= ({
return (
", function() {
- let state: TimeScaleDropdownProps;
- let clock: sinon.SinonFakeTimers;
- let currentWindow: TimeWindow;
- const setCurrentWindowFromTimeScale = (timeScale: TimeScale): void => {
- const end = timeScale.fixedWindowEnd || moment.utc();
- currentWindow = {
- start: moment(end).subtract(timeScale.windowSize),
- end,
- };
- };
- const makeTimeScaleDropdown = (props: TimeScaleDropdownProps) => {
- setCurrentWindowFromTimeScale(props.currentScale);
- return mount(
- ,
- );
- };
- beforeEach(() => {
- clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(new Date(2020, 5, 1, 9, 28, 30));
- const timeScaleState = new timescale.TimeScaleState();
- setCurrentWindowFromTimeScale(timeScaleState.scale);
- state = {
- currentScale: timeScaleState.scale,
- setTimeScale: () => {},
- };
- });
- afterEach(() => {
- clock.restore();
- });
- it("valid path should not redirect to 404", () => {
- const wrapper = makeTimeScaleDropdown(state);
- assert.equal(wrapper.find(RangeSelect).length, 1);
- assert.equal(wrapper.find(TimeFrameControls).length, 1);
- });
- it("Past 10 minutes must be render", () => {
- const wrapper = makeTimeScaleDropdown(state);
- wrapper.setProps({ currentScale: state.currentScale });
- const expected: TimeScale = {
- key: "Past 10 Minutes",
- ...defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 10 Minutes"],
- fixedWindowEnd: false,
- };
- assert.deepEqual(wrapper.props().currentScale, expected);
- });
- it("getTimeRangeTitle must return title Past 10 Minutes", () => {
- const wrapper = makeTimeScaleDropdown(state);
- assert.equal(
- wrapper
- .find(".trigger .Select-value-label")
- .first()
- .text(),
- "Past 10 Minutes",
- );
- const title = getTimeRangeTitle(currentWindow, state.currentScale);
- assert.deepEqual(title, {
- title: "Past 10 Minutes",
- timeLabel: "10m",
- timeWindow: currentWindow,
- });
- });
- describe("getTimeRangeTitle", () => {
- it("returns custom Title with Time part only for current day", () => {
- const currentScale = { ...state.currentScale, key: "Custom" };
- const title = getTimeRangeTitle(currentWindow, currentScale);
- const timeStart = moment.utc(currentWindow.start).format(timeFormat);
- const timeEnd = moment.utc(currentWindow.end).format(timeFormat);
- const wrapper = makeTimeScaleDropdown({ ...state, currentScale });
- assert.equal(
- wrapper
- .find(".trigger .Select-value-label")
- .first()
- .text(),
- ` ${timeStart} - ${timeEnd} (UTC)`,
- );
- assert.deepEqual(title, {
- dateStart: "",
- dateEnd: "",
- timeStart,
- timeEnd,
- title: "Custom",
- timeLabel: "10m",
- timeWindow: currentWindow,
- });
- });
- it("returns custom Title with Date and Time part for the range with past days", () => {
- const window: TimeWindow = {
- start: moment(currentWindow.start).subtract(2, "day"),
- end: moment(currentWindow.end).subtract(1, "day"),
- };
- const currentScale = {
- ...state.currentScale,
- fixedWindowEnd: window.end,
- windowSize: moment.duration(
- window.end.diff(window.start, "seconds"),
- "seconds",
- ),
- key: "Custom",
- };
- const title = getTimeRangeTitle(window, currentScale);
- const timeStart = moment.utc(window.start).format(timeFormat);
- const timeEnd = moment.utc(window.end).format(timeFormat);
- const dateStart = moment.utc(window.start).format(dateFormat);
- const dateEnd = moment.utc(window.end).format(dateFormat);
- const wrapper = makeTimeScaleDropdown({
- ...state,
- currentScale,
- });
- assert.equal(
- wrapper
- .find(".trigger .Select-value-label")
- .first()
- .text(),
- `${dateStart} ${timeStart} - ${dateEnd} ${timeEnd} (UTC)`,
- );
- assert.deepEqual(title, {
- dateStart,
- dateEnd,
- timeStart,
- timeEnd,
- title: "Custom",
- timeLabel: "1d",
- timeWindow: currentWindow,
- });
- });
- });
