This is a build upon an algorithm exercise from the Coding Dojo's web fundamental course & an ode to the classic Minesweeper game made with vanilla HTML, CSS, & Javascript. Please enjoy evading the ninja's who seek to corner and assasinate you as you dig through the bush.
Live Demo here
Things I'd like to add in the future:
- Animation of leaves or bush or ninja upon clicking on a ninja square
- Refactor to provide difficulty settings: Grid size change & ninja frequency change
- Music?
- Conditionally rendered emojis to replicate OG Minesweeper "Sunglasses Guy"
Recently Checked off the list:
- Make flag/shuriken function a toggle, so user can remove a shuriken if needed
- Render squares with no adjacent ninjas blank
- Upon losing the game, reveal all ninjas
- Clicking on a non-ninja-adjacent square recursively clears all adjacents
- Render the shuriken "flagged" squares unclickable while the shuriken is there
- Sounds?
- Make Owen Wilson say "wow" everytime the user highlights my name!
- Build in a tutorial for minesweeper-challenged folk
- Show qty of ninjas (consider shuriken countdown--subtract shuriken from total ninjas? classic?) - Show qty blank spaces left
- Favicon!!!