Bot to send "intelligent" random usage analytics to simulate visits, queries and clicks on a site. Works with a configuration file using json format. Check the /scenarios_examples folder for examples.
- Download executable.
- Set Environment variables (refer to the section below).
- Build your scenarios (How to build scenarios).
- Execute the bot.
You can use the argument -trace
to get more logs when debugging your scenarios.
- Search events
- Click events
- Custom events
- Facet events
- View events
- TabChange events
Needs 3 environment variables to function :
Variable | Usage |
SEARCHTOKEN | API key to search |
UATOKEN | API key to send events to UA |
SCENARIOSURL | Url to the scenario JSON file to randomize |
LOCAL | true for local (default false) |
set UATOKEN=value
set LOCAL=true #if scenariosurl is a local path
export SEARCHTOKEN = value
export UATOKEN = value
export SCENARIOSURL = value
export LOCAL=true #if scenariosurl is a local path
# Install the dependencies
1. go get
# Build an executable -o sets the output name
2. go build -o myexecutable
3. Run the executable
1. Commit your changes
# We need to use the -f option here because tag latest already exists
2. git tag -f -a latest -m "Rebuild reason here"
# Push changes to branch + push changes to tag, you will need to supply credentials twice.
3. git push && git push -f --tags
# Create a new tag with the version number to use.
1. git tag -a [v0.9.9] -m "Release comment here"
# Push tag.
2. git push --tags origin master
# It takes a little bit of time for Travis to generate the artefacts
3. Visit to view the releases to ensure your new release is visible.