diff --git a/docs/generated/settings/settings.html b/docs/generated/settings/settings.html
index 308bedc8fc2e..68d2949eaa7c 100644
--- a/docs/generated/settings/settings.html
+++ b/docs/generated/settings/settings.html
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
jobs.registry.leniency | duration | 1m0s | the amount of time to defer any attempts to reschedule a job |
kv.allocator.lease_rebalancing_aggressiveness | float | 1 | set greater than 1.0 to rebalance leases toward load more aggressively, or between 0 and 1.0 to be more conservative about rebalancing leases |
kv.allocator.load_based_lease_rebalancing.enabled | boolean | true | set to enable rebalancing of range leases based on load and latency |
+kv.allocator.load_based_rebalancing | enumeration | 1 | whether to rebalance based on the distribution of QPS across stores [off = 0, leases = 1, leases and replicas = 2] |
+kv.allocator.qps_rebalance_threshold | float | 0.25 | minimum fraction away from the mean a store's QPS (such as queries per second) can be before it is considered overfull or underfull |
kv.allocator.range_rebalance_threshold | float | 0.05 | minimum fraction away from the mean a store's range count can be before it is considered overfull or underfull |
-kv.allocator.stat_based_rebalancing.enabled | boolean | false | set to enable rebalancing range replicas and leases to more evenly distribute read and write load across the stores in a cluster |
-kv.allocator.stat_rebalance_threshold | float | 0.2 | minimum fraction away from the mean a store's stats (like disk usage or writes per second) can be before it is considered overfull or underfull |
kv.bulk_io_write.concurrent_export_requests | integer | 5 | number of export requests a store will handle concurrently before queuing |
kv.bulk_io_write.concurrent_import_requests | integer | 1 | number of import requests a store will handle concurrently before queuing |
kv.bulk_io_write.max_rate | byte size | 8.0 EiB | the rate limit (bytes/sec) to use for writes to disk on behalf of bulk io ops |
diff --git a/pkg/cmd/roachtest/rebalance_load.go b/pkg/cmd/roachtest/rebalance_load.go
index 698f2f43a83f..716dbe0145bc 100644
--- a/pkg/cmd/roachtest/rebalance_load.go
+++ b/pkg/cmd/roachtest/rebalance_load.go
@@ -107,20 +107,30 @@ func registerRebalanceLoad(r *registry) {
- minutes := 2 * time.Minute
- numNodes := 4 // the last node is just used to generate load
concurrency := 128
Name: `rebalance-leases-by-load`,
- Nodes: nodes(numNodes),
- Stable: false, // TODO(a-robinson): Promote to stable
+ Nodes: nodes(4), // the last node is just used to generate load
+ Stable: false, // TODO(a-robinson): Promote to stable
Run: func(ctx context.Context, t *test, c *cluster) {
if local {
concurrency = 32
fmt.Printf("lowering concurrency to %d in local testing\n", concurrency)
- rebalanceLoadRun(ctx, t, c, minutes, concurrency)
+ rebalanceLoadRun(ctx, t, c, 2*time.Minute, concurrency)
+ },
+ })
+ r.Add(testSpec{
+ Name: `rebalance-replicas-by-load`,
+ Nodes: nodes(7), // the last node is just used to generate load
+ Stable: false, // TODO(a-robinson): Promote to stable
+ Run: func(ctx context.Context, t *test, c *cluster) {
+ if local {
+ concurrency = 32
+ fmt.Printf("lowering concurrency to %d in local testing\n", concurrency)
+ }
+ rebalanceLoadRun(ctx, t, c, 5*time.Minute, concurrency)
diff --git a/pkg/settings/registry.go b/pkg/settings/registry.go
index 8d0a89df2c16..694e73850a9c 100644
--- a/pkg/settings/registry.go
+++ b/pkg/settings/registry.go
@@ -34,10 +34,13 @@ var Registry = make(map[string]Setting)
// When a setting is removed, it should be added to this list so that we cannot
// accidentally reuse its name, potentially mis-handling older values.
var retiredSettings = map[string]struct{}{
- //removed as of 2.0.
+ // removed as of 2.0.
"kv.gc.batch_size": {},
"kv.transaction.max_intents": {},
"diagnostics.reporting.report_metrics": {},
+ // removed as of 2.1.
+ "kv.allocator.stat_based_rebalancing.enabled": {},
+ "kv.allocator.stat_rebalance_threshold": {},
// Register adds a setting to the registry.
diff --git a/pkg/storage/allocator.go b/pkg/storage/allocator.go
index ba2646ceaa45..91ae5fa6140f 100644
--- a/pkg/storage/allocator.go
+++ b/pkg/storage/allocator.go
@@ -90,10 +90,6 @@ var leaseRebalancingAggressiveness = settings.RegisterNonNegativeFloatSetting(
-func statsBasedRebalancingEnabled(st *cluster.Settings, disableStatsBasedRebalance bool) bool {
- return EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Get(&st.SV) && st.Version.IsActive(cluster.VersionStatsBasedRebalancing) && !disableStatsBasedRebalance
// AllocatorAction enumerates the various replication adjustments that may be
// recommended by the allocator.
type AllocatorAction int
@@ -247,10 +243,7 @@ func MakeAllocator(
// supplied range, as governed by the supplied zone configuration. It
// returns the required action that should be taken and a priority.
func (a *Allocator) ComputeAction(
- ctx context.Context,
- zone config.ZoneConfig,
- rangeInfo RangeInfo,
- disableStatsBasedRebalancing bool,
+ ctx context.Context, zone config.ZoneConfig, rangeInfo RangeInfo,
) (AllocatorAction, float64) {
if a.storePool == nil {
// Do nothing if storePool is nil for some unittests.
@@ -341,10 +334,8 @@ func (a *Allocator) ComputeAction(
type decisionDetails struct {
- Target string
- Existing string `json:",omitempty"`
- RangeBytes int64 `json:",omitempty"`
- RangeWritesPerSecond float64 `json:",omitempty"`
+ Target string
+ Existing string `json:",omitempty"`
// AllocateTarget returns a suitable store for a new allocation with the
@@ -357,13 +348,39 @@ func (a *Allocator) AllocateTarget(
zone config.ZoneConfig,
existing []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
rangeInfo RangeInfo,
- disableStatsBasedRebalancing bool,
) (*roachpb.StoreDescriptor, string, error) {
sl, aliveStoreCount, throttledStoreCount := a.storePool.getStoreList(rangeInfo.Desc.RangeID, storeFilterThrottled)
+ target, details := a.allocateTargetFromList(
+ ctx, sl, zone, existing, rangeInfo, a.scorerOptions())
+ if target != nil {
+ return target, details, nil
+ }
+ // When there are throttled stores that do match, we shouldn't send
+ // the replica to purgatory.
