diff --git a/001-resources-v2/branch-gen.yml b/001-resources-v2/branch-gen.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0ea55c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/branch-gen.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+- name: atc
+ type: git
+ source: {uri: https://github.com/concourse/atc}
+ space: master
+- name: atc-gen
+ type: git
+ source: {uri: "https://github.com/concourse/atc"}
+- name: gen
+ plan:
+ - get: atc
+ trigger: true
+ - task: gen
+ file: atc/ci/gen.yml
+ config:
+ platform: ...
+ image_resource: ...
+ outputs:
+ - name: generated-repo
+ # has the generated code committed to the repo
+ - name: branch-name
+ # has a 'name' file with `gen-(some deterministic hash)`
+ - put: atc-gen
+ params: {branch_name: branch-name/name, repository: generated-repo}
+- name: test
+ plan:
+ - get: atc
+ passed: [gen]
+ trigger: true
+ - get: atc-gen
+ passed: [gen]
+ spaces: [gen-*]
+ trigger: true
+ - task: test
+ file: atc/ci/test.yml
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/git-example/.gitignore b/001-resources-v2/git-example/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbb00daa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/git-example/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/git-example/Gemfile b/001-resources-v2/git-example/Gemfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10d1a910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/git-example/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+source :rubygems
+gem 'rugged'
+gem 'pry'
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/git-example/Gemfile.lock b/001-resources-v2/git-example/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d15428b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/git-example/Gemfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ remote: http://rubygems.org/
+ specs:
+ coderay (1.1.2)
+ method_source (0.9.0)
+ pry (0.11.3)
+ coderay (~> 1.1.0)
+ method_source (~> 0.9.0)
+ rugged (0.27.2)
+ ruby
+ pry
+ rugged
+ 1.16.2
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/git-example/README.md b/001-resources-v2/git-example/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc5b51f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/git-example/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Git Resource v2
+This implementation is done in Ruby using the `git` gem. I chose Ruby
+over Bash because having a real language with more accessible data
+structures is probably going to be more important with this new
+interface, and Ruby feels pretty well suited (really just need a bit more
+than Bash).
+Please leave comments on parts you like/don't like! But bear in mind the
+goal here isn't necessarily the prettiness of the code, it's to see what
+kinds of things the resource has to do. I'll be using Ruby purely as a
+scripting language, hacking things together where needed in the interest
+of brevity.
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/git-example/artifact b/001-resources-v2/git-example/artifact
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..792e47cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/git-example/artifact
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "json"
+require "rugged"
+require "pry"
+require "benchmark"
+$request = JSON.parse(STDIN.read, symbolize_names: true)
+def commit_version(c, s)
+ JSON.dump({
+ space: s,
+ version: {ref: c.oid},
+ metadata: [
+ {name: "author", value: enc(c, c.author[:name])},
+ {name: "author_date", value: c.author[:time].to_s},
+ {name: "committer", value: enc(c, c.committer[:name])},
+ {name: "committer_date", value: c.committer[:time].to_s},
+ {name: "message", value: enc(c, c.message)}
+ ]
+ })
+def bench(label, &blk)
+ time = Benchmark.realtime(&blk)
+ $stderr.puts "#{label}: #{time}s"
+def enc(c, str)
+ str = str.force_encoding("ISO-8859-1") unless c.header_field("Encoding")
+ str.encode("UTF-8")
+case ARGV[0]
+when "check"
+ repo_dir = File.basename($request[:config][:uri])
+ repo =
+ if Dir.exists?(repo_dir)
+ Rugged::Repository.new(repo_dir).tap do |r|
+ r.fetch("origin")
+ end
+ else
+ Rugged::Repository.clone_at(
+ $request[:config][:uri],
+ repo_dir,
+ bare: true,
+ progress: lambda { |t| $stderr.print t })
+ end
+ spaces = []
+ default_branch = nil
+ file = File.new $request[:response_path], 'w'
+ repo.branches.each do |b|
+ unless b.remote?
+ # assume the only local branch is the default one
+ default_branch = b.name
+ file.puts JSON.dump({
+ default_space: default_branch
+ })
+ next
+ end
+ space_name = b.name.sub("#{b.remote_name}/", "")
+ commits = []
+ walker = Rugged::Walker.new(repo)
+ walker.sorting(Rugged::SORT_TOPO|Rugged::SORT_REVERSE)
+ walker.simplify_first_parent
+ walker.push(b.target)
+ from = $request[:from][space_name.to_sym]
+ if from && repo.include?(from[:ref])
+ commit = repo.lookup(from[:ref])
+ walker.hide(commit)
+ file.puts commit_version(commit, space_name)
+ end
+ bench("#{space_name} walk") do
+ walker.walk do |c|
+ # TODO: test if commit satisfies paths/ignore_paths
+ file.puts commit_version(c, space_name)
+ end
+ end
+ next if commits.empty?
+ $stderr.puts "#{space_name} commits: #{commits.size} (latest: #{has_latest})"
+ end
+ file.close
+when "get"
+ $request = {
+ config: {uri: "https://github.com/vito/booklit"},
+ space: "master",
+ version: {ref: "f828f2758256b0e93dc3c101f75604efe92ca07e"}
+ }
+ repo =
+ Rugged::Repository.clone_at(
+ $request[:config][:uri],
+ "dot", # TODO: irl this would be '.'
