EventStore supports starting multiple instances, each with a unique name. This feature can be used to support multi-tenancy where each tenant's data is stored separately in its own Postgres schema.
Define an application which uses the init/1
callback function to set the event store name and schema from config:
defmodule MyApp.Application do
use Commanded.Application,
otp_app: :my_app,
event_store: [
adapter: Commanded.EventStore.Adapters.EventStore,
event_store: MyApp.EventStore
def init(config) do
name = Keyword.fetch!(config, :name)
{tenant, config} = Keyword.pop(config, :tenant)
# Set dynamic event store name
config = put_in(config, [:event_store, :name], Module.concat([name, EventStore])
# Set event store prefix (Postgres schema)
config = put_in(config, [:event_store, :prefix], Atom.to_string(tenant))
{:ok, config}
Start an application per tenant:
for tenant <- [:tenant1, :tenant2, :tenant3] do
{:ok, _pid} = MyApp.Application.start_link(name: tenant, tenant: tenant)
Each started application will use its own dynamically named EventStore and separate Postgres schema.