+ if throttledStoreCount > 0 {
+ return nil, "", errors.Errorf("%d matching stores are currently throttled", throttledStoreCount)
+ }
+ return nil, "", &allocatorError{
+ constraints: zone.Constraints,
+ existingReplicas: len(existing),
+ aliveStores: aliveStoreCount,
+ throttledStores: throttledStoreCount,
+ }
+func (a *Allocator) allocateTargetFromList(
+ ctx context.Context,
+ sl StoreList,
+ zone config.ZoneConfig,
+ existing []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
+ rangeInfo RangeInfo,
+ options scorerOptions,
+) (*roachpb.StoreDescriptor, string) {
analyzedConstraints := analyzeConstraints(
ctx, a.storePool.getStoreDescriptor, existing, zone)
- options := a.scorerOptions(disableStatsBasedRebalancing)
candidates := allocateCandidates(
sl, analyzedConstraints, existing, rangeInfo, a.storePool.getLocalities(existing), options,
@@ -371,28 +388,14 @@ func (a *Allocator) AllocateTarget(
if target := candidates.selectGood(a.randGen); target != nil {
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "add target: %s", target)
details := decisionDetails{Target: target.compactString(options)}
- if options.statsBasedRebalancingEnabled {
- details.RangeBytes = rangeInfo.LogicalBytes
- details.RangeWritesPerSecond = rangeInfo.WritesPerSecond
- }
detailsBytes, err := json.Marshal(details)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to marshal details for choosing allocate target: %s", err)
- return &target.store, string(detailsBytes), nil
+ return &target.store, string(detailsBytes)
- // When there are throttled stores that do match, we shouldn't send
- // the replica to purgatory.
- if throttledStoreCount > 0 {
- return nil, "", errors.Errorf("%d matching stores are currently throttled", throttledStoreCount)
- }
- return nil, "", &allocatorError{
- constraints: zone.Constraints,
- existingReplicas: len(existing),
- aliveStores: aliveStoreCount,
- throttledStores: throttledStoreCount,
- }
+ return nil, ""
func (a Allocator) simulateRemoveTarget(
@@ -401,7 +404,6 @@ func (a Allocator) simulateRemoveTarget(
zone config.ZoneConfig,
candidates []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
rangeInfo RangeInfo,
- disableStatsBasedRebalancing bool,
) (roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, string, error) {
// Update statistics first
// TODO(a-robinson): This could theoretically interfere with decisions made by other goroutines,
@@ -413,7 +415,7 @@ func (a Allocator) simulateRemoveTarget(
a.storePool.updateLocalStoreAfterRebalance(targetStore, rangeInfo, roachpb.REMOVE_REPLICA)
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "simulating which replica would be removed after adding s%d", targetStore)
- return a.RemoveTarget(ctx, zone, candidates, rangeInfo, disableStatsBasedRebalancing)
+ return a.RemoveTarget(ctx, zone, candidates, rangeInfo)
// RemoveTarget returns a suitable replica to remove from the provided replica
@@ -426,7 +428,6 @@ func (a Allocator) RemoveTarget(
zone config.ZoneConfig,
candidates []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
rangeInfo RangeInfo,
- disableStatsBasedRebalancing bool,
) (roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, string, error) {
if len(candidates) == 0 {
return roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}, "", errors.Errorf("must supply at least one candidate replica to allocator.RemoveTarget()")
@@ -441,7 +442,7 @@ func (a Allocator) RemoveTarget(
analyzedConstraints := analyzeConstraints(
ctx, a.storePool.getStoreDescriptor, rangeInfo.Desc.Replicas, zone)
- options := a.scorerOptions(disableStatsBasedRebalancing)
+ options := a.scorerOptions()
rankedCandidates := removeCandidates(
@@ -455,10 +456,6 @@ func (a Allocator) RemoveTarget(
if exist.StoreID == bad.store.StoreID {
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "remove target: %s", bad)
details := decisionDetails{Target: bad.compactString(options)}
- if options.statsBasedRebalancingEnabled {
- details.RangeBytes = rangeInfo.LogicalBytes
- details.RangeWritesPerSecond = rangeInfo.WritesPerSecond
- }
detailsBytes, err := json.Marshal(details)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to marshal details for choosing remove target: %s", err)
@@ -495,7 +492,6 @@ func (a Allocator) RebalanceTarget(
raftStatus *raft.Status,
rangeInfo RangeInfo,
filter storeFilter,
- disableStatsBasedRebalancing bool,
) (*roachpb.StoreDescriptor, string) {
sl, _, _ := a.storePool.getStoreList(rangeInfo.Desc.RangeID, filter)
@@ -529,7 +525,7 @@ func (a Allocator) RebalanceTarget(
analyzedConstraints := analyzeConstraints(
ctx, a.storePool.getStoreDescriptor, rangeInfo.Desc.Replicas, zone)
- options := a.scorerOptions(disableStatsBasedRebalancing)
+ options := a.scorerOptions()
results := rebalanceCandidates(
@@ -585,8 +581,7 @@ func (a Allocator) RebalanceTarget(
- rangeInfo,
- disableStatsBasedRebalancing)
+ rangeInfo)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "simulating RemoveTarget failed: %s", err)
return nil, ""
@@ -606,10 +601,6 @@ func (a Allocator) RebalanceTarget(
Target: target.compactString(options),
Existing: existingCandidates.compactString(options),
- if options.statsBasedRebalancingEnabled {
- details.RangeBytes = rangeInfo.LogicalBytes
- details.RangeWritesPerSecond = rangeInfo.WritesPerSecond
- }
detailsBytes, err := json.Marshal(details)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to marshal details for choosing rebalance target: %s", err)
@@ -618,12 +609,10 @@ func (a Allocator) RebalanceTarget(
return &target.store, string(detailsBytes)
-func (a *Allocator) scorerOptions(disableStatsBasedRebalancing bool) scorerOptions {
+func (a *Allocator) scorerOptions() scorerOptions {
return scorerOptions{
- deterministic: a.storePool.deterministic,
- statsBasedRebalancingEnabled: statsBasedRebalancingEnabled(a.storePool.st, disableStatsBasedRebalancing),
- rangeRebalanceThreshold: rangeRebalanceThreshold.Get(&a.storePool.st.SV),
- statRebalanceThreshold: statRebalanceThreshold.Get(&a.storePool.st.SV),
+ deterministic: a.storePool.deterministic,
+ rangeRebalanceThreshold: rangeRebalanceThreshold.Get(&a.storePool.st.SV),
diff --git a/pkg/storage/allocator_scorer.go b/pkg/storage/allocator_scorer.go
index 3a9155692bf4..52171520b202 100644
--- a/pkg/storage/allocator_scorer.go
+++ b/pkg/storage/allocator_scorer.go
@@ -54,15 +54,6 @@ const (
rebalanceToMaxFractionUsedThreshold = 0.925
-// EnableStatsBasedRebalancing controls whether range rebalancing takes
-// additional variables such as write load and disk usage into account.
-// If disabled, rebalancing is done purely based on replica count.
-var EnableStatsBasedRebalancing = settings.RegisterBoolSetting(
- "kv.allocator.stat_based_rebalancing.enabled",
- "set to enable rebalancing range replicas and leases to more evenly distribute read and write load across the stores in a cluster",
- false, // TODO(a-robinson): switch to true for v2.1 once the store-rebalancer is done
// rangeRebalanceThreshold is the minimum ratio of a store's range count to
// the mean range count at which that store is considered overfull or underfull
// of ranges.
