diff --git a/cockroachdb/README.md b/cockroachdb/README.md
index 20f0503c8..f3cfb545a 100644
--- a/cockroachdb/README.md
+++ b/cockroachdb/README.md
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ The following tests are implemented:
concurrent atomic updates to a shared register;
+ concurrent atomic updates to multiple shared registers;
concurrent unique appends to a shared table;
@@ -92,8 +95,8 @@ Nemeses:
Jepsen will test every combination of `nemesis` and `nemesis2`, except where
both nemeses would be identical, or both would introduce clock skew.
-Test details: atomic updates
+Test details: register
One table contains a single row.
@@ -108,6 +111,23 @@ At the end, a linearizability checker validates that the trace of
reads as observed from each client is compatible with a linearizable
history of across all nodes.
+Test details: multi-register
+One table containing a fixed set of rows.
+Jepsen sends concurrently to different nodes transactions that
+either read from a random subset of registers or write to a random
+subset of registers.
+Each node may report ok, the operation is known to have succeeded;
+fail, the operation is known to have failed; and unknown otherwise
+(e.g. the connection dropped before the answer could be read).
+At the end, a linearizability checker validates that the trace of
+reads as observed from each client is compatible with a linearizable
+history of across all nodes.
Test details: unique appends (sets)
@@ -159,7 +179,8 @@ fail, the operation is known to have failed; and unknown otherwise
At the end, the checker validates that the sum of the remaining
balances of all accounts is the same as the initial sum.
-## Test details: sequential
+Test details: sequential
Cockroach does not offer strict serializability. However, as a consequence of
its implementation of hybrid logical clocks, all transactions *on a particular
@@ -179,13 +200,15 @@ occur from the same process, they must also be visible to any single process in
that order. This implies that once a process observes kn, any
subsequent read must see kn-1, and by induction, all smaller keys.
-## Test details: G2
+Test details: G2
Transactions select a predicate over two tables, then insert to one or the
other if no rows are present. Serializability implies that at most one
transaction may commit per predicate.
-## Test details: comments
+Test details: comments
This test demonstrates a known strict serializability violation in Cockroach
and is intended to fail. It performs a sequence of concurrent inserts to a
diff --git a/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/auto.clj b/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/auto.clj
index f2c5b34e3..93195a21a 100644
--- a/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/auto.clj
+++ b/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/auto.clj
@@ -26,9 +26,12 @@
;; CockroachDB user and db name for jdbc-mode = :cdb-*
(def db-user "root")
(def db-passwd "dummy")
-(def db-port 26257)
(def dbname "jepsen") ; will get created automatically
+;; Ports
+(def db-port 26257)
+(def http-port 26258)
;; Paths
(def working-path "Home directory for cockroach setup" "/opt/cockroach")
(def cockroach "Cockroach binary" (str working-path "/cockroach"))
@@ -49,6 +52,8 @@
;; Extra command-line arguments to give to `cockroach start`
(def cockroach-start-arguments
(concat [:start
+ :--port db-port
+ :--http-port http-port
;; ... other arguments here ...
(if insecure [:--insecure] [])))
diff --git a/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/client.clj b/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/client.clj
index 47167e850..fbb2396b6 100644
--- a/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/client.clj
+++ b/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/client.clj
@@ -116,6 +116,17 @@
(assoc op :type :fail)
+(defn with-idempotent-txn
+ "Takes a predicate on operation functions, and a txn op, presumably resulting
+ from a client call. If idempotent? is truthy for all of the txn's operations,
+ remaps :info types to :fail."
+ [idempotent? op]
+ (let [[_ txn] (:value op)
+ fs (map first txn)]
+ (if (and (every? idempotent? fs) (= :info (:type op)))
+ (assoc op :type :fail)
+ op)))
(defmacro with-timeout
"Like util/timeout, but throws (RuntimeException. \"timeout\") for timeouts.
Throwing means that when we time out inside a with-conn, the connection state
@@ -285,6 +296,11 @@
[conn table values where]
(j/update! conn table values where {:timeout timeout-delay}))
+(defn execute!
+ "Like jdbc execute!, but includes a default timeout."
+ [conn sql-params]
+ (j/execute! conn sql-params {:timeout timeout-delay}))
(defn db-time
"Retrieve the current time (precise, monotonic) from the database."
@@ -301,11 +317,19 @@
+(defn val->sql-str
+ "Converts a scalar value to its SQL string representation"
+ [v]
+ (if (number? v)
+ v
+ (str "'" v "'")))
(defn split!
"Split the given table at the given key."