+ checkout_branch: $request[:space])
+ repo.checkout($request[:version][:ref])
+ # TODO: update/init submodules recursively
+ # TODO: draw the rest of the owl
+ #
+ # most of this is uninteresting.
+when "put"
+ puts "putting"
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/git-example/collect-all-versions b/001-resources-v2/git-example/collect-all-versions
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d7579958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/git-example/collect-all-versions
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "json"
+require "subprocess"
+require "stringio"
+# concourse (~15 branches, ~8500 commits)
+$request = {
+ config: {uri: "https://github.com/concourse/concourse"},
+ from: {}
+# booklit (~10 branches, ~200 commits)
+$request = {
+ config: {uri: "https://github.com/vito/booklit"},
+ from: {}
+# rails (~36 branches, ~70k commits)
+$request = {
+ config: {uri: "https://github.com/rails/rails"},
+ from: {}
+# linux (~2 branches, ~766k commits)
+$request = {
+ config: {uri: "https://github.com/torvalds/linux"},
+ from: {}
+def check_all
+ all_start = Time.now
+ check_has_latest = false
+ done_last_check = false
+ total_versions = {}
+ while true
+ check_start = Time.now
+ Subprocess::Process.new(
+ ["bundle", "exec", "./artifact", "check"],
+ stdin: Subprocess::PIPE,
+ stdout: Subprocess::PIPE) do |check|
+ out, _ = check.communicate(JSON.dump($request))
+ done_last_check = true if check_has_latest
+ res = JSON.parse(out, symbolize_names: true)
+ res[:spaces].each do |s|
+ space = s[:space]
+ versions = s[:versions]
+ if versions.first[:version] == versions.last[:version]
+ puts "checked #{space}: #{versions.first[:version][:ref]}"
+ else
+ puts "checked #{space}: #{versions.first[:version][:ref]}..#{versions.last[:version][:ref]}"
+ end
+ total_versions[space] ||= 0
+ total_versions[space] += versions.size
+ if versions.first[:version] == $request[:from][space]
+ total_versions[space] -= 1
+ end
+ $request[:from][space] = versions.last[:version]
+ end
+ check_has_latest = res[:spaces].all? { |s| s[:has_latest] }
+ end
+ if done_last_check
+ puts "time for stable check: #{Time.now - check_start}s"
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ puts "total time for all checks: #{Time.now - all_start}s"
+ puts "total versions: #{total_versions.to_json}"
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/git-example/info b/001-resources-v2/git-example/info
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..be0e0398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/git-example/info
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "json"
+puts JSON.dump({
+ artifacts: {
+ api_version: "2.0",
+ check: "artifact check",
+ get: "artifact get",
+ put: "artifact put"
+ }
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/main-pipeline.yml b/001-resources-v2/main-pipeline.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7be40cc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/main-pipeline.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# In this example, we demonstrate that today's model of an
+# always-rolling-forward pipeline doesn't need to mention spaces at all, so
+# long as the semver-git resource continuously rolls its "default space"
+# forward to the latest major.minor version available.
+# Interesting note: the bin-rc and bosh-rc jobs will dynamically switch the
+# space they run against because they have a `get` of the resource's default
+# space, which will change as the version is bumped. This would result in the
+# box's color changing to 'pending' in the UI until a build in that space runs.
+- name: booklit
+ type: git
+ source:
+ uri: https://github.com/vito/booklit
+- name: version
+ type: semver-git
+ source:
+ uri: https://github.com/vito/booklit
+- name: bin-rc
+ type: s3
+- name: bosh-rc
+ type: s3
+- name: unit
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ trigger: true
+ - task: unit
+ file: booklit/ci/test.yml
+- name: major
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ - put: version
+ params: {bump: major, pre: rc, repo: booklit}
+- name: minor
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ - put: version
+ params: {bump: minor, pre: rc, repo: booklit}
+- name: rc
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ passed: [unit]
+ trigger: true
+ - put: version
+ params: {pre: rc, repo: booklit}
+- name: bin-rc
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ passed: [rc]
+ trigger: true
+ - get: version
+ passed: [rc]
+ trigger: true
+ - task: build-rc
+ file: booklit/ci/bin-rc.yml
+ - put: bin-rc
+- name: bin-testflight
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ passed: [bin-rc]
+ trigger: true
+ - get: bin-rc
+ passed: [bin-rc]
+ trigger: true
+ - task: integration
+ file: booklit/ci/testflight.yml
+- name: bosh-rc
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ passed: [rc]
+ trigger: true
+ - get: version
+ passed: [rc]
+ trigger: true
+ - task: build-rc
+ file: booklit/ci/bosh-rc.yml
+ - put: bosh-rc
+- name: bosh-testflight
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ passed: [bosh-rc]
+ trigger: true
+ - get: bosh-rc
+ passed: [bosh-rc]
+ trigger: true
+ - task: integration
+ file: booklit/ci/testflight.yml
+- name: ship
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ passed: [bin-testflight, bosh-testflight]
+ trigger: true
+ - get: bin-rc
+ passed: [bin-testflight]
+ - get: bosh-rc
+ passed: [bosh-testflight]
+ - put: version
+ params: {bump: final, repo: booklit}
+- name: patch
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ passed: [ship]
+ trigger: true
+ - put: version
+ params: {bump: patch, pre: rc, repo: booklit}
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/notifications.yml b/001-resources-v2/notifications.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1305434a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/notifications.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+- name: slack-notifier
+ type: docker-image
+ source: {repository: concourse/slack-notifier-resource}
+- name: atc
+ type: git
+ source:
+ uri: https://github.com/concourse/atc
+- name: slack-alert
+ type: slack-notifier
+ source:
+ url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXX
+ notify:
+ - on: build_finished
+ params:
+ template:
+ succeeded: |
+ Yay! <{{.ExternalURL}}/builds/{{.BuildID}}|{{.BuildName}}> succeeded. :)
+ failed: |
+ Oh no! <{{.ExternalURL}}/builds/{{.BuildID}}|{{.BuildName}}> failed. :(
+- name: atc-pr-unit
+ plan:
+ - get: atc-pr
+ trigger: true
+ spaces: all
+ - task: unit
+ file: atc/ci/pr.yml
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/proposal.md b/001-resources-v2/proposal.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6dc358d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/proposal.md
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+# Summary
+This RFC proposes a new resource interface to replace the existing resource
+As part of this proposal, the interface will now be versioned, starting at 2.0.