@@ -72,28 +63,10 @@ var rangeRebalanceThreshold = settings.RegisterNonNegativeFloatSetting(
-// statRebalanceThreshold is the same as rangeRebalanceThreshold, but for
-// statistics other than range count. This should be larger than
-// rangeRebalanceThreshold because certain stats (like keys written per second)
-// are inherently less stable and thus we need to be a little more forgiving to
-// avoid thrashing.
-// Note that there isn't a ton of science behind this number, but setting it
-// to .05 and .1 were shown to cause some instability in clusters without load
-// on them.
-// TODO(a-robinson): Should disk usage be held to a higher standard than this?
-var statRebalanceThreshold = settings.RegisterNonNegativeFloatSetting(
- "kv.allocator.stat_rebalance_threshold",
- "minimum fraction away from the mean a store's stats (like disk usage or writes per second) can be before it is considered overfull or underfull",
- 0.20,
type scorerOptions struct {
- deterministic bool
- statsBasedRebalancingEnabled bool
- rangeRebalanceThreshold float64
- statRebalanceThreshold float64
+ deterministic bool
+ rangeRebalanceThreshold float64
+ qpsRebalanceThreshold float64 // only considered if non-zero
type balanceDimensions struct {
@@ -112,10 +85,7 @@ func (bd balanceDimensions) String() string {
func (bd balanceDimensions) compactString(options scorerOptions) string {
- if !options.statsBasedRebalancingEnabled {
- return fmt.Sprintf("%d", bd.ranges)
- }
- return bd.String()
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%d", bd.ranges)
// candidate store for allocation.
@@ -160,10 +130,6 @@ func (c candidate) compactString(options scorerOptions) string {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, ", converges:%d, balance:%s, rangeCount:%d",
c.convergesScore, c.balanceScore.compactString(options), c.rangeCount)
- if options.statsBasedRebalancingEnabled {
- fmt.Fprintf(&buf, ", logicalBytes:%s, writesPerSecond:%.2f",
- humanizeutil.IBytes(c.store.Capacity.LogicalBytes), c.store.Capacity.WritesPerSecond)
- }
if c.details != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, ", details:(%s)", c.details)
@@ -442,11 +408,22 @@ func allocateCandidates(
diversityScore := diversityAllocateScore(s, existingNodeLocalities)
balanceScore := balanceScore(sl, s.Capacity, rangeInfo, options)
+ var convergesScore int
+ if options.qpsRebalanceThreshold > 0 {
+ if s.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond < underfullThreshold(sl.candidateQueriesPerSecond.mean, options.qpsRebalanceThreshold) {
+ convergesScore = 1
+ } else if s.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond < sl.candidateQueriesPerSecond.mean {
+ convergesScore = 0
+ } else {
+ convergesScore = -1
+ }
+ }
candidates = append(candidates, candidate{
store: s,
valid: constraintsOK,
necessary: necessary,
diversityScore: diversityScore,
+ convergesScore: convergesScore,
balanceScore: balanceScore,
rangeCount: int(s.Capacity.RangeCount),
@@ -484,7 +461,7 @@ func removeCandidates(
diversityScore := diversityRemovalScore(s.Node.NodeID, existingNodeLocalities)
balanceScore := balanceScore(sl, s.Capacity, rangeInfo, options)
var convergesScore int
- if !rebalanceFromConvergesOnMean(sl, s.Capacity, rangeInfo, options) {
+ if !rebalanceFromConvergesOnMean(sl, s.Capacity) {
// If removing this candidate replica does not converge the store
// stats to their means, we make it less attractive for removal by
// adding 1 to the constraint score. Note that when selecting a
@@ -672,7 +649,7 @@ func rebalanceCandidates(
// TODO(a-robinson): Some moderate refactoring could extract this logic out
// into the loop below, avoiding duplicate balanceScore calculations.
- if shouldRebalance(ctx, existing.cand.store, sl, rangeInfo, options) {
+ if shouldRebalance(ctx, existing.cand.store, sl, options) {
shouldRebalanceCheck = true
@@ -703,7 +680,7 @@ func rebalanceCandidates(
balanceScore := balanceScore(comparable.sl, existing.cand.store.Capacity, rangeInfo, options)
var convergesScore int
- if !rebalanceFromConvergesOnMean(comparable.sl, existing.cand.store.Capacity, rangeInfo, options) {
+ if !rebalanceFromConvergesOnMean(comparable.sl, existing.cand.store.Capacity) {
// Similarly to in removeCandidates, any replica whose removal
// would not converge the range stats to their means is given a
// constraint score boost of 1 to make it less attractive for
@@ -728,7 +705,7 @@ func rebalanceCandidates(
s := cand.store
cand.fullDisk = !rebalanceToMaxCapacityCheck(s)
cand.balanceScore = balanceScore(comparable.sl, s.Capacity, rangeInfo, options)
- if rebalanceToConvergesOnMean(comparable.sl, s.Capacity, rangeInfo, options) {
+ if rebalanceToConvergesOnMean(comparable.sl, s.Capacity) {
// This is the counterpart of !rebalanceFromConvergesOnMean from
// the existing candidates. Candidates whose addition would
// converge towards the range count mean are promoted.
@@ -836,69 +813,6 @@ func betterRebalanceTarget(target1, existing1, target2, existing2 *candidate) *c
// shouldRebalance returns whether the specified store is a candidate for
// having a replica removed from it given the candidate store list.
func shouldRebalance(
- ctx context.Context,
- store roachpb.StoreDescriptor,
- sl StoreList,
- rangeInfo RangeInfo,
- options scorerOptions,
-) bool {
- if !options.statsBasedRebalancingEnabled {
- return shouldRebalanceNoStats(ctx, store, sl, options)
- }
- // Rebalance if this store is full enough that the range is a bad fit.
- score := balanceScore(sl, store.Capacity, rangeInfo, options)
- if rangeIsBadFit(score) {
- log.VEventf(ctx, 2,
- "s%d: should-rebalance(bad-fit): balanceScore=%s, capacity=(%v), rangeInfo=%+v, "+
- "(meanRangeCount=%.1f, meanDiskUsage=%s, meanWritesPerSecond=%.2f), ",
- store.StoreID, score, store.Capacity, rangeInfo,
- sl.candidateRanges.mean, humanizeutil.IBytes(int64(sl.candidateLogicalBytes.mean)),
- sl.candidateWritesPerSecond.mean)
- return true
- }
- // Rebalance if there exists another store that is very in need of the
- // range and this store is a somewhat bad match for it.
