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toolbag is a collection of tooling intended to be preloaded in a Node application. The tooling (heapdumps, CPU profiling, runtime metrics reporting, etc.) runs within an application's Node process. By utilizing preloading, toolbag does not require any modifications to existing application code. For example, if you normally start your application with the command node app.js, then your command would become:

node -r toolbag app.js


toolbag exposes two interfaces. The first is the reporting interface, which is used to send runtime data to zero or more destinations. Analytics, logging, and similar types of systems represent the intended use cases of the reporting interface.

The second interface is the command interface. This interface allows a Node process to define commands which can be remotely invoked by a command server. This interface is intended to take heapdumps, collect CPU profiles, send signals to a running process, etc.


toolbag doesn't provide much functionality out of the box. However, it supports a plugin system for adding features. All reporters and command interface implementations are written as plugins. This allows toolbag to remain extremely simple, yet flexible enough to work with a variety of systems. For example, a WebSocket- or IPC-based command interface can be mixed and matched with HTTP or UDP reporters, without requiring any changes to toolbag itself.


toolbag is configured via a JavaScript file that is require()'ed at runtime. This file can be specified in exactly one of two ways:

  1. By adding a .toolbagrc.js file to your project's working directory.
  2. By specifying a TOOLBAG_PATH environment variable. This takes precedence over a local .toolbagrc.js file.

The configuration file should export a single function whose signature is configure (defaults, callback). defaults contain the default configuration values set by toolbag. callback is a function with the signature callback (err, config). err represents any error that might have occurred. config is an object that will be applied to defaults. The config object should adhere to the following schema.

  • errors (object) - Defines how toolbag errors are handled. Because toolbag is preloaded, normal applications are unable to handle any errors that may occur. These settings allow toolbag users to define an error handling policy. The errors object has the following schema.
    • policy (string) - Defines the error handling policy. Can be one of the following strings.
      • swallow - Errors are discarded.
      • log - Prints the error message to stderr. This is the default.
      • log-verbose - Prints the error message and stack trace to stderr.
      • throw - Throws the error.
      • terminate - Prints the error message and stack trace to stderr then calls process.exit(1).
  • data (object) - Information regarding any persistent storage required by toolbag.
    • path (string) - The directory where files (such as heapdumps) are stored. Defaults to a toolbag directory in the system's temp directory.
  • plugins (array of objects) - An array of toolbag plugins to register. Each plugin object follows the following schema.
    • plugin (object) - The plugin being registered. This should be the result of require().
    • options (object) - An optional object that is used to pass any plugin specific configuration options.

Example .toolbagrc.js File

Note: A number of plugins are provided in the toolbag-plugins, as shown in the following example. In the future, toolbag-plugins will be split up into a number of standalone npm modules.

'use strict';

const ToolbagPlugins = require('toolbag-plugins');

module.exports = function config (defaults, callback) {
  callback(null, {
    errors: {
      policy: 'log'
    plugins: [
        plugin: ToolbagPlugins.BorlandCommander,
        options: {
          host: 'http://localhost:5000'
        plugin: ToolbagPlugins.HttpReporter,
        options: {
          id: 'http reporter',
          method: 'POST',
          url: 'http://localhost:5000/report',
          options: {}
        plugin: ToolbagPlugins.UdpReporter,
        options: {
          id: 'udp reporter',
          socketType: 'udp4',
          port: 5001,
          host: 'localhost'
        plugin: ToolbagPlugins.Getfile,
        plugin: ToolbagPlugins.Heapdump,
        plugin: ToolbagPlugins.Profiler,
      { plugin: ToolbagPlugins.Signal },
        plugin: ToolbagPlugins.StatsCollector,
        options: {
          enabled: true,
          period: 1000,
          eventLoopLimit: 30,
          features: {
            process: true,
            system: true,
            cpu: true,
            memory: true,
            gc: true,
            handles: true,
            requests: true,
            eventLoop: true,
            meta: {
              tags: ['api']
        plugin: ToolbagPlugins.Policy,
        options: {
          blacklist: {
            modules: {
              fs: 'log'
            bindings: {
              natives: 'log-verbose'

Running a Command Server

The command server is not mandatory, and is only required if you plan to use the command interface. As the command interface is defined via plugin, there is no predefined command server implementation. Instead command interface plugins should be developed in conjunction with a compatible server. An example is the borland hapi server plugin, and the borland commander plugin shown in the example .toolbagrc.js file.


This section documents the APIs used to create toolbag plugins.

