All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Changed 2 tags, added Others in categoris
- Using proper-lockfile instead of lockfile now
- Minor improvements
- Force uploading file for rename-event if file_id is null in config
- Releasing locks synchronously in deactivate
- Treating multiple socket connections from same user as separate channels to avoid duplicate processing of diffs
- Locks introduced to avoid duplicate diffs send by multiple IDE instances
- Handled status bar msgs for above case, i.e. same msg should appear in all open instances
- Improved logging of server errors
- Getting package version from packge.json for logging
- Checking if opened repo is a sub directory of already synced repo
- Different views and notification buttons for subDir and syncignored subDir
- Cannot treat sub directory as a separate repo
- Fixed logging socket connection error
- Handling an error in splitting filePath to get relPath
- Added error handles in Atom events
- Fixed editor.getPath() returning undefined
- Handled atom.project returning null
- Fixed recalling daemon upon an error
- Logging version to CW
- Logging added to debug async socket events
- Points to v2 for uploading diffs
- Connects directly to socket instead of checking /healthcheck
- Auth is done via query params for socket connection
- Diff created_at is set as soon as event is captured
- Removed jwt-decode
- Improved error logging while syncing repo
- Disabling syncing changes when user is logged out
- Improved startup time by running populateBuffer asynchronously
- Refactored bufferHandler to diffsHandler, diffHandler, webSocketClient and webSocketEvents classes
- Added unit tests for above added classes
- Using random ports for Auth Server
- Updated events-tests to run in parallel with Daemon
- Sending IDE and Platform info to server for repo details and diffs
- Using shadow mtime >= file mtime daemon for manipulating real time diffs
- Fixed daemon for manipulating real time diffs
- Fixes copy in delete event for windows
- Fixes for rename to nested directory
- Renaming only if shadow exists
- fs.rmSync -> fs.unlinkSync
- Added unit tests for detectBranchChange
- Refactored populateBuffer with event based approach
- Added tests for populateBuffer
- Simplified diff structure for rename event
- Improved online/offline handling of rename
- Fixed real time events for branch change
- Fixed copyFilesTo from .shadow to .deleted for Windows
- initHandler class introduced
- Tests added for initHandler
- tests written for codesync.js
- eventHandler class introduced
- Improved shouldIgnorePath
- readYML returns null if files does not exists
- Windows Path fixes in buffer handler
- copyFilesTo now uses Formatted repo path
- Skipping Update .syncignore step
- Removed UnSync from dialog
- Updated private/public msg
- Added a new test case saving IAM credentials
- Fixed default branch
- Fixed imports in pathUtils
- Support for Windows
- Tries to upload file first if file ID is not found in config
- Removing CodeSync status bar left-tile upon deactivate
- Removing CodeSync status bar right-tile upon deactivate
- Removed repoPath check from activate()
- Fixed a syntax issue
- Choosing first user account by default if there are multiple, not supporting multiple accounts for now
- Notification msg updated from Repo is in sync to Repo XYZ is in sync
- Refactored Express server using HTML/CSS for better UX
- Improved UX for asking if repo should be public or private
- Menu options change on the fly with 100% coverage
- Uninstall and install CodeSync adds a new tile in bottom right of status bar
-Fixed postClickVisibility for syncing repo
- Fixed a bug in creating .syncignore from .gitignore
- Updated notification msg for .syncignore, removed Cancel button
- Syncing everything if .syncignore is empty
- Added available options in menu dropdown
- Fixed track file handler
- Unit tests added for utils, logger and commands_handler
- Fixed couple of bugs found in unit testing
- Fixed couple of imports
- Separate menu section added for CodeSync
- Creating separate socket connection per repo in buffer handler
- Optimised walk.walker by adding filter to skip specific repos
- View File Playback on CodeSync option added in right click menu
- Updated status bar msg if repo is not connected. Clicking on it triggers Init process
- Applied limit on retry putLogEvent
- Non-IDE events i.e. file create/updated/deleted are now part of daemon
- Fixed duplicate auth-server run
- Option to Unsync the repo
- Logout and connect to other account
- Fixed success msg when init is completed
- Improved msg to update syncignore
- Auth Flow with server based redirection
- Status bar messages from daemon for sending diffs, service down, auth failed etc
- Couple improvements
- Ask To Login if token is invalid in following cases:
- If is syncing branch
- Sending diffs
- View added if no repo is opened
- Button added in notifications to Track your repo (Playback)
- Link added in right panel view to Track your repo (Playback)
- Daemon now detects the branch change and syncs it if server is up, handled offline case as well
- Init Flow, Should be able to connect a repo with CodeSync
- Button with icon added in status bar
- Views added in right panel for sign up, Connect a repo and Unsync a repo
- Updated README
- SignUp Flow integrated
- Running a server in IDE to redirect after Auth
- Refactored code, dynamic redirectUri for SignUp process
- Defined 10 ports to be used for Auth Server
- Fixed lstat for deleted file, fixed new-file upload config issue
- Checking lstat after verifying file is syncable
- Checking lstat after making sure file exists and is synable
- Using form.submit() to upload file to s3
- Fixed non-empty file upload, using File Watcher for pasted file
- Fixed new-file-upload by returning configJSON
- Added missing semi colons
- Daemon with basic functionality of checking server availability, validating and grouping diffs
- Diffs are being uploaded to server via websocket
- Docs added for handleBuffer, Fixed order of uploading diffs after authentication
- utils/buffer_utils.ts added
- is_dir_rename & is_rename diffs handled, using walk package for os.walk
- Implemented New File Upload to server & s3, new package added isbinaryfile
- put_log_events replicated using aws-sdk
- Directory delete handled
- Common function added to manage diffs
- Cleaned buffer_handler.js
- File Deleted Diffs managed by computing diff with shadow
- Corrected basePath for file delete event
- Updated README: removing period causing extra bullet point
- Updating readme for tremendous enjoyment and superior marketing
- Added icon in package.json
- repoPath is now checked only inside of events
- README Updated
- Handling events for File Create/Update/Rename/Delete
- Directory level diffs implemented
- Skipping events if directory is not synced
- Ignoring .git repo to be synced for all events
- Directory rename has been handled
- Skipping directory events for New/Deleted events
- DirRename diff introduced to manage nested renames from daemon side
- Fixed duplication for FileDeleted events
- Fixed lodash vulnerability mentioned by Dependabot alert of github