diff --git a/docs/generated/sql/functions.md b/docs/generated/sql/functions.md
index 20d0f653770f..e4a8cdc76c12 100644
--- a/docs/generated/sql/functions.md
+++ b/docs/generated/sql/functions.md
@@ -905,7 +905,15 @@ available replica will error.
to_tsvector(text: string) → tsvector | Converts text to a tsvector, normalizing words according to the default configuration. Position information is included in the result.
| Stable |
ts_parse(parser_name: string, document: string) → tuple{int AS tokid, string AS token} | ts_parse parses the given document and returns a series of records, one for each token produced by parsing. Each record includes a tokid showing the assigned token type and a token which is the text of the token.
- | Stable |
+Stable |
+ts_rank(vector: tsvector, query: tsquery) → float4 | Ranks vectors based on the frequency of their matching lexemes.
+ | Immutable |
+ts_rank(vector: tsvector, query: tsquery, normalization: int) → float4 | Ranks vectors based on the frequency of their matching lexemes.
+ | Immutable |
+ts_rank(weights: float[], vector: tsvector, query: tsquery) → float4 | Ranks vectors based on the frequency of their matching lexemes.
+ | Immutable |
+ts_rank(weights: float[], vector: tsvector, query: tsquery, normalization: int) → float4 | Ranks vectors based on the frequency of their matching lexemes.
+ | Immutable |
### Fuzzy String Matching functions
diff --git a/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/tsvector b/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/tsvector
index 33d8a851d593..14c17947e0ad 100644
--- a/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/tsvector
+++ b/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/tsvector
@@ -298,3 +298,39 @@ query T
SELECT to_tsvector('Hello I am a potato')
'am':3 'hell':1 'i':2 'potat':5
+query TT
+SELECT to_tsvector('english', ''), to_tsvector('english', 'and the')
+· ·
+statement error doesn't contain lexemes
+SELECT to_tsquery('english', 'the')
+statement ok
+CREATE TABLE sentences (sentence text, v TSVECTOR AS (to_tsvector('english', sentence)) STORED, INVERTED INDEX (v));
+ ('Future users of large data banks must be protected from having to know how the data is organized in the machine (the internal representation).'),
+ ('A prompting service which supplies such information is not a satisfactory solution.'),
+ ('Activities of users at terminals and most application programs should remain unaffected when the internal representation of data is changed and even when some aspects of the external representation
+ are changed.'),
+ ('Changes in data representation will often be needed as a result of changes in query, update, and report traffic and natural growth in the types of stored information.'),
+ ('Existing noninferential, formatted data systems provide users with tree-structured files or slightly more general network models of the data.'),
+ ('In Section 1, inadequacies of these models are discussed.'),
+ ('A model based on n-ary relations, a normal form for data base relations, and the concept of a universal data sublanguage are introduced.'),
+ ('In Section 2, certain operations on relations (other than logical inference) are discussed and applied to the problems of redundancy and consistency in the user’s model.')
