AWS and Digital Ocean credentials should be setup via the development/ops
ansible role in advance.
This will also setup the terraform tool.
To start:
terraform init
To plan:
terraform plan
To apply:
terraform apply
To show state:
terraform show terraform.tfstate
To destroy:
terraform plan -destroy -out=terraform.tfplan
to make the destroy plan and terraform apply terraform.tfplan
Ansible automatically runs as part of the terraform script, but this guide was used to update the terraform to work together:
For DigitalOcean, you'll want to do an ssh [email protected]
and for aws, ssh [email protected]
You'll likely have to clear out any old ssh keys before using ansible.
Then for ansible:
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory.yml -u root --limit --tags user
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory.yml -u ubuntu --limit --tags user