Platform | Number of Instance | Reading Time |
Play with Docker | 1 | 5 min |
In some cases, you want a specific directory on the host to be mapped inside the container:
You want to manage storage and snapshots yourself.
(With LVM, or a SAN, or ZFS, or anything else!)
You have a separate disk with better performance (SSD) or resiliency (EBS) than the system disk, and you want to put important data on that disk.
You want to share your source directory between your host (where the source gets edited) and the container (where it is compiled or executed).
Wait, we already met the last use-case in our example development workflow! Nice.
$ docker run -d -v /path/on/the/host:/path/in/container image ...
Execute the following commands:
mkdir test
docker system prune
docker volume prune
docker volume ls
docker run --env MESSAGE="GOOD Afternoon" --env FILENAME=afternoon_message\
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/test,target=/data \
docker volume ls
cd ./test
cat afternoon_message