+Today's resource interface (documented
+will be called version 1, even though it was never really versioned.
+The introduction of this new interface will be gradual, allowing Concourse
+users to use a mix of v1 and v2 resources throughout their pipelines. While the
+new interface is defined in terms of entirely new concepts like
+[spaces](https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/1707), v1 resources will
+be silently 'adapted' to v2 automatically.
+# Motivation
+* Support for multi-branch workflows and build matrixes:
+ * https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/1172
+ * https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/1707
+* Support for creating new branches dynamically (as spaces):
+ * https://github.com/concourse/git-resource/pull/172
+* Support for creating multiple versions at once:
+ * https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/535
+ * https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/2660
+* Support for deleting versions:
+ * https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/362
+* Having resource metadata immediately available via `check`:
+ * https://github.com/concourse/git-resource/issues/193
+* Unifying `source` and `params` as just `config` so that resources don't have
+ to care where configuration is being set in pipelines:
+ * https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/310
+* Improving stability of reattaching to builds by reading resource responses
+ from files instead of `stdout`:
+ * https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/1580
+* Ensuring resource version history is always correct and up-to-date, enabling
+ it to be [deduped](https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/2386) and
+ removing the need for [purging
+ history](https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/145) and
+ [removing/renaming
+ resources](https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/372).
+* Closing gaps in the resource interface that turned them into a "local maxima"
+ and resulted in their being used in somewhat cumbersome ways (notifications,
+ partially-implemented resources, etc.)
+# Proposal
+* TODO: document 'info'
+* TODO: make metadata more flexible?
+ * https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/310
+ * https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/2900
+## General Types
+// Space is a name of a space, e.g. "master", "release/3.14", "1.0".
+type Space string
+// Config is a black box containing all user-supplied configuration, combining
+// `source` in the resource definition with `params` from the step (in the
+// case of `get` or `put`).
+type Config map[string]interface{}
+// Version is a key-value identifier for a version of a resource, e.g.
+// `{"ref":"abcdef"}`, `{"version":"1.2.3"}`.
+type Version map[string]string
+// Metadata is an ordered list of metadata fields to display to the user about
+// a resource version. It's ordered so that the resource can decide the best
+// way to show it.
+type Metadata []MetadataField
+// MetadataField is an arbitrary key-value to display to the user about a
+// version of a resource.
+type MetadataField struct {
+ Name string `json:"name"`
+ Value string `json:"value"`
+## Versioned Artifacts interface
+### `check`: Detect versions across spaces.
+The `check` command will be invoked with the following JSON structure on
+// CheckRequest contains the resource's configuration and latest version
+// associated to each space.
+type CheckRequest struct {
+ Config Config `json:"config"`
+ From map[Space]Version `json:"from"`
+ ResponsePath string `json:"response_path"`
+The `check` script responds by writing JSON objects ("events") to a file
+specified by `response_path`. Each JSON object has an `action` and a different
+set of fields based on the action.
+The following event types may be emitted by `check`:
+* `default_space`: Emitted when the resource has learned of a space which
+ should be considered the "default", e.g. the default branch of a `git` repo
+ or the latest version available for a semver'd resource.
+ Required fields for this event:
+ * `space`: The name of the space.
+* `discovered`: Emitted when a version is discovered for a given space. These
+ must be emitted in chronological order (relative to other `discovered` events
+ for the given space - other events may be intermixed).
+ Required fields for this event:
+ * `space`: The space the version is in.
+ * `version`: The version object.
+ * `metadata`: A list of JSON objects with `name` and `value`, shown to the
+ user.
+* `reset`: Emitted when a given space's "current version" is no longer present
+ (e.g. someone ran `git push -f`). This has the effect of marking all
+ currently-recorded versions of the space 'deleted', after which the resource
+ will emit any and all versions from the beginning, thus 'un-deleting'
+ anything that's actually still there.
+ Required fields for this event:
+ * `space`: The name of the space.
+The first request will have an empty object as `from`.
+Any spaces discovered by the resource but not present in `from` should emit
+versions from the very first version.