The Manager Object

The manager responsible for general orchestration in toolbag. The manager registers plugins, implements the application's error policy, and handles other important tasks. Plugins are not expected to construct new instances of Manager. Instead, they should interact with the existing manager instance that is provided to them. Manager is an instance of EventEmitter.

add (name, fn)

  • Arguments
    • name (string) - The name of the command being registered.
    • fn (options, callback) (function) - A function implementing the command being registered. options is an object used to pass parameters to the command. callback ([err[, results]]) is used to pass an error or results from the command. If err is provided, it is sent back to the command server using client.respond(). If err is falsey, and results is provided, then it is sent back as the response.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

This method is used to register commands that can be used with the command interface.

list ()

  • Arguments
    • None
  • Returns
    • Array of strings

Returns an array of all commands supported by the manager.

register (plugins[, callback])

  • Arguments
    • plugins (object or array of objects) - An object or array of objects representing toolbag plugins.
    • callback (err) (function) - An optional function that is called once registration is complete. err represents any errors that may have occurred.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

This method registers one or more plugins. If no errors occur during registration, the manager will emit a 'register' event.

execute (message[, callback])

  • Arguments
    • message (object) - An object encapsulating a command from the command server. The object should adhere to the following schema.
      • command (string) - The name of the command to execute.
      • options (object) - Options passed to the command.
    • callback (err) (function) - An optional function that is called on completion. err represents any errors that may have occurred.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

When a command is received on the command interface, it is passed to execute(). This method is responsible for running the command and sending any responses back to the server.

error (err)

  • Arguments
    • err (object) - An error object to process.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

This method is used to process toolbag errors. Because toolbag is preloaded, and not part of the user's application, error() is configurable. For example, in some applications, error() is configured to swallow errors, while other applications may choose to exit on error.

getErrorHandler (policy)

  • Arguments
    • policy (string) - The error handler to retrieve.
  • Returns
    • Function or undefined

Returns the error handling function associated with the name policy. If no error handler is defined for policy, then undefined is returned.

setErrorHandler (policy)

  • Arguments
    • policy (string) - The error handler to use.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

Sets error() to the handler associated with policy. If no error handler is defined for policy, a TypeError is thrown.

defineErrorHandler (policy, handler)

  • Arguments
    • policy (string) - The name of the error handling policy being defined.
    • handler (function) - The error handler function. This function should accept a single argument that represents the error being handled.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

Defines a new error handling policy named policy. If a policy with this name already exists, it is overwritten. Note that this function only defines the error policy, it does not set it as the default policy.

The Client Object

The Client object is responsible for interacting with the command and reporting interfaces. Plugins are not expected to construct new instances of Client. Instead, they should interact with the existing manager.client instance.

setCommander (commander)

  • Arguments
    • commander (object) - An object that supports the command interface API.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

Sets up the command interface using commander.

addReporter (reporter)

  • Arguments
    • reporter (object) - An object that supports the reporter API.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

Adds reporter as a reporter.

connect ([callback])

  • Arguments
    • callback (err) (function) - Optional function that is invoked once connection is complete. err represents any error that may have occurred.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

This method is used to establish a connection to the command server. If the command interface is configured during startup, toolbag will call this method after all plugins have been registered. If this method is called, and the command interface has not been configured, then an error will be passed to callback().

respond (message[, callback])

  • Arguments
    • message (variable) - Data to send to the command server. If a non-string was passed in, it will be stringified before being passed on.
    • callback (err) (function) - Optional function that is invoked after responding is complete. err represents any error that may have occurred.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

This method is used to respond to the command server after receiving and executing a command. If the command interface has not been configured, an error is passed to callback().

report (message[, callback])

  • Arguments
    • message (variable) - Data to send via all attached reporters. If a non-string is passed in, it will be stringified before being passed on to the reporters.
    • callback (err) (function) - Optional function that is invoked after reporting is complete. err represents any error that may have occurred.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

Sends data to all configured reporter destinations.

Plugin API

All plugins must be capable of being imported into an application via require(). This means that plugins can easily be published to npm. Each plugin must expose a register() function that toolbag will invoke during plugin registration.

register (manager, options, callback)

  • Arguments
    • manager (object) - An instance of Manager.
    • options (variable) - Optional configuration data passed to the plugin.
    • callback (err) (function) - Invoked once registration is complete. err represents any error that may have occurred.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

Reporter API

A reporter can be added by calling manager.client.addReporter(reporter), typically from within a plugin's register() function. Any number of reporters can be added, but keep in mind that excessive reporting can potentially affect application performance.

report (message, callback)

  • Arguments
    • message (string) - Message passed to the reporter from If a non-string was passed to, it will be stringified before being passed on to this method.
    • callback (err) (function) - Invoked after reporting is complete. err represents any error that may have occurred.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

All reporters must have a report() method. When is called, each reporter's report() method is called. This method is responsible for passing message to its destination.

Command Interface API

toolbag supports a single command interface, which is setup by calling manager.client.setCommander(commander). Implementers of the command interface must minimally define connect() and respond() methods.

connect (manager, callback)

  • Arguments
    • manager (object) - An instance of Manager.
    • callback (err) (function) - Invoked once connection is complete. err represents any error that may have occurred.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

This method is used to establish a connection to the command server. If the command interface is configured during startup, toolbag will call this method after all plugins have been registered.

respond (message, callback)

  • Arguments
    • message (string) - Message passed to the command interface from client.respond(). If a non-string was passed to client.respond(), it will be stringified before being passed on to this method.
    • callback (err) (function) - Invoked after responding is complete. err represents any error that may have occurred.
  • Returns
    • Nothing

This method is used to respond to the command server after receiving and executing a command.