+query FFFFT
+ts_rank(v, query) AS rank,
+ts_rank(ARRAY[0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.9]:::FLOAT[], v, query) AS wrank,
+ts_rank(v, query, 2|8) AS nrank,
+ts_rank(ARRAY[0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.95]:::FLOAT[], v, query, 1|2|4|8|16|32) AS wnrank,
+FROM sentences, to_tsquery('english', 'relation') query
+WHERE query @@ v
+0.075990885 0.15198177 0.00042217158 8.555783e-05 'ari':6 'base':3,13 'concept':17 'data':12,21 'form':10 'introduc':24 'model':2 'n':5 'normal':9 'relat':7,14 'sublanguag':22 'univers':20
+0.06079271 0.12158542 0.0003101669 6.095758e-05 '2':3 'appli':15 'certain':4 'consist':22 'discuss':13 'infer':11 'logic':10 'model':27 'oper':5 'problem':18 'redund':20 'relat':7 'section':2 'user':25
diff --git a/pkg/sql/sem/builtins/builtins.go b/pkg/sql/sem/builtins/builtins.go
index d3100ea03f49..34b2a1094b6b 100644
--- a/pkg/sql/sem/builtins/builtins.go
+++ b/pkg/sql/sem/builtins/builtins.go
@@ -3765,7 +3765,6 @@ value if you rely on the HLC for accuracy.`,
"jsonb_to_tsvector": makeBuiltin(tree.FunctionProperties{UnsupportedWithIssue: 7821, Category: builtinconstants.CategoryFullTextSearch}),
"ts_delete": makeBuiltin(tree.FunctionProperties{UnsupportedWithIssue: 7821, Category: builtinconstants.CategoryFullTextSearch}),
"ts_filter": makeBuiltin(tree.FunctionProperties{UnsupportedWithIssue: 7821, Category: builtinconstants.CategoryFullTextSearch}),
- "ts_rank": makeBuiltin(tree.FunctionProperties{UnsupportedWithIssue: 7821, Category: builtinconstants.CategoryFullTextSearch}),
"ts_rank_cd": makeBuiltin(tree.FunctionProperties{UnsupportedWithIssue: 7821, Category: builtinconstants.CategoryFullTextSearch}),
"ts_rewrite": makeBuiltin(tree.FunctionProperties{UnsupportedWithIssue: 7821, Category: builtinconstants.CategoryFullTextSearch}),
"tsquery_phrase": makeBuiltin(tree.FunctionProperties{UnsupportedWithIssue: 7821, Category: builtinconstants.CategoryFullTextSearch}),
diff --git a/pkg/sql/sem/builtins/fixed_oids.go b/pkg/sql/sem/builtins/fixed_oids.go
index 435b16d75e9c..680d96e4a513 100644
--- a/pkg/sql/sem/builtins/fixed_oids.go
+++ b/pkg/sql/sem/builtins/fixed_oids.go
@@ -2373,6 +2373,10 @@ var builtinOidsArray = []string{
2399: `to_tsvector(text: string) -> tsvector`,
2400: `phraseto_tsquery(text: string) -> tsquery`,
2401: `plainto_tsquery(text: string) -> tsquery`,
+ 2402: `ts_rank(weights: float[], vector: tsvector, query: tsquery, normalization: int) -> float4`,
+ 2403: `ts_rank(vector: tsvector, query: tsquery, normalization: int) -> float4`,
+ 2404: `ts_rank(vector: tsvector, query: tsquery) -> float4`,
+ 2405: `ts_rank(weights: float[], vector: tsvector, query: tsquery) -> float4`,
var builtinOidsBySignature map[string]oid.Oid
diff --git a/pkg/sql/sem/builtins/tsearch_builtins.go b/pkg/sql/sem/builtins/tsearch_builtins.go
index e5e3a4633c79..627f1897b9b3 100644
--- a/pkg/sql/sem/builtins/tsearch_builtins.go
+++ b/pkg/sql/sem/builtins/tsearch_builtins.go
@@ -231,4 +231,117 @@ var tsearchBuiltins = map[string]builtinDefinition{
Volatility: volatility.Stable,
+ "ts_rank": makeBuiltin(
+ tree.FunctionProperties{},
+ tree.Overload{
+ Types: tree.ParamTypes{
+ {Name: "weights", Typ: types.FloatArray},
+ {Name: "vector", Typ: types.TSVector},
+ {Name: "query", Typ: types.TSQuery},
+ {Name: "normalization", Typ: types.Int},
+ },
+ ReturnType: tree.FixedReturnType(types.Float4),
+ Fn: func(_ context.Context, evalCtx *eval.Context, args tree.Datums) (tree.Datum, error) {
+ weights, err := getWeights(tree.MustBeDArray(args[0]))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ rank, err := tsearch.Rank(
+ weights,
+ tree.MustBeDTSVector(args[1]).TSVector,
+ tree.MustBeDTSQuery(args[2]).TSQuery,
+ int(tree.MustBeDInt(args[3])),