+For each space and associated version in `from`, the resource should emit all
+versions that appear *after* the given version (not including the given
+If a space or given version in `from` is no longer present (in the case of `git
+push -f` or branch deletion), the resource should emit a `reset` event for the
+space. If the space is still there, but the verion was gone, it should follow
+the `reset` event with all versions detected from the beginning, as if the
+`from` value was never specified.
+The resource should determine a "default space", if any. Having a default space
+is useful for things like Git repos which have a default branch, or version
+spaces (e.g. `1.8`, `2.0`) which can point to the latest version line by
+default. If there is no default space, the user must specify it explicitly in
+the pipeline, either by configuring one on the resource (`default_space: foo`)
+or on every `get` step using the resource (`spaces: [foo]`).
+#### example
+Given the following request on `stdin`:
+ "config": {
+ "uri": "https://github.com/concourse/concourse"
+ },
+ "from": {
+ "master": {"ref": "abc123"},
+ "feature/foo": {"ref":"def456"},
+ "feature/bar": {"ref":"987cia"}
+ },
+ "response_path": "/tmp/check-response.json"
+If the `feature/foo` branch has new commits, `master` is the default branch and
+has no new commits, and `feature/bar` has been `push -f`ed, you may see
+something like the following in `/tmp/check-response.json`:
+{"action":"discovered","space":"feature/foo","version":{"ref":"abcdf8"},"metadata":[{"name":"message","value":"fix thing"}]}
+{"action":"discovered","space":"feature/bar","version":{"ref":"abcde0"},"metadata":[{"name":"message","value":"initial commit"}]}
+{"action":"discovered","space":"feature/bar","version":{"ref":"abcde1"},"metadata":[{"name":"message","value":"add readme"}]}
+{"action":"discovered","space":"feature/foo","version":{"ref":"abcdf9"},"metadata":[{"name":"message","value":"fix thing even more"}]}
+{"action":"discovered","space":"feature/bar","version":{"ref":"abcde2"},"metadata":[{"name":"message","value":"finish the feature"}]}
+A few things to note:
+* A `reset` event is emitted immediately upon detecting that the given version
+ for `feature/bar` (`987cia`) is no longer available, followed by a
+ `discovered` event for every commit going back to the initial commit on the
+ branch.
+* No versions are emitted for `master`, because it's already up to date
+ (`abc123` is the latest commit).
+* The versions detected for `feature/foo` may appear between events for
+ `feature/bar`, as they're for unrelated spaces. The order only matters within
+ the space.
+### `get`: Fetch a version from the resource's space.
+The `get` command will be invoked with the following JSON structure on `stdin`:
+type GetRequest struct {
+ Config Config `json:"config"`
+ Space Space `json:"space"`
+ Version Version `json:"version"`
+The command will be invoked with a completely empty working directory. The
+command should populate this directory with the requested bits. The `git`
+resource, for example, would clone directly into the working directory.
+If the requested version is unavailable, the command should exit nonzero.
+No response is expected.
+Anything printed to `stdout` and `stderr` will propagate to the build logs.
+### `put`: Idempotently create or destroy resource versions across spaces.
+The `put` command will be invoked with the following JSON structure on `stdin`:
+type PutRequest struct {
+ Config Config `json:"config"`
+ ResponsePath string `json:"response_path"`
+The command will be invoked with all of the build plan's artifacts present in
+the working directory, each as `./(artifact name)`.
+The `put` script responds by writing JSON objects ("events") to a file
+specified by `response_path`, just like `check`. Each JSON object has an
+`action` and a different set of fields based on the action.
+Anything printed to `stdout` and `stderr` will propagate to the build logs.
+The following event types may be emitted by `put`:
+* `created`: Emitted when the resource has created (perhaps idempotently) a
+ version. The version will be recorded as an output of the build.
+ Versions produced by `put` will *not* be directly inserted into the
+ resource's version history in the pipeline, as they were with v1 resources.
+ This enables one-off versions to be created and fetched within a build
+ without disrupting the normal detection of resource versions across the
+ Required fields for this event:
+ * `space`: The space the version is in.
+ * `version`: The version object.
+ * `metadata`: A list of JSON objects with `name` and `value`, shown to the
+ user. Note that this is return by both `put` and `check`, because there's a
+ chance that `put` produces a version that wouldn't normally be discovered
+ by `check`.
+* `deleted`: Emitted when a version has been deleted. The version record will
+ remain in the database for archival purposes, but it will no longer be a
+ candidate for any builds.
+ Required fields for this event:
+ * `space`: The space the version is in.
+ * `version`: The version object.
+Because the space is included on each event, `put` allows new spaces to be
+generated dynamically based on params and/or the bits in its working directory
+and propagated to the rest of the pipeline.
+# Examples
+## Resource Implementations
+I've started cooking up new resources using this interface. I've left `TODO`s
+for parts that need more thinking or discussion. Please leave comments!
+### `git`
+This resource models the original `git` resource. It represents each branch as a space.
+### `semver-git`
+This is a whole new semver resource intended to replace the original `semver`
+resource with a better model that supports concurrent version lines (i.e.
+supporting multiple major/minor releases with patches). It does this by managing
+tags in an existing Git repository.
