A Java client for the Elasticsearch Enterprise Search platform.
The App Search client provides methods for interacting with the App Search APIs, such as searching, ingesting, managing engines, etc.
Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at http://search.maven.org.
Releases of enterprise-search-java are available in the Maven Central repository. Or alternatively see Releases.
Add the following to your pom.xml
Add the following dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'io.github.concurrent-recursion:enterprisesearch-java-client:0.5.5'
//Token based authentication, App Search API Key, Elasticsearch Token, etc
final AppSearchClient client = AppSearchClient.builder("http://localhost:3002")
//Username + Password authentication
final AppSearchClient client = AppSearchClient.builder("http://localhost:3002")
In order to add logging to your Appsearch client, you will need to add an OKHttp3 HttpLoggingInterceptor.
You can also customize the OkHttpClient by passing in your own OkHttpClientBuilder as shown in the logging example below
HttpLoggingInterceptor logging = new HttpLoggingInterceptor().setLevel(HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY);
final AppSearchClient client = AppSearchClient.builder("http://localhost:3002")
//Pass in a custom builder with the logging interceptor added
.clientBuilder(new OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(logging))
Get Engine by name
EnginesApi someEngine = client.engines().getEngineByName("some-engine");
AppSearch has 4 field types, which are mapped to the following types in this library
- Text
- Number
- Date
- Geolocation
Each type has a subfield named raw
that contain the raw value(s) of the field. The Text type also may contain a single snippet
field that contains a text snippet.
Any of the data types may contain multiple values. If your database may contain multiple, use the corresponding *Array
type to map the field
For Searching, Create a POJO class that extends ResponseDocument
using 4 Field types (Text,Number,Date,Geolocation)
import co.elasticsearch.enterprisesearch.client.model.response.search.*;
public class NationalParkSearch extends ResponseDocument {
private TextField id;
private TextField title;
private TextArrayField states;
private NumberField acres;
private GeolocationField location;
private DateField dateEstablished;
//Getters,Setters, etc
//Create a search client
SearchApi<NationalParkSearch> parkSearchClient = client.search(NationalParkSearch.class);
//Execute a search against the specified engine
SearchApiResponse<NationalParkSearch> results = parkSearchClient.search("my-engine",new SearchRequest().setQuery("zion"));
log.info("Found {} results",results.getMeta().getPage().getTotalResults());
for(NationalParkSearch park : results){
log.info("Found id:{}, title:{}",park.getId().getRaw(),park.getTitle().getRaw());
To read a facet of a particular type, you can use one of the convience methods
SearchApiResponse response = ...;
Optional<TextValueFacet> myTextFacet = response.getFacetByFieldAndName("title","my_title_facet",TextValueFacet.class);
If the facet exists, it will be present in the optional, if it doesn't exist it will not be present.
The client supports working with typed documents to ingest content into an engine. The AppSearch schema supports 4 types:
- Text
- Number
- Date
- Geolocation
(using [lon, lat] )
Example POJO for ingesting into AppSearch
public class NationalPark {
private String id;
private String title;
private BigDecimal acres;
private String location;
private OffsetDateTime dateEstablished;
//Getters, Setters, etc
Using this document, we can ingest the documents using this example:
AppSearchClient client = //...
List<IndexResult> ingestDocs(List<NationalPark> parkList){
//Create a documents client
DocumentsApi<NationalPark> documentsClient = client.documents(NationalPark.class);
//Post the documents to the specified engine
IndexResponse indexResponse = documentsClient.index("my-engine",parkList);
List<IndexResult> errors = indexResponse.getErrors();
//handle errors
return indexResponse.getDocuments();
- Documents API (excluding PATCH)
- Engines API
- Query Suggestions API
- Schema API
- Search API
- Multi Search API
- Search Settings API
- Source Engines API
- API Logs API
- Click API
- Credentials API
- Log Settings API
- Synonyms API
- Adaptive Relevance API
- Curations API
- Analytics API
- Web Crawler API