diff --git a/src/current/v24.1/sso-db-console.md b/src/current/v24.1/sso-db-console.md
index 2b39acc6898..996ada9a495 100644
--- a/src/current/v24.1/sso-db-console.md
+++ b/src/current/v24.1/sso-db-console.md
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ You must configure the [cluster settings]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/clu
| `server.oidc_authentication.redirect_url` | Specifies the callback URL that redirects the user to CockroachDB after a successful authentication. This can be the address of a node in the cluster or the address of a load balancer that routes traffic to the nodes. You must append the path with /oidc/v1/callback
. Accepts either a single URL string (for example, https://{your_cluster's_domain }:8080/oidc/v1/callback
) or a JSON object with the following format, which supports region-based OIDC authentication with a callback URL configured per region:
**Example:** `{"redirect_urls": {"us-east-1": "https://{cluster_ip_address}:8080/oidc/v1/callback","eu-west-1": "example.com"{% raw %}}}{% endraw %}`
| `server.oidc_authentication.provider_url` | Specifies the OAuth issuer identifier. Ensure that the URL does not have a terminating `/`. For more information, refer to the [OIDC specification](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#ProviderConfig). Note that CockroachDB appends the required `/.well-known/openid-configuration` by default. You do not need to include it.
**Example:** `https://accounts.google.com`.
| `server.oidc_authentication.scopes` | A space-delimited list of the [OAuth scopes](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ScopeClaims) being requested for an Access Token. The `openid` and `email` scopes must be included.
**Example:** `openid profile email`.
-| `server.oidc_authentication.claim_json_key` | The field/key used to identify the user from the external identity provider's [ID Token](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IDToken).
-| `server.oidc_authentication.principal_regex` | Regex used to map the external identity key to a SQL user. For example: `^([^@]+)@[^@]+$` matches any email address (defined as a string containing one `@` sign) and extracts a username from the string to the left of `@`, whereas `^(.+)$` maps the claim directly to a principal.
+| `server.oidc_authentication.claim_json_key` | The field/key used to identify the user from the external identity provider's [ID Token](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IDToken), such as `email`. The key can contain a single identity or a list of identities, and is parsed using `server.oidc_authentication.principal_regex`.
+| `server.oidc_authentication.principal_regex` | Regex used to map the external identity key to a SQL user. If the identity key contains a list of identities instead of a single identity, each identity is evaluated serially until a match is found. The first match that is found is used, and the remaining identities are not evaluated. For example: `^([^@]+)@[^@]+$` matches any email address (defined as a string containing one `@` sign) and extracts a username from the string to the left of `@`, whereas `^(.+)$` maps the claim directly to a principal. The regex must contain exactly one capture group (set of parentheses); a regex with no capture groups or multiple capture groups will never find a match.
| `server.oidc_authentication.autologin` | A Boolean that enables or disables automatic login with SSO when the DB Console is loaded. If set to `false` (the default), the user will have to click **Log in with your OIDC provider** (unless overriden with setting below) before they're authenticated.
| `server.oidc_authentication.button_text` | Specifies the text to show on the button that launches authentication with the OIDC provider. This is set to `Log in with your OIDC provider` by default but can be customized to reference your specific provider by name.