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return tree.NewDFloat(tree.DFloat(rank)), nil
+ },
+ Info: "Ranks vectors based on the frequency of their matching lexemes.",
+ Volatility: volatility.Immutable,
+ },
+ tree.Overload{
+ Types: tree.ParamTypes{
+ {Name: "weights", Typ: types.FloatArray},
+ {Name: "vector", Typ: types.TSVector},
+ {Name: "query", Typ: types.TSQuery},
+ },
+ ReturnType: tree.FixedReturnType(types.Float4),
+ Fn: func(_ context.Context, evalCtx *eval.Context, args tree.Datums) (tree.Datum, error) {
+ weights, err := getWeights(tree.MustBeDArray(args[0]))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ rank, err := tsearch.Rank(
+ weights,
+ tree.MustBeDTSVector(args[1]).TSVector,
+ tree.MustBeDTSQuery(args[2]).TSQuery,
+ 0,
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return tree.NewDFloat(tree.DFloat(rank)), nil
+ },
+ Info: "Ranks vectors based on the frequency of their matching lexemes.",
+ Volatility: volatility.Immutable,
+ },
+ tree.Overload{
+ Types: tree.ParamTypes{
+ {Name: "vector", Typ: types.TSVector},
+ {Name: "query", Typ: types.TSQuery},
+ {Name: "normalization", Typ: types.Int},
+ },
+ ReturnType: tree.FixedReturnType(types.Float4),
+ Fn: func(_ context.Context, evalCtx *eval.Context, args tree.Datums) (tree.Datum, error) {
+ rank, err := tsearch.Rank(
+ nil, /* weights */
+ tree.MustBeDTSVector(args[0]).TSVector,
+ tree.MustBeDTSQuery(args[1]).TSQuery,
+ int(tree.MustBeDInt(args[2])),
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return tree.NewDFloat(tree.DFloat(rank)), nil
+ },
+ Info: "Ranks vectors based on the frequency of their matching lexemes.",
+ Volatility: volatility.Immutable,
+ },
+ tree.Overload{
+ Types: tree.ParamTypes{
+ {Name: "vector", Typ: types.TSVector},
+ {Name: "query", Typ: types.TSQuery},
+ },
+ ReturnType: tree.FixedReturnType(types.Float4),
+ Fn: func(_ context.Context, evalCtx *eval.Context, args tree.Datums) (tree.Datum, error) {
+ rank, err := tsearch.Rank(
+ nil, /* weights */
+ tree.MustBeDTSVector(args[0]).TSVector,
+ tree.MustBeDTSQuery(args[1]).TSQuery,
+ 0, /* method */
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return tree.NewDFloat(tree.DFloat(rank)), nil
+ },
+ Info: "Ranks vectors based on the frequency of their matching lexemes.",
+ Volatility: volatility.Immutable,
+ },
+ ),
+func getWeights(arr *tree.DArray) ([]float32, error) {
+ ret := make([]float32, 4)
+ if arr.Len() < len(ret) {
+ return ret, pgerror.New(pgcode.ArraySubscript, "array of weight is too short (must be at least 4)")
+ }
+ for i, d := range arr.Array {
+ if d == tree.DNull {
+ return ret, pgerror.New(pgcode.NullValueNotAllowed, "array of weight must not contain null")
+ }
+ ret[i] = float32(tree.MustBeDFloat(d))
+ }
+ return ret, nil
diff --git a/pkg/util/tsearch/BUILD.bazel b/pkg/util/tsearch/BUILD.bazel
index cc7cc235500e..01e25c3c2780 100644
--- a/pkg/util/tsearch/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/pkg/util/tsearch/BUILD.bazel
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ go_library(
+ "rank.go",
@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ go_test(
srcs = [
+ "rank_test.go",
diff --git a/pkg/util/tsearch/rank.go b/pkg/util/tsearch/rank.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..757f736af6ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/util/tsearch/rank.go
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Cockroach Authors.
+// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
+// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
+// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
+// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
+// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
+// licenses/APL.txt.