- if rangeIsPoorFit(score) {
- for _, desc := range sl.stores {
- otherScore := balanceScore(sl, desc.Capacity, rangeInfo, options)
- if !rangeIsGoodFit(otherScore) {
- log.VEventf(ctx, 5,
- "s%d is not a good enough fit to replace s%d: balanceScore=%s, capacity=(%v), rangeInfo=%+v, "+
- "(meanRangeCount=%.1f, meanDiskUsage=%s, meanWritesPerSecond=%.2f), ",
- desc.StoreID, store.StoreID, otherScore, desc.Capacity, rangeInfo,
- sl.candidateRanges.mean, humanizeutil.IBytes(int64(sl.candidateLogicalBytes.mean)),
- sl.candidateWritesPerSecond.mean)
- continue
- }
- if storeHasReplica(desc.StoreID, rangeInfo.Desc.Replicas) {
- continue
- }
- log.VEventf(ctx, 2,
- "s%d: should-rebalance(better-fit=s%d): balanceScore=%s, capacity=(%v), rangeInfo=%+v, "+
- "otherScore=%s, otherCapacity=(%v), "+
- "(meanRangeCount=%.1f, meanDiskUsage=%s, meanWritesPerSecond=%.2f), ",
- store.StoreID, desc.StoreID, score, store.Capacity, rangeInfo,
- otherScore, desc.Capacity, sl.candidateRanges.mean,
- humanizeutil.IBytes(int64(sl.candidateLogicalBytes.mean)), sl.candidateWritesPerSecond.mean)
- return true
- }
- }
- // If we reached this point, we're happy with the range where it is.
- log.VEventf(ctx, 3,
- "s%d: should-not-rebalance: balanceScore=%s, capacity=(%v), rangeInfo=%+v, "+
- "(meanRangeCount=%.1f, meanDiskUsage=%s, meanWritesPerSecond=%.2f), ",
- store.StoreID, score, store.Capacity, rangeInfo, sl.candidateRanges.mean,
- humanizeutil.IBytes(int64(sl.candidateLogicalBytes.mean)), sl.candidateWritesPerSecond.mean)
- return false
-// shouldRebalance implements the decision of whether to rebalance for the case
-// when stats-based rebalancing is disabled and decisions should thus be
-// made based only on range counts.
-func shouldRebalanceNoStats(
ctx context.Context, store roachpb.StoreDescriptor, sl StoreList, options scorerOptions,
) bool {
overfullThreshold := int32(math.Ceil(overfullRangeThreshold(options, sl.candidateRanges.mean)))
@@ -1297,10 +1211,6 @@ const (
underfull rangeCountStatus = 1
-func oppositeStatus(rcs rangeCountStatus) rangeCountStatus {
- return -rcs
// balanceScore returns an arbitrarily scaled score where higher scores are for
// stores where the range is a better fit based on various balance factors
// like range count, disk usage, and QPS.
@@ -1315,224 +1225,41 @@ func balanceScore(
} else {
dimensions.ranges = balanced
- if options.statsBasedRebalancingEnabled {
- dimensions.bytes = balanceContribution(
- options,
- dimensions.ranges,
- sl.candidateLogicalBytes.mean,
- float64(sc.LogicalBytes),
- sc.BytesPerReplica,
- float64(rangeInfo.LogicalBytes))
- dimensions.writes = balanceContribution(
- options,
- dimensions.ranges,
- sl.candidateWritesPerSecond.mean,
- sc.WritesPerSecond,
- sc.WritesPerReplica,
- rangeInfo.WritesPerSecond)
- }
return dimensions
-// balanceContribution generates a single dimension's contribution to a range's
-// balanceScore, where larger values mean a store is a better fit for a given
-// range.
-func balanceContribution(
- options scorerOptions,
- rcs rangeCountStatus,
- mean float64,
- storeVal float64,
- percentiles roachpb.Percentiles,
- rangeVal float64,
-) float64 {
- if storeVal > overfullStatThreshold(options, mean) {
- return percentileScore(rcs, percentiles, rangeVal)
- } else if storeVal < underfullStatThreshold(options, mean) {
- // To ensure that we behave symmetrically when underfull compared to
- // when we're overfull, inverse both the rangeCountStatus and the
- // result returned by percentileScore. This makes it so that being
- // overfull on ranges and on the given dimension behaves symmetrically to
- // being underfull on ranges and the given dimension (and ditto for
- // overfull on ranges and underfull on a dimension, etc.).
- return -percentileScore(oppositeStatus(rcs), percentiles, rangeVal)
- }
- return 0
-// percentileScore returns a score for how desirable it is to put a range
-// onto a particular store given the assumption that the store is overfull
-// along a particular dimension. Takes as parameters:
-// * How the number of ranges on the store compares to the norm
-// * The distribution of values in the store for the dimension
-// * The range's value for the dimension
-// A higher score means that the range is a better fit for the store.
-func percentileScore(
- rcs rangeCountStatus, percentiles roachpb.Percentiles, rangeVal float64,
-) float64 {
- // Note that there is not any great research behind these values. If they're
- // causing thrashing or a bad imbalance, rethink them and modify them as
- // appropriate.
- if rcs == balanced {
- // If the range count is balanced, we should prefer ranges that are
- // very small on this particular dimension to try to rebalance this dimension
- // without messing up the replica counts.
- if rangeVal < percentiles.P10 {
- return 1
- } else if rangeVal < percentiles.P25 {
- return 0.5
- } else if rangeVal > percentiles.P90 {
- return -1
- } else if rangeVal > percentiles.P75 {
- return -0.5
- }
- // else rangeVal >= percentiles.P25 && rangeVal <= percentiles.P75
- // It may be better to return more than 0 here, since taking on an
- // average range isn't necessarily bad, but for now let's see how this works.
- return 0
- } else if rcs == overfull {
- // If this store has too many ranges, we're ok with moving any range that's
- // at least somewhat sizable in this dimension, since we want to reduce both
- // the range count and this metric. Moving extreme outliers may be less
- // desirable, though, so favor very heavy ranges slightly less and disfavor
- // very light ranges.
- //
- // Note that we can't truly disfavor large ranges, since that prevents us
- // from rebalancing nonempty ranges to empty stores (since all nonempty
- // ranges will be greater than an empty store's P90).
- if rangeVal > percentiles.P90 {
- return -0.5
- } else if rangeVal >= percentiles.P25 {
- return -1
- } else if rangeVal >= percentiles.P10 {
- return 0
- }
- // else rangeVal < percentiles.P10
- return 0.5
- } else if rcs == underfull {
- // If this store has too few ranges but is overloaded on some other
- // dimension, we need to prioritize moving away replicas that are
- // high in that dimension and accepting replicas that are low in it.
- if rangeVal < percentiles.P10 {
- return 1
- } else if rangeVal < percentiles.P25 {
- return 0.5
- } else if rangeVal > percentiles.P90 {
- return -1
- } else if rangeVal > percentiles.P75 {
- return -0.5
- }
- // else rangeVal >= percentiles.P25 && rangeVal <= percentiles.P75
- return 0
- }
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("reached unreachable code: %+v; %+v; %+v", rcs, percentiles, rangeVal))
-func rangeIsGoodFit(bd balanceDimensions) bool {
- // A score greater than 1 means that more than one dimension improves
- // without being canceled out by the third, since each dimension can only
- // contribute a value from [-1,1] to the score.
- return bd.totalScore() > 1
-func rangeIsBadFit(bd balanceDimensions) bool {
- // This is the same logic as for rangeIsGoodFit, just reversed.
- return bd.totalScore() < -1
-func rangeIsPoorFit(bd balanceDimensions) bool {
- // A score less than -0.5 isn't a great fit for a range, since the
- // bad dimensions outweigh the good by at least one entire dimension.
