diff --git a/client-report/src/components/RawDataExport.js b/client-report/src/components/RawDataExport.js index 8d160204f..f0f4e93d1 100644 --- a/client-report/src/components/RawDataExport.js +++ b/client-report/src/components/RawDataExport.js @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ const RawDataExport = ({ conversation, report_id }) => { {`The following data exports are anonymized. Participants are identifed by an integer representing the order in which they first voted. For a full description of files and columns, please see: `} https://compdemocracy.org/export/

- {/* Rest of the export links and curl commands */}

{`--------Summary: `} { {getDownloadFilename("summary", conversation)}

- {/* Add the rest of the export links here... */} +

+ {`-------Comments: `} + + {getDownloadFilename("comments", conversation)} + + {` (may take up to several minutes)`} +


+ {`--Votes history: `} + + {getDownloadFilename("votes", conversation)} + + {` (as event log)`} +


+ {`---Votes matrix: `} + + {getDownloadFilename("participant-votes", conversation)} + + {` (as comments x participants matrix)`} +


+ {`Comment groups: `} + + {getDownloadFilename("comment-groups", conversation)} + +

@@ -56,7 +97,18 @@ const RawDataExport = ({ conversation, report_id }) => {

{`$ curl ${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}/api/v3/reportExport/${report_id}/summary.csv`}

- {/* Add the rest of the curl commands here... */} +

+ {`$ curl ${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}/api/v3/reportExport/${report_id}/comments.csv`} +


+ {`$ curl ${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}/api/v3/reportExport/${report_id}/votes.csv`} +


+ {`$ curl ${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}/api/v3/reportExport/${report_id}/participant-votes.csv`} +


+ {`$ curl ${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}/api/v3/reportExport/${report_id}/comment-groups.csv`} +

{doShowDataLicenseTerms && ( @@ -64,7 +116,22 @@ const RawDataExport = ({ conversation, report_id }) => {

Attribution of Polis Data

- {/* Add the rest of the license terms here... */} +

+ All Polis data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International + license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ +


--------------- BEGIN STATEMENT ---------------


+ {`Data was gathered using the Polis software (see: compdemocracy.org/polis and github.com/compdemocracy/polis) and is sub-licensed + under CC BY 4.0 with Attribution to The Computational Democracy Project. The data and more + information about how the data was collected can be found at the following link: ${window.location.href}`} +


--------------- END STATEMENT---------------


+ For further information on best practices for Attribution of CC 4.0 licensed content + Please see: + https://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/Best_practices_for_attribution#Title.2C_Author.2C_Source.2C_License +
