Have you considered a table of contents (or the outline) at the top of the article or would that spoil the surprise? It's nice to know where we're going or where we are in a long article.
This also puts one of Bivens-Tatum's comments into an interesting...
You might want to expand or clarify or re-organize this paragraph to start with the fact that the West = white implicit definition is racist and then go to the enlightened = civilized = white definition and the resulting cultural genocide. I think it would flow better that way because his problematic definition of "Western" is just a part of the larger problem you're discussing. If that makes sense.
The ongoing existence of the settler state...
Something here needs to be added, because it's not that the "settler state" "necessitates continued resistence" against itself, it's that if you accept the argument thus far that enlightenment supports white supremecy and white supremecy is bad then that "necessitates continued resistence and working towards decolonization".
2.2 The Enlightenment
Personally I think of The Enlightement like this as a proper noun, but elsewhere in the text you use it entirely lowercase. Intentional? Ditto 3.3 header, is Liberalism capitalized intentionally? Ditto Orientalism.
Instead, as I have also argued, we may...
I'm not sure how you feel about modifications to quotations, but I would cut out the first part of this sentence for clarity. It would start with "We may wish to rearticulate our understanding".
I keep moving things out of brackets and into the sentence if it makes sense.
Rather, libraries are active participants in maintaining a system of intellectual property within a larger context of white supremacy...
While I totally get where you're coming from with this, it requires some background knowledge on my part and seems to come out of left field. Perhaps refer back to or move some of your stuff from the intro about slavery and capitalist commodification of Black people into this section? You're talking about intellectual property law and then compairing it to slavery, I think there needs to be a more explicit step in between.