+### `s3`
+This resource models the original `s3` resource. Only regex versions were
+implemented, each space corresponds to a major.minor version. For example, 1.2.0
+and 1.2.1 is the same space but 1.3.0 is a different space. Single numbers are
+also supported with default minor of 0. The default space is set to the latest
+minor version.
+## Pipeline Usage
+- Pull Requests
+- Feature branches
+- Build matrixes
+- Generating branches (and propagating them downstream)
+- Semver artifacts
+- Fanning out against multiple IaaSes
+- Pool resource?
+- BOSH deploys
+# Summary of Changes
+## Overarching Changes
+* Add an `info` script which returns a JSON object indicating the supported
+ interfaces, their protocol versions, and any other interface-specific
+ meta-configuration (for example, which commands to execute for the
+ interface's hooks).
+* The first supported interface will be called `artifacts`, and its version
+ will start at `2.0` as it's really the next iteration of the existing
+ "resources" concept, but with a more specific name.
+* There are no more hardcoded paths (`/opt/resource/X`) - instead there's the
+ single `info` entrypoint, which is run in the container's working directory.
+ This is more platform-agnostic.
+## Changes to Versioned Artifact resources
+* Remove the distinction between `source` and `params`; resources will receive
+ a single `config`. The distinction will remain in the pipeline. This makes it
+ easier to implement a resource without planning ahead for dynamic vs. static
+ usage patterns. This will become more powerful if concourse/concourse#684 is
+ implemented.
+* Change `check` to run against all spaces. It will be given a mapping of each
+ space to its current latest version, and return the set of all spaces, along
+ with any new versions in each space.
+ This is all done as one batch call so that resources can decide how to
+ efficiently perform the check. It also keeps the container overhead down to
+ one per resource, rather than one per space.
+* Remove the implicit `get` after every `put`, now requiring the pipeline to
+ explicitly configure a `get` field on the same step. This is necessary now
+ that `put` can potentially perform an operation resulting solely in `deleted`
+ events, in which case there is nothing to fetch.
+ This has also been requested by users for quite a while, for the sake of
+ optimizing jobs that have no need for the implicit `get`.
+* Change `put` to emit a sequence of created versions, rather than just one.
+ Technically the `git` resource may push many commits, so returning more than
+ one version is necessary to track them all as outputs of a build. This could
+ also support batch creation.
+ To ensure `check` is the source of truth for ordering, the versions emitted
+ by `put` are not directly inserted into the database. Instead, they are
+ simply recorded as outputs of the build. The order does matter, however - if
+ a user configures a `get` on the `put` step, the last version emitted will be
+ fetched. For this reason they should be emitted in chronological order.
+* Change `put` to additionally return a sequence of *deleted* versions.
+ There has long been a call for a batch `delete` or `destroy` action. Adding
+ this to `put` alongside the set of created versions allows `put` to become a
+ general idempotent side-effect performer, rather than implying that each
+ resource must support a separate `delete` action.
+* Change `get` to always run against a particular space, given by
+ the request payload.
+* Change `check` to include metadata for each version. Change `get` to no
+ longer return it.
+ This way metadata is always immediately available, which could enable us to
+ have a richer UI for the version history page.
+ The original thought was that metadata collection may be expensive, but so
+ far we haven't seen that to be the case.
+* Change `get` script to no longer return a version, since it's always given
+ one now. As a result, `get` no longer has a response; it just succeeds or
+ fails.
+* Change `get` and `put` to run with the bits as their working directory,
+ rather than taking the path as an argument. This was something people would
+ trip up on when implementing a resource.
+* Change `check` and `put` to write its JSON response to a specified file,
+ rather than `stdout`, so that we don't have to be attached to process its
+ response.
+ This is one of the few ways a build can error after the ATC reattaches
+ (`unexpected end of JSON`). With it written to a file, we can just try to
+ read the file when we re-attach after seeing that the process exited. This
+ also frees up `stdout`/`stderr` for normal logging, which has been an
+ occasional pitfall during resource development/debugging.
+ Another motivation for this is safety: with `check` emitting a ton of data,
+ there is danger in Garden losing chunks of the output due to a slow consumer.
+ Writing to a file circumvents this issue.
+# New Implications
+## The `get` after the `put` in Concourse pipelines
+With v1 resources, every `put` in a Concourse pipeline implied a `get` of the
+version that was created. With v2, the `get` will be made opt-in. This has been
+a long-time ask, and one objective reason to make it opt-in is that Concourse
+can't know ahead of time that there will even be anything to `get` - for
+example, the `put` could emit only `deleted` events.
+So, to `get` the latest version that was produced by the `put`, you would
+configure something like:
+- put: my-resource
+ get: my-created-resource
+- task: use-my-created-resource
+The value for the `get` field is the name under which the artifact will be
+saved (just like `get` steps). When specified, the last version emitted will be
+fetched (from whichever space it was in).
+## Single-state resources
+Resources that really only have a "current state", such as deployments, can now
+represent their state more clearly because old versions that are no longer
+there will be marked 'deleted'.
+## Non-linearly versioned artifact storage
+This can be done by representing each non-linear version in a separate space.
+For example, generated code could be pushed to a generated (but deterministic)
+branch name, and that space could then be passed along.