+package tsearch
+import (
+ "math"
+ "sort"
+ "strings"
+// defaultWeights is the default list of weights corresponding to the tsvector
+// lexeme weights D, C, B, and A.
+var defaultWeights = [4]float32{0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0}
+// Bitmask for the normalization integer. These define different ranking
+// behaviors. They're defined in Postgres in tsrank.c.
+// 0, the default, ignores the document length.
+// 1 devides the rank by 1 + the logarithm of the document length.
+// 2 divides the rank by the document length.
+// 4 divides the rank by the mean harmonic distance between extents.
+// NOTE: This is only implemented by ts_rank_cd, which is currently not
+// implemented by CockroachDB. This constant is left for consistency with
+// the original PostgreSQL source code.
+// 8 divides the rank by the number of unique words in document.
+// 16 divides the rank by 1 + the logarithm of the number of unique words in document.
+// 32 divides the rank by itself + 1.
+type rankBehavior int
+const (
+ // rankNoNorm is the default. It ignores the document length.
+ rankNoNorm rankBehavior = 0x0
+ // rankNormLoglength divides the rank by 1 + the logarithm of the document length.
+ rankNormLoglength = 0x01
+ // rankNormLength divides the rank by the document length.
+ rankNormLength = 0x02
+ // rankNormExtdist divides the rank by the mean harmonic distance between extents.
+ // Note, this is only implemented by ts_rank_cd, which is not currently implemented
+ // by CockroachDB. The constant is kept for consistency with Postgres.
+ rankNormExtdist = 0x04
+ // rankNormUniq divides the rank by the number of unique words in document.
+ rankNormUniq = 0x08
+ // rankNormLoguniq divides the rank by 1 + the logarithm of the number of unique words in document.
+ rankNormLoguniq = 0x10
+ // rankNormRdivrplus1 divides the rank by itself + 1.
+ rankNormRdivrplus1 = 0x20
+// Defeat the unused linter.
+var _ = rankNoNorm
+var _ = rankNormExtdist
+// cntLen returns the count of represented lexemes in a tsvector, including
+// the number of repeated lexemes in the vector.
+func cntLen(v TSVector) int {
+ var ret int
+ for i := range v {
+ posLen := len(v[i].positions)
+ if posLen > 0 {
+ ret += posLen
+ } else {
+ ret += 1
+ }
+ }
+ return ret
+// Rank implements the ts_rank functionality, which ranks a tsvector against a
+// tsquery. The weights parameter is a list of weights corresponding to the
+// tsvector lexeme weights D, C, B, and A. The method parameter is a bitmask
+// defining different ranking behaviors, defined in the rankBehavior type
+// above in this file. The default ranking behavior is 0, which doesn't perform
+// any normalization based on the document length.
+// N.B.: this function is directly translated from the calc_rank function in
+// tsrank.c, which contains almost no comments. As of this time, I am unable
+// to sufficiently explain how this ranker works, but I'm confident that the
+// implementation is at least compatible with Postgres.
+// https://github.com/postgres/postgres/blob/765f5df726918bcdcfd16bcc5418e48663d1dd59/src/backend/utils/adt/tsrank.c#L357
+func Rank(weights []float32, v TSVector, q TSQuery, method int) (float32, error) {
+ w := defaultWeights
+ if weights != nil {
+ copy(w[:4], weights[:4])
+ }
+ if len(v) == 0 || q.root == nil {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ var res float32
+ if q.root.op == and || q.root.op == followedby {
+ res = rankAnd(w, v, q)
+ } else {
+ res = rankOr(w, v, q)
+ }
+ if res < 0 {
+ // This constant is taken from the Postgres source code, unfortunately I
+ // don't understand its meaning.
+ res = 1e-20
+ }
+ if method&rankNormLoglength > 0 {
+ res /= float32(math.Log(float64(cntLen(v)+1)) / math.Log(2.0))
+ }
+ if method&rankNormLength > 0 {
+ l := cntLen(v)
+ if l > 0 {
+ res /= float32(l)
+ }
+ }
+ // rankNormExtDist is not applicable - it's only used for ts_rank_cd.