- return bd.totalScore() < -0.5
func overfullRangeThreshold(options scorerOptions, mean float64) float64 {
- if !options.statsBasedRebalancingEnabled {
- return mean * (1 + options.rangeRebalanceThreshold)
- }
- return math.Max(mean*(1+options.rangeRebalanceThreshold), mean+5)
+ return overfullThreshold(mean, options.rangeRebalanceThreshold)
func underfullRangeThreshold(options scorerOptions, mean float64) float64 {
- if !options.statsBasedRebalancingEnabled {
- return mean * (1 - options.rangeRebalanceThreshold)
- }
- return math.Min(mean*(1-options.rangeRebalanceThreshold), mean-5)
+ return underfullThreshold(mean, options.rangeRebalanceThreshold)
-func overfullStatThreshold(options scorerOptions, mean float64) float64 {
- return mean * (1 + options.statRebalanceThreshold)
+func overfullThreshold(mean float64, thresholdFraction float64) float64 {
+ return mean * (1 + thresholdFraction)
-func underfullStatThreshold(options scorerOptions, mean float64) float64 {
- return mean * (1 - options.statRebalanceThreshold)
+func underfullThreshold(mean float64, thresholdFraction float64) float64 {
+ return mean * (1 - thresholdFraction)
-func rebalanceFromConvergesOnMean(
- sl StoreList, sc roachpb.StoreCapacity, rangeInfo RangeInfo, options scorerOptions,
-) bool {
- return rebalanceConvergesOnMean(
- sl,
- sc,
- sc.RangeCount-1,
- sc.LogicalBytes-rangeInfo.LogicalBytes,
- sc.WritesPerSecond-rangeInfo.WritesPerSecond,
- options)
+func rebalanceFromConvergesOnMean(sl StoreList, sc roachpb.StoreCapacity) bool {
+ return rebalanceConvergesOnMean(sl, sc, sc.RangeCount-1)
-func rebalanceToConvergesOnMean(
- sl StoreList, sc roachpb.StoreCapacity, rangeInfo RangeInfo, options scorerOptions,
-) bool {
- return rebalanceConvergesOnMean(
- sl,
- sc,
- sc.RangeCount+1,
- sc.LogicalBytes+rangeInfo.LogicalBytes,
- sc.WritesPerSecond+rangeInfo.WritesPerSecond,
- options)
+func rebalanceToConvergesOnMean(sl StoreList, sc roachpb.StoreCapacity) bool {
+ return rebalanceConvergesOnMean(sl, sc, sc.RangeCount+1)
-func rebalanceConvergesOnMean(
- sl StoreList,
- sc roachpb.StoreCapacity,
- newRangeCount int32,
- newLogicalBytes int64,
- newWritesPerSecond float64,
- options scorerOptions,
-) bool {
- if !options.statsBasedRebalancingEnabled {
- return convergesOnMean(float64(sc.RangeCount), float64(newRangeCount), sl.candidateRanges.mean)
- }
- // Note that we check both converges and diverges. If we always decremented
- // convergeCount when something didn't converge, ranges with stats equal to 0
- // would almost never converge (and thus almost never get rebalanced).
- var convergeCount int
- if convergesOnMean(float64(sc.RangeCount), float64(newRangeCount), sl.candidateRanges.mean) {
- convergeCount++
- } else if divergesFromMean(float64(sc.RangeCount), float64(newRangeCount), sl.candidateRanges.mean) {
- convergeCount--
- }
- if convergesOnMean(float64(sc.LogicalBytes), float64(newLogicalBytes), sl.candidateLogicalBytes.mean) {
- convergeCount++
- } else if divergesFromMean(float64(sc.LogicalBytes), float64(newLogicalBytes), sl.candidateLogicalBytes.mean) {
- convergeCount--
- }
- if convergesOnMean(sc.WritesPerSecond, newWritesPerSecond, sl.candidateWritesPerSecond.mean) {
- convergeCount++
- } else if divergesFromMean(sc.WritesPerSecond, newWritesPerSecond, sl.candidateWritesPerSecond.mean) {
- convergeCount--
- }
- return convergeCount > 0
+func rebalanceConvergesOnMean(sl StoreList, sc roachpb.StoreCapacity, newRangeCount int32) bool {
+ return convergesOnMean(float64(sc.RangeCount), float64(newRangeCount), sl.candidateRanges.mean)
func convergesOnMean(oldVal, newVal, mean float64) bool {
return math.Abs(newVal-mean) < math.Abs(oldVal-mean)
-func divergesFromMean(oldVal, newVal, mean float64) bool {
- return math.Abs(newVal-mean) > math.Abs(oldVal-mean)
// maxCapacityCheck returns true if the store has room for a new replica.
func maxCapacityCheck(store roachpb.StoreDescriptor) bool {
return store.Capacity.FractionUsed() < maxFractionUsedThreshold
diff --git a/pkg/storage/allocator_scorer_test.go b/pkg/storage/allocator_scorer_test.go
index fca6e2bd0436..50b6a240bf1c 100644
--- a/pkg/storage/allocator_scorer_test.go
+++ b/pkg/storage/allocator_scorer_test.go
@@ -1058,10 +1058,7 @@ func TestRemoveConstraintsCheck(t *testing.T) {
func TestShouldRebalanceDiversity(t *testing.T) {
defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
- options := scorerOptions{
- statsBasedRebalancingEnabled: true,
- }
+ options := scorerOptions{}
newStore := func(id int, locality roachpb.Locality) roachpb.StoreDescriptor {
return roachpb.StoreDescriptor{
StoreID: roachpb.StoreID(id),
@@ -1473,14 +1470,9 @@ func TestDiversityScoreEquivalence(t *testing.T) {
func TestBalanceScore(t *testing.T) {
defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
- options := scorerOptions{
- statsBasedRebalancingEnabled: true,
- }
+ options := scorerOptions{}
storeList := StoreList{
- candidateRanges: stat{mean: 1000},
- candidateLogicalBytes: stat{mean: 512 * 1024 * 1024},
- candidateWritesPerSecond: stat{mean: 1000},
+ candidateRanges: stat{mean: 1000},
sEmpty := roachpb.StoreCapacity{
@@ -1489,146 +1481,30 @@ func TestBalanceScore(t *testing.T) {
LogicalBytes: 0,
sMean := roachpb.StoreCapacity{
- Capacity: 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
- Available: 512 * 1024 * 1024,
- LogicalBytes: 512 * 1024 * 1024,
- RangeCount: 1000,
- WritesPerSecond: 1000,
- BytesPerReplica: roachpb.Percentiles{
- P10: 100 * 1024,
- P25: 250 * 1024,
- P50: 500 * 1024,
- P75: 750 * 1024,
- P90: 1000 * 1024,
- },
- WritesPerReplica: roachpb.Percentiles{
- P10: 1,
- P25: 2.5,
- P50: 5,
- P75: 7.5,
- P90: 10,
- },
+ Capacity: 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
+ Available: 512 * 1024 * 1024,
+ LogicalBytes: 512 * 1024 * 1024,
+ RangeCount: 1000,
sRangesOverfull := sMean
sRangesOverfull.RangeCount = 1500
sRangesUnderfull := sMean
sRangesUnderfull.RangeCount = 500
- sBytesOverfull := sMean
- sBytesOverfull.Available = 256 * 1024 * 1024
- sBytesOverfull.LogicalBytes = sBytesOverfull.Capacity - sBytesOverfull.Available
- sBytesUnderfull := sMean
- sBytesUnderfull.Available = 768 * 1024 * 1024
- sBytesUnderfull.LogicalBytes = sBytesUnderfull.Capacity - sBytesUnderfull.Available
- sRangesOverfullBytesOverfull := sRangesOverfull
- sRangesOverfullBytesOverfull.Available = 256 * 1024 * 1024
- sRangesOverfullBytesOverfull.LogicalBytes =
- sRangesOverfullBytesOverfull.Capacity - sRangesOverfullBytesOverfull.Available
- sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfull := sRangesUnderfull
- sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfull.Available = 768 * 1024 * 1024
- sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfull.LogicalBytes =
- sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfull.Capacity - sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfull.Available
- sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfull := sRangesUnderfull
- sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfull.Available = 256 * 1024 * 1024
- sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfull.LogicalBytes =
- sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfull.Capacity - sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfull.Available
- sRangesOverfullBytesUnderfull := sRangesOverfull
- sRangesOverfullBytesUnderfull.Available = 768 * 1024 * 1024
- sRangesOverfullBytesUnderfull.LogicalBytes =
- sRangesOverfullBytesUnderfull.Capacity - sRangesOverfullBytesUnderfull.Available
- sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfullWritesOverfull := sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfull
- sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfullWritesOverfull.WritesPerSecond = 1500
- sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfullWritesOverfull := sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfull
- sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfullWritesOverfull.WritesPerSecond = 1500
- rEmpty := RangeInfo{}
- rMedian := RangeInfo{
- LogicalBytes: 500 * 1024,
- WritesPerSecond: 5,
- }
- rHighBytes := rMedian
- rHighBytes.LogicalBytes = 2000 * 1024
- rLowBytes := rMedian
- rLowBytes.LogicalBytes = 50 * 1024
- rHighBytesHighWrites := rHighBytes
- rHighBytesHighWrites.WritesPerSecond = 20
- rHighBytesLowWrites := rHighBytes
- rHighBytesLowWrites.WritesPerSecond = 0.5
- rLowBytesHighWrites := rLowBytes
- rLowBytesHighWrites.WritesPerSecond = 20
- rLowBytesLowWrites := rLowBytes
- rLowBytesLowWrites.WritesPerSecond = 0.5
- rHighWrites := rMedian
- rHighWrites.WritesPerSecond = 20
- rLowWrites := rMedian
- rLowWrites.WritesPerSecond = 0.5
+ ri := RangeInfo{}
testCases := []struct {
sc roachpb.StoreCapacity
- ri RangeInfo
expected float64
- {sEmpty, rEmpty, 3},
- {sEmpty, rMedian, 2},
- {sEmpty, rHighBytes, 2},
- {sEmpty, rLowBytes, 2},
- {sMean, rEmpty, 0},
- {sMean, rMedian, 0},
- {sMean, rHighBytes, 0},
- {sMean, rLowBytes, 0},
- {sRangesOverfull, rEmpty, -1},
- {sRangesOverfull, rMedian, -1},
- {sRangesOverfull, rHighBytes, -1},
- {sRangesOverfull, rLowBytes, -1},
- {sRangesUnderfull, rEmpty, 1},
- {sRangesUnderfull, rMedian, 1},
- {sRangesUnderfull, rHighBytes, 1},
- {sRangesUnderfull, rLowBytes, 1},
- {sBytesOverfull, rEmpty, 1},
- {sBytesOverfull, rMedian, 0},
- {sBytesOverfull, rHighBytes, -1},
- {sBytesOverfull, rLowBytes, 1},
- {sBytesUnderfull, rEmpty, -1},
- {sBytesUnderfull, rMedian, 0},
- {sBytesUnderfull, rHighBytes, 1},
- {sBytesUnderfull, rLowBytes, -1},
- {sRangesOverfullBytesOverfull, rEmpty, -.5},
- {sRangesOverfullBytesOverfull, rMedian, -2},
- {sRangesOverfullBytesOverfull, rHighBytes, -1.5},
- {sRangesOverfullBytesOverfull, rLowBytes, -.5},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfull, rEmpty, .5},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfull, rMedian, 2},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfull, rHighBytes, 1.5},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfull, rLowBytes, .5},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfull, rEmpty, 2},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfull, rMedian, 1},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfull, rHighBytes, 0},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfull, rLowBytes, 2},
- {sRangesOverfullBytesUnderfull, rEmpty, -2},
- {sRangesOverfullBytesUnderfull, rMedian, -1},
- {sRangesOverfullBytesUnderfull, rHighBytes, 0},
- {sRangesOverfullBytesUnderfull, rLowBytes, -2},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfullWritesOverfull, rEmpty, 3},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfullWritesOverfull, rMedian, 1},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfullWritesOverfull, rHighBytes, 0},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfullWritesOverfull, rHighBytesHighWrites, -1},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfullWritesOverfull, rHighBytesLowWrites, 1},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfullWritesOverfull, rLowBytes, 2},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfullWritesOverfull, rLowBytesHighWrites, 1},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesOverfullWritesOverfull, rLowBytesLowWrites, 3},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfullWritesOverfull, rEmpty, 1.5},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfullWritesOverfull, rMedian, 2},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfullWritesOverfull, rHighBytes, 1.5},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfullWritesOverfull, rHighBytesHighWrites, 0.5},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfullWritesOverfull, rHighBytesLowWrites, 2.5},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfullWritesOverfull, rLowBytes, 0.5},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfullWritesOverfull, rLowBytesHighWrites, -0.5},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfullWritesOverfull, rLowBytesLowWrites, 1.5},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfullWritesOverfull, rHighWrites, 1},
- {sRangesUnderfullBytesUnderfullWritesOverfull, rLowWrites, 3},
+ {sEmpty, 1},
+ {sMean, 0},
+ {sRangesOverfull, -1},
+ {sRangesUnderfull, 1},
for i, tc := range testCases {
- if a, e := balanceScore(storeList, tc.sc, tc.ri, options), tc.expected; a.totalScore() != e {
- t.Errorf("%d: balanceScore(storeList, %+v, %+v) got %s; want %.2f", i, tc.sc, tc.ri, a, e)
+ if a, e := balanceScore(storeList, tc.sc, ri, options), tc.expected; a.totalScore() != e {
+ t.Errorf("%d: balanceScore(storeList, %+v) got %s; want %.2f", i, tc.sc, a, e)
@@ -1636,77 +1512,34 @@ func TestBalanceScore(t *testing.T) {
func TestRebalanceConvergesOnMean(t *testing.T) {
defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
- options := scorerOptions{
- statsBasedRebalancingEnabled: true,
- }
- const diskCapacity = 2000
storeList := StoreList{
- candidateRanges: stat{mean: 1000},
- candidateLogicalBytes: stat{mean: 1000},
- candidateWritesPerSecond: stat{mean: 1000},
- }
- emptyRange := RangeInfo{}
- normalRange := RangeInfo{
- LogicalBytes: 10,
- WritesPerSecond: 10,
- }
- outlierRange := RangeInfo{
- LogicalBytes: 10,
- WritesPerSecond: 10000,
+ candidateRanges: stat{mean: 1000},
testCases := []struct {
- rangeCount int32
- liveBytes int64
- writesPerSecond float64
- ri RangeInfo
- toConverges bool
- fromConverges bool
+ rangeCount int32
+ toConverges bool
