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Extended Submission deadline: August 23, 2020
1st Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse (CODI) https://codi-workshop.github.io/
Held in conjunction with EMNLP 2020 November 20, 2020
Important information: The CODI workshop will be an online workshop following the EMNLP program chairs' decision to move EMNLP online. The workshop will now take place on November 19.
The last five years have seen a dramatic improvement in the ability of NLP systems to understand and produce words and sentences. This development has created a renewed interest in discourse problems as researchers move towards the processing of long-form text and conversations. There is a surge of activity in discourse parsing, coherence models, text summarization, corpora for discourse level reading comprehension, and discourse related/aided representation learning, to name a few. At this juncture, we envision that a workshop that brings together discourse experts and upcoming researchers will catalyze the speed and knowledge needed to solve such problems, as well as serve as a forum for the discussion of suitable datasets and reliable evaluation methods.
The previous workshops on discourse in machine translation (DiscoMT), linking lexical, sentential and discourse semantics (LSDSem), discourse structure in natural language generation (DSNNLG), discourse parsing and treebanking (DisRPT) and coreference (CORBON/ CRAC), have shown that there is considerable interest and success in bringing together the community working on specific problems. We believe that the discourse community will also benefit from a general forum where work ranging from corpus development/analysis to computational models, and evaluation is discussed, and desiderata can be drawn for future progress.
The Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse brings together researchers interested in all aspects of discourse and its computational modeling.
We welcome symbolic and probabilistic approaches, corpus development and analysis, as well as machine and deep learning approaches to discourse. We appreciate theoretical contributions as well as practical applications, including demos of systems and tools. The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for the community of NLP researchers working on all aspects of discourse.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- discourse structure
- discourse connectives
- discourse relations
- annotation tools and schemes for discourse phenomena
- corpora annotated with discourse phenomena
- discourse parsing
- cross-lingual discourse processing
- cross-domain discourse processing
- anaphora and coreference resolution
- event coreference
- argument mining
- coherence modeling
- discourse and semantics
- discourse in applications such as machine translation, summarization, etc.
- evaluation methodology for discourse processing
We solicit three categories of papers: regular workshop papers, demos, and extended abstracts. Only regular workshop papers and demos will be included in the proceedings as archival publications.
Regular papers must describe original unpublished research. Long papers may consist of up to 8 pages of content, plus unlimited pages for references.
Short papers can up to 4 pages, plus unlimited pages for references.
Demo submissions may describe systems, tools, visualizations, etc., and may consist of up to 4 pages, plus unlimited pages for references.
Accepted long, short, and demo papers will be presented orally.
Extended abstracts can describe work in progress or those already published elsewhere. These may be two pages long (without references). Extended abstracts are non-archival. They will be presented orally, and included in the workshop program and handbook, but will not appear in the workshop proceedings.
Final versions of all type of papers will be given one additional page of content.
All submissions must follow the EMNLP 2020 formatting instructions described here: https://2020.emnlp.org/call-for-papers
Please submit your papers at https://www.softconf.com/emnlp2020/codi2020/.
- 10 June, 2020: Call for Workshop Papers
- 10 July, 2020: Second Call for Papers
- 15 July, 2020: Anonymity period starts
15 Aug, 202023 Aug, 2020: Workshop Papers Due (long, short, demo, extended abstracts)- 29 Sept, 2020: Notification of Acceptance
- 10 Oct, 2020: Camera-ready papers due
- Nov 20, 2020: Workshop Date
All deadlines are 11.59 pm UTC -12h ("anywhere on Earth").
Eunsol Choi, Google AI / UT Austin Eduard Hovy, Carnegie Mellon University
Chloé Braud Christian Hardmeier Jessy Li Annie Louis Michael Strube
To contact the organizers, please send an email to: [email protected].