence
inherided -> inherited
inidcates -> indicates
inorrect -> incorrect
insdie -> inside
instanecs -> instances
inteleaved -> interleaved
intenionally -> intentionally
interaced -> interacted, interlaced, interfaced
intersertions -> insertions, intersections
intersetion -> intersection
invication -> invocation
knowledage -> knowledge
levareges -> leverages
ligthen -> lighten
lodaer -> loader
machne -> machine
maintenenace -> maintenance
manaually -> manually
maninpulations -> manipulations
measurmements -> measurements
mirgation -> migration
moddifications -> modifications
mutliplexer -> multiplexer
navigting -> navigating
navigtion -> navigation
nderline -> underline
nexessary -> necessary
normlized -> normalized
notbeooks -> notebooks
notificated -> notified
numbder -> number
obsfucate -> obfuscate
obsucated -> obfuscated
opimisation -> optimisation
optimzed -> optimized
outadted -> outdated
owerread -> overread
parallellism -> parallelism
particluar -> particular
penindg -> pending
perposes -> purposes
plugun -> plugin
positvely -> positively
preovided -> provided
preperies -> properties
presering -> preserving
primiary -> primary
prioritze -> prioritize
priroity -> priority
promot -> prompt, promote
propagte -> propagate
propetiies -> properties
provede -> provide
quatratic -> quadratic
rachives -> archives
radomizer -> randomizer
readabillity -> readability
reavealed -> revealed
recognization -> recognition
recommednation -> recommendation
recommendataion -> recommendation
registger -> register
regonize -> recognize
remtoe -> remote
rendeirng -> rendering
renference -> reference
repare -> reparse, repair
reparing -> repairing
reprase -> reparse
requesed -> requested
resedue -> residue
resereved -> reserved
reslution -> resolution
resolt -> result
restiction -> restriction
resumsed -> resumed
retigger -> retrigger
retuens -> returns
rewrire -> rewrite, rewire
richochet -> ricochet
richochets -> ricochets
sacrifies -> sacrifices
scrollbae -> scrollbar
secutity -> security
selectiosn -> selections
senstitivity -> sensitivity
sequencess -> sequences
serapate -> separate
servioce -> service
servivce -> service
sesison -> session
signatuire -> signature
signaure -> signature
simpilify -> simplify
statring -> starting
strikethough -> strikethrough
subrountine -> subroutine
substistutions -> substitutions
subtruct -> subtract
subtructing -> subtracting
termninal -> terminal
theread -> thread
transferr -> transfer
transormation -> transformation
treis -> tries
trnasparent -> transparent
trurned -> turned
uncompreessed -> uncompressed
undedined -> undefined
unexpeced -> unexpected
unoptimzed -> unoptimized
unuxpected -> unexpected
upddated -> updated
ussing -> using
variavble -> variable
varinats -> variants
versuons -> versions
wakthrough -> walkthrough
walkalbe -> walkable
walkthrthrough -> walkthrough
workapace -> workspace
workbenchch -> workbench
workspacce -> workspace
worskspace -> workspace
worspace -> workspace
wuthout -> without
zerp -> zero

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appropaite -> appropriate

@epage epage unpinned this issue Oct 1, 2024
@epage epage closed this as completed in b3e0cc0 Oct 1, 2024
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enhancement Improve the expected
None yet

Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.