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Library to create intents : actions that need to be fullfilled by another app than the current one.

See cozy-stack documentation for more details.


import CozyClient from 'cozy-client'
import Intents from 'cozy-interapp'

const client = new CozyClient({ uri, token })
const intents = new Intents({ client })


intents.create(action, doctype [, data, permissions]) create an intent. It returns a modified Promise for the intent document, having a custom start(element) method. This method interacts with the DOM to append an iframe to the given HTML element. This iframe will provide an access to an app, which will serve a service page able to manage the intent action for the intent doctype. The start(element) method returns a promise for the result document provided by intent service.

On Intent ready callback: This start method also takes a second optional argument which is a callback function (start(element, onReadyCallback)). When provided, this function will be run when the intent iframe will be completely loaded (using the onload iframe listener). This callback could be useful to run a client code only when the intent iframe is ready and loaded.

An intent has to be created everytime an app need to perform an action over a doctype for wich it does not have permission. For example, the Cozy Drive app should create an intent to pick a io.cozy.contacts document. The cozy-stack will determines which app can offer a service to resolve the intent. It's this service's URL that will be passed to the iframe src property.

Once the intent process is terminated by service, the iframe is removed from DOM.

You can also use .then to run some code after the intents is terminated like following:


intents.create('CREATE', 'io.cozy.apps')
  .then(intent => {
    // do something with the result of the intent
    // intent = {
    //    id: '1337',
    //    attributes: {...}
    // }

Example to use removeIntentFrame() method (by passing the flag exposeIntentFrameRemoval flag):

intents.create('EDIT', 'io.cozy.apps')
  .then({removeIntentFrame, doc} => { // after service.terminate(doc)
      // Code to be run before removing the terminated intent iframe
      // Other code, use doc


intents.createService([intentId, window]) has to be used in the intent service page. It initializes communication with the parent window (remember: the service is supposed to be in an iframe).

If intentId and window parameters are not provided the method will try to retrieve them automatically.

It returns a service object, which provides the following methods :

  • compose(action, doctype, data): request the client to make a second intent. This returns a promise fulfilled with the second intent result.
// ...
const app = await service.compose('INSTALL', 'io.cozy.apps', { slug: 'drive' })
  • getData(): returns the data passed to the service by the client.

  • getIntent(): returns the intent

  • resizeClient(doc, transitionProperty): forces the size of the intent modale to a given width, maxWidth, height, maxHeight, or dimensions of a given element. The second optional argument transitionProperty can be used to add a CSS transition property on the intent in order to 'animate' the resizing.

    // resize the client ot 300 pixels max height
       maxHeight: 300
    }, '.2s linear') // will be in css -> transition: .2s linear;
    // or
       element: document.querySelector('.class')

On intent size: If an intent is used by multiple applications, we don't use resizeClient(), since each application can have his own layout. You have to define the size of the intent in your application

  • terminate(doc): ends the intent process by passing to the client the resulting document doc. An intent service may only be terminated once.

    If a boolean exposeIntentFrameRemoval is found as true in the data sent by the client, the terminate() method will return an object with as properties a function named removeIntentFrame to remove the iframe DOM node (in order to be run by the client later on) and the resulting document doc. This could be useful to animate an intent closing and remove the iframe node at the animation ending.

  • cancel(): ends the intent process by passing a null value to the client. This method terminate the intent service the same way that terminate().

  • throw(error): throw an error to client and causes the intent promise rejection.


intents.createService('77bcc42c-0fd8-11e7-ac95-8f605f6e8338', window)
  .then(service => {
    const data = service.getData()

    // [...]
    // Do stuff with data
    // [...]

    const resultingDoc = {
      type: '',
      width: 100,
      height: 100



intents.getRedirectionURL(doctype, data) retrieves a redirection URL for a given doctype, with specified data. It relies internally on a regular intent mechanism, which creates an intent for the REDIRECT action. It then build the redirection URL from URL sent by the stack and returns it. This URL can be used as link href for example, to show the doctype or the document in an application able to handle it.


  const myFolder = {
    folder: '4bce4649-e7b7-4226-d82e-6b87dbb684e7'

  const url = await intents.getRedirectionURL('io.cozy.files', myFolder)
  // url is


intents.redirect(doctype, data) is based on intents.getRedirectionURL() and it redirects the browser to the retrieved URL.