+ fromConverges bool
- {0, 0, 0, emptyRange, true, false},
- {900, 900, 900, emptyRange, true, false},
- {900, 900, 2000, emptyRange, true, false},
- {999, 1000, 1000, emptyRange, true, false},
- {1000, 1000, 1000, emptyRange, false, false},
- {1001, 1000, 1000, emptyRange, false, true},
- {2000, 2000, 2000, emptyRange, false, true},
- {900, 2000, 2000, emptyRange, true, false},
- {0, 0, 0, normalRange, true, false},
- {900, 900, 900, normalRange, true, false},
- {900, 900, 2000, normalRange, true, false},
- {999, 1000, 1000, normalRange, false, false},
- {2000, 2000, 2000, normalRange, false, true},
- {900, 2000, 2000, normalRange, false, true},
- {1000, 990, 990, normalRange, true, false},
- {1000, 994, 994, normalRange, true, false},
- {1000, 990, 995, normalRange, false, false},
- {1000, 1010, 1010, normalRange, false, true},
- {1000, 1010, 1005, normalRange, false, false},
- {0, 0, 0, outlierRange, true, false},
- {900, 900, 900, outlierRange, true, false},
- {900, 900, 2000, outlierRange, true, false},
- {999, 1000, 1000, outlierRange, false, false},
- {2000, 2000, 10000, outlierRange, false, true},
- {900, 2000, 10000, outlierRange, false, true},
- {1000, 990, 990, outlierRange, false, false},
- {1000, 1000, 10000, outlierRange, false, false},
- {1000, 1010, 10000, outlierRange, false, true},
- {1001, 1010, 1005, outlierRange, false, true},
+ {0, true, false},
+ {900, true, false},
+ {900, true, false},
+ {999, true, false},
+ {1000, false, false},
+ {1001, false, true},
+ {2000, false, true},
+ {900, true, false},
for i, tc := range testCases {
sc := roachpb.StoreCapacity{
- Capacity: diskCapacity,
- Available: diskCapacity - tc.liveBytes,
- LogicalBytes: tc.liveBytes,
- RangeCount: tc.rangeCount,
- WritesPerSecond: tc.writesPerSecond,
+ RangeCount: tc.rangeCount,
- if a, e := rebalanceToConvergesOnMean(storeList, sc, tc.ri, options), tc.toConverges; a != e {
- t.Errorf("%d: rebalanceToConvergesOnMean(storeList, %+v, %+v) got %t; want %t", i, sc, tc.ri, a, e)
+ if a, e := rebalanceToConvergesOnMean(storeList, sc), tc.toConverges; a != e {
+ t.Errorf("%d: rebalanceToConvergesOnMean(storeList, %+v) got %t; want %t", i, sc, a, e)
- if a, e := rebalanceFromConvergesOnMean(storeList, sc, tc.ri, options), tc.fromConverges; a != e {
- t.Errorf("%d: rebalanceFromConvergesOnMean(storeList, %+v, %+v) got %t; want %t", i, sc, tc.ri, a, e)
+ if a, e := rebalanceFromConvergesOnMean(storeList, sc), tc.fromConverges; a != e {
+ t.Errorf("%d: rebalanceFromConvergesOnMean(storeList, %+v) got %t; want %t", i, sc, a, e)
diff --git a/pkg/storage/allocator_test.go b/pkg/storage/allocator_test.go
index cabea157392c..98df381a78ac 100644
--- a/pkg/storage/allocator_test.go
+++ b/pkg/storage/allocator_test.go
@@ -397,7 +397,6 @@ func TestAllocatorSimpleRetrieval(t *testing.T) {
- false,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to perform allocation: %v", err)
@@ -431,7 +430,6 @@ func TestAllocatorCorruptReplica(t *testing.T) {
- false,
if err != nil {
@@ -451,7 +449,6 @@ func TestAllocatorNoAvailableDisks(t *testing.T) {
- false,
if result != nil {
t.Errorf("expected nil result: %+v", result)
@@ -473,7 +470,6 @@ func TestAllocatorTwoDatacenters(t *testing.T) {
- false,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to perform allocation: %v", err)
@@ -486,7 +482,6 @@ func TestAllocatorTwoDatacenters(t *testing.T) {
StoreID: result1.StoreID,
- false,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to perform allocation: %v", err)
@@ -511,7 +506,6 @@ func TestAllocatorTwoDatacenters(t *testing.T) {
- false,
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error on allocation without available stores: %+v", result3)
@@ -543,7 +537,6 @@ func TestAllocatorExistingReplica(t *testing.T) {
- false,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to perform allocation: %v", err)
@@ -604,9 +597,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalance(t *testing.T) {
stopper, g, _, a, _ := createTestAllocator( /* deterministic */ false)
defer stopper.Stop(context.Background())
- st := a.storePool.st
- EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Override(&st.SV, false)
gossiputil.NewStoreGossiper(g).GossipStores(stores, t)
ctx := context.Background()
@@ -618,7 +608,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalance(t *testing.T) {
testRangeInfo([]roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{{NodeID: 3, StoreID: 3}}, firstRange),
- false,
if result == nil {
i-- // loop until we find 10 candidates
@@ -638,7 +627,7 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalance(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("%d: unable to get store %d descriptor", i, store.StoreID)
sl, _, _ := a.storePool.getStoreList(firstRange, storeFilterThrottled)
- result := shouldRebalance(ctx, desc, sl, firstRangeInfo, a.scorerOptions(false))
+ result := shouldRebalance(ctx, desc, sl, a.scorerOptions())
if expResult := (i >= 2); expResult != result {
t.Errorf("%d: expected rebalance %t; got %t; desc %+v; sl: %+v", i, expResult, result, desc, sl)
@@ -735,8 +724,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceTarget(t *testing.T) {
sg := gossiputil.NewStoreGossiper(g)
sg.GossipStores(stores, t)
- st := a.storePool.st
- EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Override(&st.SV, false)
replicas := []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{
{NodeID: 1, StoreID: 1},
{NodeID: 4, StoreID: 4},
@@ -773,7 +760,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceTarget(t *testing.T) {
- false,
if result != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected no rebalance, but got target s%d; details: %s", result.StoreID, details)
@@ -793,7 +779,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceTarget(t *testing.T) {
- false,
if result != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected no rebalance, but got target s%d; details: %s", result.StoreID, details)
@@ -810,7 +795,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceTarget(t *testing.T) {
- false,
if result == nil || result.StoreID != stores[1].StoreID {
t.Fatalf("%d: expected rebalance to s%d, but got %v; details: %s",
@@ -826,8 +810,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceDeadNodes(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
defer stopper.Stop(ctx)
- EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Override(&sp.st.SV, false)
[]roachpb.StoreID{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
@@ -887,8 +869,7 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceDeadNodes(t *testing.T) {
testRangeInfo(c.existing, firstRange),
- storeFilterThrottled,
- false)
+ storeFilterThrottled)
if c.expected > 0 {
