There are several goals of this project
- a friction-less way to get back to normal after a fresh install of an OS for local devices, and use a common set of expectations for all devices in my fleet
- a way to easily provision and deploy cloud resources
- a minimal amount of secret management by using 1password
- I hate snaps. Wherever possible I use apt on ubuntu.
Used to provision cloud resources (currently on digital ocean and aws):
- compute, dns entries
- todo: firewall / vpc configs
Used to provision software, services and configuration to all of the machines in my fleet. Read more
Used to run a clean base OS image in a VM (prefer this to docker since its more of a "complete" system). Currently setup to start the VM, and uses a provisioner to deploy ansible roles. The idea with these is to make sure that fresh installs can still provision because over time a system accumulates little changes and can diverge signficantly from a fresh install. Read more
Not really used right now. If I wanted to make a custom VM image to start from I could do it here, but I've found the vagrant bento images sufficient instead. Read more