The unified validation API aims to provide a comprehensive toolkit to validate data from any format against user defined rules, and transform them to other types.
Basically, assuming you have this:
import play.api.libs.json._
import jto.validation._
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, lovesChocolate: Boolean)
val json = Json.parse("""{
"name": "Julien",
"age": 28,
"lovesChocolate": true
implicit val personRule = {
import jto.validation.playjson.Rules._
Rule.gen[JsValue, Person]
It can do this:
scala> personRule.validate(json)
res0: jto.validation.VA[Person] = Valid(Person(Julien,28,true))
It's also a unification of play's Form Validation API, and its Json validation API.
Being based on the same concepts as play's Json validation API, it should feel very similar to any developer already working with it. The unified validation API is, rather than a totally new design, a simple generalization of those concepts.
The unified validation API is designed around a core defined in package jto.validation
, and "extensions". Each extension provides primitives to validate and serialize data from / to a particular format (Json, form encoded request body, etc.). See the extensions documentation for more information.
To learn more about data validation, please consult Validation and transformation with Rule, for data serialization read Serialization with Write. If you just want to figure all this out by yourself, please see the Cookbook.
Add the following dependencies your build.sbt
as needed:
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
val validationVersion = "2.1.0"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"io.github.jto" %% "validation-core" % validationVersion,
"io.github.jto" %% "validation-playjson" % validationVersion,
"io.github.jto" %% "validation-jsonast" % validationVersion,
"io.github.jto" %% "validation-form" % validationVersion,
"io.github.jto" %% "validation-delimited" % validationVersion,
"io.github.jto" %% "validation-xml" % validationVersion
// "io.github.jto" %%% "validation-jsjson" % validationVersion
Validation | Play |
2.1.x | 2.6.x |
2.0.x | 2.5.x |
1.1.x | 2.4.x |
1.0.2 | 2.3.x |
- Validating and transforming data
- Combining Rules
- Serializing data with Write
- Combining Writes
- Validation Inception
- Play's Form API migration
- Play's Json API migration
- Extensions: Supporting new types
- Exporting Validations to Javascript using Scala.js
- Cookbook
- Release notes
- v2.0 Migration guide
- Julien Tournay -
- Olivier Blanvillain -
- Nick -
- Ian Hummel -
- Arthur Gautier -
- Jacques B -
- Alexandre Tamborrino -