+ if method&rankNormUniq > 0 {
+ res /= float32(len(v))
+ }
+ if method&rankNormLoguniq > 0 {
+ res /= float32(math.Log(float64(len(v)+1)) / math.Log(2.0))
+ }
+ if method&rankNormRdivrplus1 > 0 {
+ res /= res + 1
+ }
+ return res, nil
+func sortAndDistinctQueryTerms(q TSQuery) []*tsNode {
+ // Extract all leaf nodes from the query tree.
+ leafNodes := make([]*tsNode, 0)
+ var extractTerms func(q *tsNode)
+ extractTerms = func(q *tsNode) {
+ if q == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if q.op != invalid {
+ extractTerms(q.l)
+ extractTerms(q.r)
+ } else {
+ leafNodes = append(leafNodes, q)
+ }
+ }
+ extractTerms(q.root)
+ // Sort the terms.
+ sort.Slice(leafNodes, func(i, j int) bool {
+ return leafNodes[i].term.lexeme < leafNodes[j].term.lexeme
+ })
+ // Then distinct: (wouldn't it be nice if Go had generics?)
+ lastUniqueIdx := 0
+ for j := 1; j < len(leafNodes); j++ {
+ if leafNodes[j].term.lexeme != leafNodes[lastUniqueIdx].term.lexeme {
+ // We found a unique entry, at index i. The last unique entry in the array
+ // was at lastUniqueIdx, so set the entry after that one to our new unique
+ // entry, and bump lastUniqueIdx for the next loop iteration.
+ lastUniqueIdx++
+ leafNodes[lastUniqueIdx] = leafNodes[j]
+ }
+ }
+ leafNodes = leafNodes[:lastUniqueIdx+1]
+ return leafNodes
+// findRankMatches finds all matches for a given query term in a tsvector,
+// regardless of the expected query weight.
+// query is the term being matched. v is the tsvector being searched.
+// matches is a slice of matches to append to, to save on allocations as this
+// function is called in a loop.
+func findRankMatches(query *tsNode, v TSVector, matches [][]tsPosition) [][]tsPosition {
+ target := query.term.lexeme
+ i := sort.Search(len(v), func(i int) bool {
+ return v[i].lexeme >= target
+ })
+ if i >= len(v) {
+ return matches
+ }
+ if query.term.isPrefixMatch() {
+ for j := i; j < len(v); j++ {
+ t := v[j]
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(t.lexeme, target) {
+ break
+ }
+ matches = append(matches, t.positions)
+ }
+ } else if v[i].lexeme == target {
+ matches = append(matches, v[i].positions)
+ }
+ return matches
+// rankOr computes the rank for a query with an OR operator at its root.
+// It takes the same parameters as TSRank.
+func rankOr(weights [4]float32, v TSVector, q TSQuery) float32 {
+ queryLeaves := sortAndDistinctQueryTerms(q)
+ var matches = make([][]tsPosition, 0)
+ var res float32
+ for i := range queryLeaves {
+ matches = matches[:0]
+ matches = findRankMatches(queryLeaves[i], v, matches)
+ if len(matches) == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ resj := float32(0.0)
+ wjm := float32(-1.0)
+ jm := 0
+ for _, innerMatches := range matches {
+ for j, pos := range innerMatches {
+ termWeight := pos.weight.val()
+ weight := weights[termWeight]
+ resj = resj + weight/float32((j+1)*(j+1))
+ if weight > wjm {
+ wjm = weight
+ jm = j
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Explanation from Postgres tsrank.c:
+ // limit (sum(1/i^2),i=1,inf) = pi^2/6
+ // resj = sum(wi/i^2),i=1,noccurence,
+ // wi - should be sorted desc,
+ // don't sort for now, just choose maximum weight. This should be corrected
+ // Oleg Bartunov
+ res = res + (wjm+resj-wjm/float32((jm+1)*(jm+1)))/1.64493406685
+ }
+ if len(queryLeaves) > 0 {
+ res /= float32(len(queryLeaves))
+ }
+ return res
+// rankAnd computes the rank for a query with an AND or followed-by operator at
+// its root. It takes the same parameters as TSRank.