+## Build-local Versions
+Now that `put` doesn't directly modify the resource's version history, it can
+be used to provide explicitly versioned 'variants' of original versions without
+doubling up the version history. One use case for this is pull-requests: you
+may want a build to pull in one resource for the PR itself, another resource
+for the base branch of the upstream reap, and then `put` to produce a
+"combined" version of the two, representing the PR merged into the upstream
+- name: run-pr
+ plan:
+ - get: concourse-pr # pr: 123, ref: deadbeef
+ trigger: true
+ - get: concourse # ref: abcdef
+ - put: concourse-pr
+ get: merged-pr
+ params:
+ merge_base: concourse
+ status: pending
+ # the `put` will learns base ref from `concourse` input and param, and emit
+ # a 'created' event with the following version:
+ #
+ # pr: 123, ref: deadbeef, base: abcdef
+ #
+ # the `get` will then run with that version and knows to merge onto the
+ # given base ref
+ - task: unit
+ # uses 'merged-pr' as an input
+# Open Questions
+## Are there examples of `put`ing to multiple spaces at once?
+Initially there was a limitation that `put` could only emit versions pertaining
+to a single space. This was to prevent ambiguity with "`get` after `put`" -
+which space would the `get` fetch from? We loosened this constraint because it
+felt somewhat arbitrary, as the protocol allows it easily, and recording
+outputs and marking versions as deleted across spaces isn't any harder than
+with a single space.
+To loosen the constraint we've instead constrained the `get` to only fetch the
+last version, from whichever space it was in. But are there any good examples
+of this being useful, or have we just moved the arbitrary restriction
+elsewhere? (At least we've moved it out of the resource interface - technically
+this is a pipeline concern, not a resource interface concern.)
+Would users want to fetch multiple spaces that were created? Would they want to
+do this statically (at pipeline definition time) or dynamically (at runtime)?
+Static would be relatively easily as the build plan would just result in
+multiple `get` steps, but dynamic would run into the same challenges as with
+[dynamic build plan
+generation](https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues/684). However users
+could always just separate it into a different job spanning the spaces
+dynamically with wildcards.
+Here's a mockup for static configuration:
+- put: foo
+ params: bar
+ get: {artifact-name-a: space-a, artifact-name-b: space-b}
+...but is that useful?
+This is really in need of a use case to define it further, but for now the
+constraint has been lifted from the resource interface, and it's up to the rest
+of Concourse's pipeline mechanics to determine what's possible from there.
+# Answered Questions
+Can we reduce the `check` overhead?
+With spaces there will be more `check`s than ever. Right now, there's one
+container per recurring `check`. Can we reduce the container overhead here by
+requiring that resource `check`s be side-effect free and able to run in
+There may be substantial security implications for this.
+This is now done as one big `check` across all spaces, run in a single
+container. Resources can choose how to perform this efficiently and safely.
+This may mean GraphQL requests or just iterating over local shared state in
+series. Even in the worst-case, where no parallelism is involved, it will at
+least consume only one container.
+Is `destroy` general enough to be a part of the interface?
+It may be the case that most resources cannot easily support `destroy`. One
+example is the `git` resource. It doesn't really make sense to `destroy` a
+commit. Even if it did (`push -f`?), it's a kind of weird workflow to support
+out of the box.
+Could we instead just have `put` and ensure that we `check` in such a way that
+deleted versions are automatically noticed? What would the overhead of this
+be? This only works if the versions are "chained", as with the `git` case.
+Decided against introducing `destroy` in favor of having `put` return two sets
+for each space: versions created and versions deleted. This generalizes `put`
+into an idempotent versioned artifact side effect performer.
+Should `put` be given a space or return the space?
+The verb `PUT` in HTTP implies an idempotent action against a given resource. So
+it's intuitive that the `put` verb here would do the same.
+However, many of today's usage of `put` would be against a dynamically
+determined space. For example, most semver workflows involve `put`ing with the
+version determined by a file (often coming from the `semver` resource). So the
+space isn't known statically at pipeline configuration time.
+What's more, the resulting space for a semver push would only be `MAJOR.MINOR`,
+excluding the final patch segment. This is annoying to have to explicitly
+configure in your build.
+If we instead have `put` return both the space and the versions, this would be a
+lot simpler.
+Answered this at the same time as having `put` return a set of deleted
+versions. It'll return multiple spaces and versions created/deleted for them.
+# Implementation Notes
+## Performance Implications
+Now that we're going to be collecting all versions of every resource, we should
+be careful not to be scanning the entire table all the time, and even make an
+effort to share data when possible. We have implemented this with
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/prs.yml b/001-resources-v2/prs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64e8aa83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/prs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+- name: github-pr
+ type: docker-image
+ source: {repository: concourse/github-pr-resource}
+- name: atc-pr
+ type: github-pr
+ source:
+ repository: concourse/atc
+ access_token: ((token))
+- name: atc-pr-unit
+ plan:
+ - get: atc-pr
+ trigger: true
+ spaces: all
+ - task: unit
+ file: atc/ci/pr.yml
+ # TODO: this currently doesn't do any commit status indication
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/release-pipeline.yml b/001-resources-v2/release-pipeline.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..336cf4ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/release-pipeline.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# This example shows a subset of the main pipeline for supporting release
+# branches. There's quite a bit of duplication, but in principle you may have a
+# different set of checks and balances for patch releases.
