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# Quick Start Guide
-This document provides the steps to create a quick setup on a local Mac OS or Linux host using a cluster of Virtual Box VMs setup using vagrant.
-## Pre-requisites
-* [Install Virtual Box 5.1.14 or later]( https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads )
-* [Install Vagrant 1.9.1 or later]( https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html )
-* [Install Docker 1.12 or later]( https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/ )
-* Clone the Contiv install repository
-`git clone http://github.com/contiv/install'
-## Setup the cluster with Contiv for Kubernetes
-`make demo-k8s`
-## Setup the cluster with Contiv for Docker with Swarm
-`make demo-swarm`
-## Customizing the setup
-* The default configuration creates a 2 node cluster. To increase the number of nodes set the environment variable `CONTIV_NODES=`
+Please follow the tutorials [here](http://contiv.github.io/documents/tutorials/).
## Quick Start Guide for CentOS 7.x hosts