mossScope is a diagnostic command line tool, that is designed to assist in browsing contents of, acquiring stats from, and otherwise diagnosing moss store.
$ go get -t
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go build
$ ./mossScope --help
mossScope <command> [sub-command] [flags] <store_path(s)>
The store_path(s) is one or more directories where moss files reside.
The command is requred. Available commands:
dump Dumps key/val data from the store
import Imports docs into the store
stats Emits store related stats
version Emits the current version of mossScope
Use "mossScope --help" for more detailed information about any command.
mossScope dump [sub-command] [flags] <store_path(s)>
Available sub-commands:
footer Dumps the latest footer in the store
key Dumps the key and value of the specified key
Available flags:
--keys-only Dumps just the keys (without any values)
mossScope dump footer [flags] <store_path(s)>
Available flags:
--all Dumps all the available footers from the store
mossScope dump key [flags] <key> <store_path(s)>
Available flags:
--all-versions Dumps key and value of all persisted versions of the specified key
mossScope dump path/to/myStore --keys-only
mossScope dump footer path/to/myStore
mossScope dump key myKey path/to/myStore
mossScope import [flags] <store_path(s)>
Available flags:
--batchsize int Specifies the batch sizes for the set ops (default: all docs in one batch)
--file <file_path> Reads JSON content from <file_path>
--json <json> Reads JSON content from command-line
--stdin Reads JSON content from stdin (Enter to submit)
mossScope import path/to/myStore --file test.json --batchsize 100
mossScope import path/to/myStore --json '[{"k":"key0","v":"val0"},{"k":"key1","v":"val1"}]'
mossScope import path/to/myStore --stdin // Program waits for user to submit JSON
mossScope stats <sub-command> <store_path(s)>
Available sub-commands:
diag Dumps all the diagnostic stats for the store
footer Dumps aggregated stats from the latest footer in the store
fragmentation Dumps the fragmentation stats (to assist with manual compaction)
hist Generates histograms for the store
Available flags:
--json Emits output in JSON
mossScope stats diag [flags] <store_path(s)>
mossScope stats footer [flags] <store_path(s)>
Available flags:
--all Fetches stats from all available footers (Footer_1 is latest)
mossScope stats frag [flags] <store_path(s)>
mossScope stats hist <store_path(s)>
mossScope stats diag path/to/myStore
mossScope stats footer path/to/myStore --all --json
mossScope stats fragmentation path/to/myStore