+- name: booklit
+ type: git
+ source:
+ uri: https://github.com/vito/booklit
+- name: version
+ type: semver-git
+ source:
+ uri: https://github.com/vito/booklit
+- name: unit
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ spaces: [release/*]
+ trigger: true
+ - task: unit
+ file: booklit/ci/test.yml
+- name: rc
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ spaces: [release/*]
+ passed: [unit]
+ trigger: true
+ - put: version
+ params: {pre: rc, repo: booklit}
+- name: integration
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ spaces: [release/*]
+ passed: [rc]
+ trigger: true
+ - task: integration
+ file: booklit/ci/integration.yml
+- name: ship
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ spaces: [release/*]
+ passed: [integration]
+ trigger: true
+ - put: version
+ params: {bump: final, repo: booklit}
+- name: patch
+ plan:
+ - get: booklit
+ spaces: [release/*]
+ - put: version
+ params: {bump: patch, pre: rc, repo: booklit}
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/s3-example/Gemfile b/001-resources-v2/s3-example/Gemfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b64884b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/s3-example/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+source :rubygems
+gem 'aws-sdk-s3'
+gem 'semverly'
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/s3-example/Gemfile.lock b/001-resources-v2/s3-example/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1858f0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/s3-example/Gemfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ remote: http://rubygems.org/
+ specs:
+ aws-eventstream (1.0.1)
+ aws-partitions (1.106.0)
+ aws-sdk-core (3.33.0)
+ aws-eventstream (~> 1.0)
+ aws-partitions (~> 1.0)
+ aws-sigv4 (~> 1.0)
+ jmespath (~> 1.0)
+ aws-sdk-kms (1.9.0)
+ aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.26.0)
+ aws-sigv4 (~> 1.0)
+ aws-sdk-s3 (1.21.0)
+ aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.26.0)
+ aws-sdk-kms (~> 1)
+ aws-sigv4 (~> 1.0)
+ aws-sigv4 (1.0.3)
+ jmespath (1.4.0)
+ semverly (1.0.0)
+ ruby
+ aws-sdk-s3
+ semverly
+ 1.16.2
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/s3-example/artifact b/001-resources-v2/s3-example/artifact
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7705fc84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/s3-example/artifact
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'json'
+require 'aws-sdk-s3'
+require 'semverly'
+ region: 'us-east-1',
+ credentials: Aws::Credentials.new(ENV['ACCESS_KEY_ID'],
+client = Aws::S3::Client.new
+case ARGV[0]
+when 'check'
+ request = {
+ config: {
+ bucket: 'concourse-s3-test',
+ regex: 'concourse-(.*).pivotal'
+ },
+ response_path: '/tmp/response'
+ }
+ bucket = request[:config][:bucket]
+ prefix = request[:config][:regex].partition('(').first
+ file = File.new request[:response_path], 'w'
+ response = client.list_objects_v2(
+ bucket: bucket,
+ prefix: prefix
+ )
+ versions = []
+ response.contents.each do |object|
+ matches = object.key.match request[:config][:regex]
+ continue unless matches
+ semver = SemVer.parse(matches[1])
+ space = "#{semver.major}.#{semver.minor}"
+ versions << { space: space, path: object.key, version: matches[1] }
+ end
+ versions = versions.sort_by do |version|
+ [version[:space], SemVer.parse(version[:version])]
+ end
+ latest_version = versions.last
+ if latest_version
+ file.puts JSON.dump(
+ default_space: latest_version[:space]
+ )
+ else
+ file.puts JSON.dump(
+ default_space: nil
+ )
+ end
+ versions.each do |version|
+ file.puts JSON.dump(
+ space: version[:space],
+ version: { path: version[:path] },
+ metadata: []
+ )
+ end
+ file.close
+when 'get'
+ request = {
+ config: {
+ bucket: 'concourse-s3-test',
+ regex: 'concourse-(.*).pivotal'
+ },
+ space: '1.0',
+ version: { path: 'concourse-1.0.0.pivotal' }
+ }
+ client.get_object(
+ response_target: request[:version][:path],
+ bucket: request[:config][:bucket],
+ key: request[:version][:path]
+ )
+when 'put'
+ request = {
+ config: {
+ bucket: 'concourse-s3-test',
+ regex: 'concourse-(.*).pivotal',
+ file: 'concourse-3.0.0.pivotal'
+ },
+ response_path: '/tmp/response'
+ }
+ matches = request[:config][:file].match request[:config][:regex]
+ raise 'file path does not match regex' unless matches
+ semver = SemVer.parse(matches[1])
+ space = "#{semver.major}.#{semver.minor}"
+ File.open(request[:config][:file], 'rb') do |f|
+ client.put_object(bucket: request[:config][:bucket],
+ key: request[:config][:file], body: f)
+ end
+ File.open(request[:response_path], 'w') do |f|
+ f.puts JSON.dump(
+ space: space,
+ Created: [{ path: request[:config][:file] }]
+ )
+ end
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/s3-example/info b/001-resources-v2/s3-example/info
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..be0e0398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/s3-example/info
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "json"
+puts JSON.dump({
+ artifacts: {
+ api_version: "2.0",
+ check: "artifact check",
+ get: "artifact get",
+ put: "artifact put"
+ }
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/semver-example/.gitignore b/001-resources-v2/semver-example/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbb00daa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/semver-example/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/semver-example/Gemfile b/001-resources-v2/semver-example/Gemfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72115298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/semver-example/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+source :rubygems
+gem 'git'
+gem 'semantic'
+gem 'pry'
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/semver-example/Gemfile.lock b/001-resources-v2/semver-example/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44bb5be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/semver-example/Gemfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ remote: http://rubygems.org/
+ specs:
+ coderay (1.1.2)
+ git (1.4.0)
+ method_source (0.9.0)
+ pry (0.11.3)
+ coderay (~> 1.1.0)
+ method_source (~> 0.9.0)
+ semantic (1.6.1)
+ ruby
+ git
+ pry
+ semantic
+ 1.16.2
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/semver-example/README.md b/001-resources-v2/semver-example/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc5b51f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/semver-example/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Git Resource v2
+This implementation is done in Ruby using the `git` gem. I chose Ruby
+over Bash because having a real language with more accessible data
+structures is probably going to be more important with this new
+interface, and Ruby feels pretty well suited (really just need a bit more
+than Bash).