[conn table k]
(query conn [(str "alter table " (name table) " split at values ("
- (if (number? k)
- k
- (str "'" k "'"))
+ (if (coll? k)
+ (str/join ", "
+ (map val->sql-str k))
+ (val->sql-str k))
diff --git a/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/multiregister.clj b/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/multiregister.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e94d1cd35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/multiregister.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+(ns jepsen.cockroach.multiregister
+ "Multiple atomic registers test
+ Splits registers up into different tables to make sure they fall in
+ different ranges"
+ (:refer-clojure :exclude [test])
+ (:require [jepsen [cockroach :as cockroach]
+ [client :as client]
+ [checker :as checker]
+ [generator :as gen]
+ [reconnect :as rc]
+ [independent :as independent]
+ [util :as util]]
+ [jepsen.checker.timeline :as timeline]
+ [jepsen.cockroach.client :as c]
+ [jepsen.cockroach.nemesis :as cln]
+ [clojure.java.jdbc :as j]
+ [clojure.tools.logging :refer :all]
+ [knossos.model :as model]))
+(def reg-count 5)
+(def reg-range (range reg-count))
+(def table-prefix "String prepended to all table names." "register_")
+(defn id->table
+ "Turns an id into a table name string"
+ [id]
+ (str table-prefix id))
+(def table-names (map id->table reg-range))
+(defn r
+ "Read a random register."
+ [_ _]
+ (->> (take 1 (shuffle reg-range))
+ (mapv (fn [id] [:read id nil]))
+ (array-map :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value)))
+(defn w
+ "Write a random subset of registers."
+ [_ _]
+ (->> (util/random-nonempty-subset reg-range)
+ (mapv (fn [id] [:write id (rand-int 10)]))
+ (array-map :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value)))
+(defrecord MultiAtomicClient [tbl-created? conn]
+ client/Client
+ (open! [this test node]
+ (assoc this :conn (c/client node)))
+ (setup! [this test]
+ ;; Everyone's gotta block until we've made the tables.
+ (locking tbl-created?
+ (when (compare-and-set! tbl-created? false true)
+ (c/with-conn [c conn]
+ (info "Creating tables" (pr-str table-names))
+ (Thread/sleep 1000)
+ (doseq [t table-names]
+ (j/execute! c [(str "drop table if exists " t)]))
+ (Thread/sleep 1000)
+ (doseq [t table-names]
+ (j/execute! c [(str "create table " t
+ " (ik int primary key, val int)")])
+ (info "Created table" t))))))
+ (invoke! [this test op]
+ (c/with-idempotent-txn #{:read}
+ (c/with-exception->op op
+ (c/with-conn [c conn]
+ (c/with-timeout
+ (try
+ (c/with-txn [c c]
+ (let [[ik txn] (:value op)
+ txn' (mapv
+ (fn [[f id val]]
+ (let [t (id->table id)
+ val' (case f
+ :read
+ (-> c
+ ; Look up and return current value
+ (c/query [(str "select val from " t " where ik = ?") ik]
+ {:row-fn :val :timeout c/timeout-delay})
+ first)
+ :write
+ (do
+ ; Perform blind write on key, return value
+ (c/execute! c [(str "upsert into " t " values (?, ?)") ik val])
+ (cockroach/update-keyrange! test t ik)
+ val))]
+ [f id val']))
+ txn)]
+ (assoc op :type :ok, :value (independent/tuple ik txn'))))
+ (catch org.postgresql.util.PSQLException e
+ (if (re-find #"ERROR: restart transaction" (.getMessage e))
+ ; Definitely failed
+ (assoc op :type :fail)
+ (throw e)))))))))
+ (teardown! [this test]
+ nil)
+ (close! [this test]
+ (rc/close! conn)))
+(defn test
+ [opts]
+ (cockroach/basic-test
+ (merge
+ {:name "multi-register"
+ :client {:client (MultiAtomicClient. (atom false) nil)
+ :during (independent/concurrent-generator
+ (count (:nodes opts))
+ (range)
+ (fn [k]
+ (->> (gen/mix [r w])
+ (gen/stagger 1/100)
+ (gen/limit 60))))}
+ :model (model/multi-register {})
+ :checker (checker/compose
+ {:perf (checker/perf)
+ :details (independent/checker
+ (checker/compose
+ {:timeline (timeline/html)
+ :linearizable (checker/linearizable)}))})}
+ opts)))
diff --git a/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/register.clj b/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/register.clj
index a82cc5937..d4015353c 100644
--- a/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/register.clj
+++ b/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/register.clj
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
[checker :as checker]
[generator :as gen]
[reconnect :as rc]
- [independent :as independent]
- [util :refer [meh]]]
+ [independent :as independent]]
[jepsen.checker.timeline :as timeline]
[jepsen.cockroach.client :as c]
[jepsen.cockroach.nemesis :as cln]
diff --git a/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/runner.clj b/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/runner.clj
index 31ff80f72..5a97e9c5a 100644
--- a/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/runner.clj
+++ b/cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/runner.clj
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
[bank :as bank]
[comments :as comments]
[register :as register]
+ [multiregister :as multiregister]
[monotonic :as monotonic]
[nemesis :as cln]
[sets :as sets]
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
"bank-multitable" bank/multitable-test
"comments" comments/test
"register" register/test
+ "multi-register" multiregister/test
"monotonic" monotonic/test
"sets" sets/test
"sequential" sequential/test