This app does facial detection and age/gender inference using the Intel Neural Compute Stick. This demo was tested with the Movidius NCSDK Build 1.12.
This app requires the following components are available:
- Movidius Neural Compute Stick
- Movidius the Neural Compute SDK
- A webcam (laptop or usb)
- OpenCV
- Note: You can install OpenCV by using the script which is included with the ncappzoo app "street_cam_threaded"
To run the example code do the following :
- Open a terminal and change directory to the gender_age_lbp example base directory
- Type the following command in the terminal: make all
After building the example you can run the example code by doing the following :
- Open a terminal and change directory to the gender_age_lbp base directory
- Type the following command in the terminal: make run
When the application runs normally, another window should pop up and show the feed from the webcam. The program should perform inferences on faces on frames taken from the webcam/usb cam.
- If you only have one stick, you can use "make run_gender" or "make run_age" to run a single network instead.
Controls while program is running.
- Escape : Quit the program.
At the moment, the program is limited to detecting and making an inference on one person at a time.