+Please leave comments on parts you like/don't like! But bear in mind the
+goal here isn't necessarily the prettiness of the code, it's to see what
+kinds of things the resource has to do. I'll be using Ruby purely as a
+scripting language, hacking things together where needed in the interest
+of brevity.
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/semver-example/artifact b/001-resources-v2/semver-example/artifact
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..35d3d2e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/semver-example/artifact
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "json"
+require "git"
+require "semantic"
+# $request = JSON.parse(STDIN.read, symbolize_names: true)
+def commit_versions(log)
+ log.collect do |c|
+ {
+ version: {ref: c.sha},
+ metadata: [
+ {name: "author", value: c.author.name},
+ {name: "author_date", value: c.author_date},
+ {name: "commit", value: c.sha},
+ {name: "committer", value: c.committer.name},
+ {name: "committer_date", value: c.committer_date},
+ {name: "message", value: c.message}
+ ]
+ }
+ end
+case ARGV[0]
+when "check"
+ $request = {
+ config: {uri: "https://github.com/concourse/concourse"},
+ from: {
+ "2.7": {version: "2.7.5"},
+ "3.0": {version: "3.0.0"},
+ "3.9": {version: "3.9.1"}
+ }
+ }
+ tags = Git.ls_remote($request[:config][:uri])["tags"]
+ versions = []
+ tags.each do |tag, _|
+ next unless tag =~ /^v\d/
+ # TODO: skip non-matches
+ versions << Semantic::Version.new(tag[1..-1])
+ end
+ versions.sort!
+ from = {}
+ $request[:from].each do |space, version|
+ from[space] = Semantic::Version.new(version[:version])
+ end
+ latest_space = nil
+ space_versions = {}
+ versions.each do |v|
+ name = "#{v.major}.#{v.minor}"
+ latest_space = name
+ next if from[name] && v < from[name]
+ space_versions[name] ||= []
+ space_versions[name] << {
+ version: {version: v.to_s},
+ metadata: []
+ }
+ end
+ spaces = []
+ space_versions.each do |space, vs|
+ spaces << {
+ space: space,
+ versions: vs,
+ has_latest: true
+ }
+ end
+ puts JSON.dump({
+ spaces: spaces,
+ default_space: latest_space
+ })
+when "get"
+ File.open("version", "w") do |file|
+ file.write($request[:version][:version])
+ end
+when "put"
+ $request = {
+ config: {
+ uri: "https://github.com/concourse/concourse",
+ file: "version/version",
+ repo: "concourse"
+ },
+ response: "./response.json"
+ }
+ # TODO: set up auth/etc
+ repo = Git.open($request[:config][:repo]).fetch("origin", tags: true)
+ if file_path = $config[:file]
+ version = Semantic::Version.new(File.read(file_path))
+ else
+ # get current version from latest tag
+ latest_tag = repo.describe("HEAD", tags: true, abbrev: 0, match: "v*")
+ version = Semantic::Version.new(latest_tag)
+ case bump = $config[:bump]
+ when "final"
+ version.pre = nil
+ else
+ # this ends with a ! but doesn't mutate it... weird.
+ version = version.increment!(bump)
+ end
+ if pre = $config[:pre]
+ num =
+ if version.pre
+ current_pre, current_num = version.identifiers(version.pre)
+ if pre == current_pre
+ current_num + 1
+ else
+ 1
+ end
+ else
+ 1
+ end
+ version.pre = "#{pre}.#{num}"
+ end
+ end
+ space = "#{version.major}.#{version.minor}"
+ tag = repo.add_tag("v#{version}", force: true)
+ # TODO: set up auth/etc
+ repo.push("origin", "refs/tags/#{tag.name}")
+ response = JSON.dump({
+ space => {
+ created: [{version: tag.name}],
+ deleted: []
+ }
+ })
+ File.open($request[:response], "w") do |f|
+ f.write(response)
+ end
diff --git a/001-resources-v2/semver-example/info b/001-resources-v2/semver-example/info
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..be0e0398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/001-resources-v2/semver-example/info
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "json"
+puts JSON.dump({
+ artifacts: {
+ api_version: "2.0",
+ check: "artifact check",
+ get: "artifact get",
+ put: "artifact put"
+ }