- it("generateDisabledArrows must return array with disabled buttons", () => {
- const arrows = generateDisabledArrows(currentWindow);
- const wrapper = makeTimeScaleDropdown(state);
- assert.equal(wrapper.find(".controls-content ._action.disabled").length, 2);
- assert.deepEqual(arrows, [ArrowDirection.CENTER, ArrowDirection.RIGHT]);
- });
- it("generateDisabledArrows must render 3 active buttons and return empty array", () => {
- const window: TimeWindow = {
- start: moment(currentWindow.start).subtract(1, "day"),
- end: moment(currentWindow.end).subtract(1, "day"),
- };
- const currentTimeScale = {
- ...state.currentScale,
- fixedWindowEnd: window.end,
- };
- const arrows = generateDisabledArrows(window);
- const wrapper = makeTimeScaleDropdown({
- ...state,
- currentScale: currentTimeScale,
- });
- assert.equal(wrapper.find(".controls-content ._action.disabled").length, 0);
- assert.deepEqual(arrows, []);
- });
-describe("timescale utils", (): void => {
- describe("toRoundedDateRange", () => {
- it("round values", () => {
- const ts: TimeScale = {
- windowSize: moment.duration(5, "day"),
- sampleSize: moment.duration(5, "minutes"),
- fixedWindowEnd: moment.utc("2022.01.10 13:42"),
- key: "Custom",
- };
- const [start, end] = toRoundedDateRange(ts);
- assert.equal(start.format("YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss"), "2022.01.05 13:00:00");
- assert.equal(end.format("YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss"), "2022.01.10 14:00:00");
- });
- it("already rounded values", () => {
- const ts: TimeScale = {
- windowSize: moment.duration(5, "day"),
- sampleSize: moment.duration(5, "minutes"),
- fixedWindowEnd: moment.utc("2022.01.10 13:00"),
- key: "Custom",
- };
- const [start, end] = toRoundedDateRange(ts);
- assert.equal(start.format("YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss"), "2022.01.05 13:00:00");
- assert.equal(end.format("YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss"), "2022.01.10 14:00:00");
- });
- });
- describe("findClosestTimeScale", () => {
- it("should find the correct time scale", () => {
- // `seconds` != window size of any of the default options, `startSeconds` not specified.
- assert.deepEqual(findClosestTimeScale(defaultTimeScaleOptions, 15), {
- ...defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 10 Minutes"],
- key: "Custom",
- });
- // `seconds` != window size of any of the default options, `startSeconds` not specified.
- assert.deepEqual(
- findClosestTimeScale(
- defaultTimeScaleOptions,
- moment.duration(moment().daysInMonth() * 5, "days").asSeconds(),
- ),
- { ...defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 2 Months"], key: "Custom" },
- );
- // `seconds` == window size of one of the default options, `startSeconds` not specified.
- assert.deepEqual(
- findClosestTimeScale(
- defaultTimeScaleOptions,
- moment.duration(10, "minutes").asSeconds(),
- ),
- {
- ...defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 10 Minutes"],
- key: "Past 10 Minutes",
- },
- );
- // `seconds` == window size of one of the default options, `startSeconds` not specified.
- assert.deepEqual(
- findClosestTimeScale(
- defaultTimeScaleOptions,
- moment.duration(14, "days").asSeconds(),
- ),
- {
- ...defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 2 Weeks"],
- key: "Past 2 Weeks",
- },
- );
- // `seconds` == window size of one of the default options, `startSeconds` is now.
- assert.deepEqual(
- findClosestTimeScale(
- defaultTimeScaleOptions,
- defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 10 Minutes"].windowSize.asSeconds(),
- moment().unix(),
- ),
- {
- ...defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 10 Minutes"],
- key: "Past 10 Minutes",
- },
- );
- // `seconds` == window size of one of the default options, `startSeconds` is in the past.