+func rankAnd(weights [4]float32, v TSVector, q TSQuery) float32 {
+ queryLeaves := sortAndDistinctQueryTerms(q)
+ if len(queryLeaves) < 2 {
+ return rankOr(weights, v, q)
+ }
+ pos := make([][]tsPosition, len(queryLeaves))
+ res := float32(-1)
+ var matches = make([][]tsPosition, 0)
+ for i := range queryLeaves {
+ matches = matches[:0]
+ matches = findRankMatches(queryLeaves[i], v, matches)
+ for _, innerMatches := range matches {
+ pos[i] = innerMatches
+ // Loop back through the earlier position matches
+ for k := 0; k < i; k++ {
+ if pos[k] == nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ for l := range pos[i] {
+ // For each of the earlier matches
+ for p := range pos[k] {
+ dist := int(pos[i][l].position) - int(pos[k][p].position)
+ if dist < 0 {
+ dist = -dist
+ }
+ if dist != 0 {
+ curw := float32(math.Sqrt(float64(weights[pos[i][l].weight.val()] * weights[pos[k][p].weight.val()] * wordDistance(dist))))
+ if res < 0 {
+ res = curw
+ } else {
+ res = 1.0 - (1.0-res)*(1.0-curw)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res
+// Returns a weight of a word collocation. See Postgres tsrank.c.
+func wordDistance(dist int) float32 {
+ if dist > 100 {
+ return 1e-30
+ }
+ return float32(1.0 / (1.005 + 0.05*math.Exp(float64(float32(dist)/1.5-2))))
diff --git a/pkg/util/tsearch/rank_test.go b/pkg/util/tsearch/rank_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..900f6e13100f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/util/tsearch/rank_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Cockroach Authors.
+// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
+// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
+// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
+// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
+// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
+// licenses/APL.txt.
+package tsearch
+import (
+ "testing"
+ "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
+func TestRank(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ weights []float32
+ v string
+ q string
+ method int
+ expected float32
+ }{
+ {v: "a:1 s:2C d g", q: "a | s", expected: 0.091189064},
+ {v: "a:1 sa:2C d g", q: "a | s", expected: 0.030396355},
+ {v: "a:1 sa:2C d g", q: "a | s:*", expected: 0.091189064},
+ {v: "a:1 sa:2C d g", q: "a | sa:*", expected: 0.091189064},
+ {v: "a:1 s:2B d g", q: "a | s", expected: 0.15198177},
+ {v: "a:1 s:2 d g", q: "a | s", expected: 0.06079271},
+ {v: "a:1 s:2C d g", q: "a & s", expected: 0.14015312},
+ {v: "a:1 s:2B d g", q: "a & s", expected: 0.19820644},
+ {v: "a:1 s:2 d g", q: "a & s", expected: 0.09910322},
+ }
+ for _, tt := range tests {
+ v, err := ParseTSVector(tt.v)
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ q, err := ParseTSQuery(tt.q)
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ actual, err := Rank(tt.weights, v, q, tt.method)
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ assert.Equalf(t, tt.expected, actual, "Rank(%v, %v, %v, %v)", tt.weights, tt.v, tt.q, tt.method)
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/util/tsearch/tsquery.go b/pkg/util/tsearch/tsquery.go
index bc5c0a7ea76a..761860495911 100644
--- a/pkg/util/tsearch/tsquery.go
+++ b/pkg/util/tsearch/tsquery.go
@@ -499,12 +499,13 @@ func toTSQuery(config string, interpose tsOperator, input string) (TSQuery, erro
tokens = append(tokens, term)
- lexeme, ok, err := TSLexize(config, lexemeTokens[j])
+ lexeme, stopWord, err := TSLexize(config, lexemeTokens[j])
if err != nil {
return TSQuery{}, err
- if !ok {
+ if stopWord {
foundStopwords = true
+ //continue
