Approximately in order of importance:
(DONE) Subject processing (i.e., put the log files from a subj in their own directory.)
(DONE) Logging - Each State is responsible for creating a dictionary to log the
most important aspect of that state and write that to a YAML file for each experiment.
- Create a Log state that can pick and choose from other state logs to make custom event logs.
(DONE) Variables - For custom tracking of stuff throughout the experiment
(e.g., counting up the num correct for a block)
- Implemented as Set and Get states
Keyboard input - (DONE) Add event hooks - (DONE) Tracking individual keys - Track extended text input
Mouse input - (DONE) Button presses (what, when, and where [not yet where]) - Movement (A list of dicts for each movement during an active
(DONE) Conditional state to allow branching
(DONE) Loop state (to allow looping without unraveling into a big sequence)
(IN PROGRESS) Tests (especially to verify timing)
(DONE) Plot the DAG with pydot
Audio - (DONE/In PROGRESS) Playback - Recording
Movie playback - (DONE) without audio - sync with audio
(DONE) EEG sync pulsing
Animations (i.e., complex/dynamic visual stimuli)
Better comments
Docs (in code and with Sphinx)
(In Progress) Example experiments
(DONE) Upload to github
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