- assert.deepEqual(
- findClosestTimeScale(
- defaultTimeScaleOptions,
- defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 10 Minutes"].windowSize.asSeconds(),
- moment()
- .subtract(1, "day")
- .unix(),
- ),
- { ...defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 10 Minutes"], key: "Custom" },
- );
- });
- });
diff --git a/pkg/ui/workspaces/cluster-ui/src/timeScaleDropdown/utils.spec.tsx b/pkg/ui/workspaces/cluster-ui/src/timeScaleDropdown/utils.spec.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..160570c49def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/ui/workspaces/cluster-ui/src/timeScaleDropdown/utils.spec.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Cockroach Authors.
+// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
+// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
+// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
+// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
+// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
+// licenses/APL.txt.
+import { TimeScale } from "./timeScaleTypes";
+import moment from "moment";
+import {
+ defaultTimeScaleOptions,
+ findClosestTimeScale,
+ toRoundedDateRange,
+} from "./utils";
+import { assert } from "chai";
+describe("timescale utils", (): void => {
+ describe("toRoundedDateRange", () => {
+ it("round values", () => {
+ const ts: TimeScale = {
+ windowSize: moment.duration(5, "day"),
+ sampleSize: moment.duration(5, "minutes"),
+ fixedWindowEnd: moment.utc("2022.01.10 13:42"),
+ key: "Custom",
+ };
+ const [start, end] = toRoundedDateRange(ts);
+ assert.equal(start.format("YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss"), "2022.01.05 13:00:00");
+ assert.equal(end.format("YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss"), "2022.01.10 14:00:00");
+ });
+ it("already rounded values", () => {
+ const ts: TimeScale = {
+ windowSize: moment.duration(5, "day"),
+ sampleSize: moment.duration(5, "minutes"),
+ fixedWindowEnd: moment.utc("2022.01.10 13:00"),
+ key: "Custom",
+ };
+ const [start, end] = toRoundedDateRange(ts);
+ assert.equal(start.format("YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss"), "2022.01.05 13:00:00");
+ assert.equal(end.format("YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:ss"), "2022.01.10 14:00:00");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("findClosestTimeScale", () => {
+ it("should find the correct time scale", () => {
+ // `seconds` != window size of any of the default options, `startSeconds` not specified.
+ assert.deepEqual(findClosestTimeScale(defaultTimeScaleOptions, 15), {
+ ...defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 10 Minutes"],
+ key: "Custom",
+ });
+ // `seconds` != window size of any of the default options, `startSeconds` not specified.
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ findClosestTimeScale(
+ defaultTimeScaleOptions,
+ moment.duration(moment().daysInMonth() * 5, "days").asSeconds(),
+ ),
+ { ...defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 2 Months"], key: "Custom" },
+ );
+ // `seconds` == window size of one of the default options, `startSeconds` not specified.
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ findClosestTimeScale(
+ defaultTimeScaleOptions,
+ moment.duration(10, "minutes").asSeconds(),
+ ),
+ {
+ ...defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 10 Minutes"],
+ key: "Past 10 Minutes",
+ },
+ );
+ // `seconds` == window size of one of the default options, `startSeconds` not specified.
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ findClosestTimeScale(
+ defaultTimeScaleOptions,
+ moment.duration(14, "days").asSeconds(),
+ ),
+ {
+ ...defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 2 Weeks"],
+ key: "Past 2 Weeks",
+ },
+ );
+ // `seconds` == window size of one of the default options, `startSeconds` is now.
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ findClosestTimeScale(
+ defaultTimeScaleOptions,
+ defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 10 Minutes"].windowSize.asSeconds(),
+ moment().unix(),
+ ),
+ {
+ ...defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 10 Minutes"],
+ key: "Past 10 Minutes",
+ },
+ );
+ // `seconds` == window size of one of the default options, `startSeconds` is in the past.
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ findClosestTimeScale(
+ defaultTimeScaleOptions,
+ defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 10 Minutes"].windowSize.asSeconds(),
+ moment()
+ .subtract(1, "day")
+ .unix(),
+ ),
+ { ...defaultTimeScaleOptions["Past 10 Minutes"], key: "Custom" },
+ );
+ });
+ });