tokens = append(tokens, tsTerm{lexeme: lexeme, positions: tok.positions})
@@ -518,17 +519,20 @@ func toTSQuery(config string, interpose tsOperator, input string) (TSQuery, erro
if foundStopwords {
- return cleanupStopwords(query)
+ query = cleanupStopwords(query)
+ if query.root == nil {
+ return query, pgerror.Newf(pgcode.Syntax, "text-search query doesn't contain lexemes: %s", input)
+ }
- return query, nil
+ return query, err
-func cleanupStopwords(query TSQuery) (TSQuery, error) {
+func cleanupStopwords(query TSQuery) TSQuery {
query.root, _, _ = cleanupStopword(query.root)
if query.root == nil {
- return TSQuery{}, nil
+ return TSQuery{}
- return query, nil
+ return query
// cleanupStopword cleans up a query tree by removing stop words and adjusting
diff --git a/pkg/util/tsearch/tsvector.go b/pkg/util/tsearch/tsvector.go
index f811f9d4144e..3417b5d99809 100644
--- a/pkg/util/tsearch/tsvector.go
+++ b/pkg/util/tsearch/tsvector.go
@@ -121,6 +121,14 @@ func (w tsWeight) TSVectorPGEncoding() (byte, error) {
return 0, errors.Errorf("invalid tsvector weight %d", w)
+func (w tsWeight) val() int {
+ b, err := w.TSVectorPGEncoding()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ return int(b)
// matches returns true if the receiver is matched by the input tsquery weight.
func (w tsWeight) matches(queryWeight tsWeight) bool {
if queryWeight == weightAny {
@@ -287,6 +295,10 @@ func (t tsTerm) matchesWeight(targetWeight tsWeight) bool {
return false
+func (t tsTerm) isPrefixMatch() bool {
+ return len(t.positions) >= 1 && t.positions[0].weight&weightStar != 0
// TSVector is a sorted list of terms, each of which is a lexeme that might have
// an associated position within an original document.
type TSVector []tsTerm
@@ -392,16 +404,16 @@ func TSParse(input string) []string {
// TSLexize implements the "dictionary" construct that's exposed via ts_lexize.
// It gets invoked once per input token to produce an output lexeme during
// routines like to_tsvector and to_tsquery.
-// It can return false in the second parameter to indicate a stopword was found.
-func TSLexize(config string, token string) (lexeme string, notAStopWord bool, err error) {
- stopwords, notAStopWord := stopwordsMap[config]
- if !notAStopWord {
+// It can return true in the second parameter to indicate a stopword was found.
+func TSLexize(config string, token string) (lexeme string, stopWord bool, err error) {
+ stopwords, ok := stopwordsMap[config]
+ if !ok {
return "", false, pgerror.Newf(pgcode.UndefinedObject, "text search configuration %q does not exist", config)
lower := strings.ToLower(token)
if _, ok := stopwords[lower]; ok {
- return "", false, nil
+ return "", true, nil
stemmer, err := getStemmer(config)
if err != nil {
@@ -409,7 +421,7 @@ func TSLexize(config string, token string) (lexeme string, notAStopWord bool, er
env := snowballstem.NewEnv(lower)
- return env.Current(), true, nil
+ return env.Current(), false, nil
// DocumentToTSVector parses an input document into lexemes, removes stop words,
@@ -419,17 +431,18 @@ func DocumentToTSVector(config string, input string) (TSVector, error) {
tokens := TSParse(input)
vector := make(TSVector, 0, len(tokens))
for i := range tokens {
- lexeme, ok, err := TSLexize(config, tokens[i])
+ lexeme, stopWord, err := TSLexize(config, tokens[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
- if !ok {
+ if stopWord {
term := tsTerm{lexeme: lexeme}
pos := i + 1
if i > maxTSVectorPosition {
+ // Postgres silently truncates positions larger than 16383 to 16383.
pos = maxTSVectorPosition
term.positions = []tsPosition{{position: uint16(pos)}}