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4.4 step4 correction

Jean Cavallo edited this page Sep 12, 2017 · 4 revisions

Step 4 - Homework correction

There is not really a correction for this step. You should make sure that all your entry points appears in the menu, and that they behave as expected.

You should compare the contents of your files and those of the step4-homework branch for the library.xml file. The layout of the file should be identical:

  • The menu_libray_configuration entry should be at the top, below the menu_library entry. The name menu_libray_configuration is logical, though menu_configuration would have been too. However, with 10 installed modules, there would be 10 menu_configuration which could make it a little more difficult to read
  • The ir.action.act_window, ir.action.act_window.view and menu entries for the different models should be defined right before the associated views. This helps the readability of the xml file by putting everything related to a model at the same place in the file

You will notice that we did not add an entry point for book exemplaries. This is because exemplaries will rarely be looked for in the application, except from the book they correspond to. We will talk about this later. For now, you should have displayed the exemplaries of a book in the book's form view, so you will be able to create / view them this way.

Regarding the different views, compare what you did with what is proposed in the correction. Some things may be better the way you did it, others not so.

Note: you may notice in some views that there are missing fields. For instance, if you open an author's book from the books field of the author's form view, the author field will be hidden. This is because tryton automatically hides the Many2One field associated to a One2Many when displaying this One2Many

When going on to the next step, please refresh your code with the correction, so that everything is in sync.

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