- Cost calculator for different partitioning schemes
- based on runtime code
- Support shared memory kernels
- workload on runtime: small
- workload on kernel transformation: low
- workload on kernel analysis: medium polly has problems with non polyhedral accesses. This affects also shared memory accesses. Simply removing this accesses in LLVM IR does not necessarily enable polly to analyze the kernel code (e.g. shared mem mat mul kernel).
- Array reshaping, thus a GPU only allocates data which is in fact needed
- Delay initial host to device copy (MANDATORY FOR ARRAY RESHAPING)
if we can analyse statically that the buffer
remains unchanged until the corresponding kernel
is launched. If we delay the copy process we know
which data is needed by the kernel and copy exactly
the necessary data.
- workload on runtime: high
- workload on host analysis: high
- workload on host transformation: maybe
- For single non iterative kernel applications we can substitute the cuLaunchKernel() function with a specialized version, which starts configuring the DtoH memcpy with an additional host thread at kernel launch time. This allows an overlap between kernel computation and memory copy configuration, thus when the cuDtoHMemcpy() is called the memcpy object is ready.
- We can implement a general dependency resolution without the assumption that a writing process of one kernel launch invalidates all previous writing processes of other kernel launches. Up to now The consequence of this assumption is that our runtime does not suport mesh refinement codes. Up to now we identify one dependency resolution object with two kernel launch objects. In future one dep res object should belong to a state of consecutive executed kernel launches, saved by a global queue variable. If there is no dep res object for the current queue state, we must create one. This is done by using an advanced virtual buffer object which saves for every buffer which indices were written by a certain GPU last. For dep resolution we have to intersect read indices of the current kernel launch with the state of the advanced virtual buffer object for all read buffers, to calculate the resulting dep resolving memory copies. The advantage of a queue is that if we have a repeating order of kernel launches (which is often the case) we can delete the last kernel launch if it is equal to the one we add in the front. This is valid because previous equal kernel launches does not affect the state of the queue. For e.g. a stencil code we have two different launches, because the buffers are swapped. A queue of {A, B, A} results in the same virtual buffer state as the equivalent queue {B, A}. Thus we have two queue states in total: {A, B} and {B, A}, which results in two different dependency resolution objects.
- write encapsulated test for memory copy class, which deploys
check bare data movements - implement good encapsulated test cases
- encapsulated means that you have test cases for each class which are compilable without sources the class does not depend on
- Add check for injective access maps
- enable peer to peer access for inter kernel dependency resoultion. A simple CUDA memcpy between two GPUs results per default a copy operation into host memory, and subsquently a copy operation to the target GPU. Thus the peer to peer access must be enabled explicitly. Check if this is possible for all 16 GPUs on victoria.
- base class in host transform is not neccessary
- keep argument transformer to static function
- function adder to static function
- loop wrapping pass helper function do not need to be part of the class
- uneccessary exceptions in analysis pass. Use ReportFatalError of LLVM
- analysis pass: getKernel to external helper function
- difficult names in device code transform pass
- bsp transform offsetter is helper function
- bsp transform overloaded call operator difficult to understand
- propagator to function
- promoter if clause overload; use return statements instead
- promoter has many helper function which can be independent
- createvMap has no error report ( bsp transform )
- general: names in transformation passes should have good name
- runtime: partitioning can be replaced by a tuple