if result == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected %d, but found nil", c.expected)
@@ -988,8 +969,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceThrashing(t *testing.T) {
defer stopper.Stop(context.Background())
st := a.storePool.st
- EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Override(&st.SV, false)
cluster := tc.cluster(st)
// It doesn't make sense to test sets of stores containing fewer than 4
@@ -1031,7 +1010,7 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceThrashing(t *testing.T) {
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("[store %d]: unable to get store %d descriptor", j, store.StoreID)
- if a, e := shouldRebalance(context.Background(), desc, sl, firstRangeInfo, a.scorerOptions(false)), cluster[j].shouldRebalanceFrom; a != e {
+ if a, e := shouldRebalance(context.Background(), desc, sl, a.scorerOptions()), cluster[j].shouldRebalanceFrom; a != e {
t.Errorf("[store %d]: shouldRebalance %t != expected %t", store.StoreID, a, e)
@@ -1072,9 +1051,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceByCount(t *testing.T) {
stopper, g, _, a, _ := createTestAllocator( /* deterministic */ false)
defer stopper.Stop(context.Background())
- st := a.storePool.st
- EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Override(&st.SV, false)
gossiputil.NewStoreGossiper(g).GossipStores(stores, t)
ctx := context.Background()
@@ -1086,7 +1062,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceByCount(t *testing.T) {
testRangeInfo([]roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{{StoreID: stores[0].StoreID}}, firstRange),
- false,
if result != nil && result.StoreID != 4 {
t.Errorf("expected store 4; got %d", result.StoreID)
@@ -1100,7 +1075,7 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceByCount(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("%d: unable to get store %d descriptor", i, store.StoreID)
sl, _, _ := a.storePool.getStoreList(firstRange, storeFilterThrottled)
- result := shouldRebalance(ctx, desc, sl, firstRangeInfo, a.scorerOptions(false))
+ result := shouldRebalance(ctx, desc, sl, a.scorerOptions())
if expResult := (i < 3); expResult != result {
t.Errorf("%d: expected rebalance %t; got %t", i, expResult, result)
@@ -1248,7 +1223,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceDifferentLocalitySizes(t *testing.T) {
defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
stopper, g, _, a, _ := createTestAllocator( /* deterministic */ false)
- EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Override(&a.storePool.st.SV, false)
ctx := context.Background()
defer stopper.Stop(ctx)
@@ -1367,7 +1341,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceDifferentLocalitySizes(t *testing.T) {
nil, /* raftStatus */
testRangeInfo(tc.existing, firstRange),
- false,
var resultID roachpb.StoreID
if result != nil {
@@ -1436,7 +1409,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceDifferentLocalitySizes(t *testing.T) {
nil, /* raftStatus */
testRangeInfo(tc.existing, firstRange),
- false,
var gotExpected bool
if result == nil {
@@ -1935,7 +1907,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRemoveTargetLocality(t *testing.T) {
testRangeInfo(existingRepls, firstRange),
- false,
if err != nil {
@@ -2019,7 +1990,6 @@ func TestAllocatorAllocateTargetLocality(t *testing.T) {
testRangeInfo(existingRepls, firstRange),
- false,
if err != nil {
@@ -2041,7 +2011,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceTargetLocality(t *testing.T) {
defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
stopper, g, _, a, _ := createTestAllocator( /* deterministic */ false)
- EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Override(&a.storePool.st.SV, false)
defer stopper.Stop(context.Background())
stores := []*roachpb.StoreDescriptor{
@@ -2143,7 +2112,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceTargetLocality(t *testing.T) {
testRangeInfo(existingRepls, firstRange),
- false,
if targetStore == nil {
t.Fatalf("%d: RebalanceTarget(%v) returned no target store; details: %s", i, c.existing, details)
@@ -2494,7 +2462,7 @@ func TestAllocateCandidatesNumReplicasConstraints(t *testing.T) {
- a.scorerOptions(false),
+ a.scorerOptions(),
best := candidates.best()
match := true
@@ -2718,7 +2686,7 @@ func TestRemoveCandidatesNumReplicasConstraints(t *testing.T) {
- a.scorerOptions(false),
+ a.scorerOptions(),
if !expectedStoreIDsMatch(tc.expected, candidates.worst()) {
t.Errorf("%d: expected removeCandidates(%v) = %v, but got %v",
@@ -3515,7 +3483,7 @@ func TestRebalanceCandidatesNumReplicasConstraints(t *testing.T) {
- a.scorerOptions(false),
+ a.scorerOptions(),
match := true
if len(tc.expected) != len(results) {
@@ -3539,7 +3507,7 @@ func TestRebalanceCandidatesNumReplicasConstraints(t *testing.T) {
// Also verify that RebalanceTarget picks out one of the best options as
// the final rebalance choice.
target, details := a.RebalanceTarget(
- context.Background(), zone, nil, rangeInfo, storeFilterThrottled, false)
+ context.Background(), zone, nil, rangeInfo, storeFilterThrottled)
var found bool
if target == nil && len(tc.validTargets) == 0 {
found = true
@@ -3905,9 +3873,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRemoveTarget(t *testing.T) {
sg := gossiputil.NewStoreGossiper(g)
sg.GossipStores(stores, t)
- st := a.storePool.st
- EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Override(&st.SV, false)
// Repeat this test 10 times, it should always be either store 2 or 3.
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
targetRepl, _, err := a.RemoveTarget(
@@ -3915,7 +3880,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRemoveTarget(t *testing.T) {
testRangeInfo(replicas, firstRange),
- false,
if err != nil {
@@ -4400,7 +4364,7 @@ func TestAllocatorComputeAction(t *testing.T) {
lastPriority := float64(999999999)
for i, tcase := range testCases {
- action, priority := a.ComputeAction(ctx, tcase.zone, RangeInfo{Desc: &tcase.desc}, false)
+ action, priority := a.ComputeAction(ctx, tcase.zone, RangeInfo{Desc: &tcase.desc})
if tcase.expectedAction != action {
t.Errorf("Test case %d expected action %q, got action %q",
i, allocatorActionNames[tcase.expectedAction], allocatorActionNames[action])
@@ -4413,108 +4377,6 @@ func TestAllocatorComputeAction(t *testing.T) {
-// TestAllocatorComputeActionDisableStatsRebalance is used to verify whether the cluster could balance out
-// if we disable stats-based-rebalance.
-func TestAllocatorRebalanceTargetDisableStatsRebalance(t *testing.T) {
- defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
- ctx := context.Background()
- stopper, g, _, a, _ := createTestAllocator( /* deterministic */ false)
- defer stopper.Stop(ctx)
- st := a.storePool.st
- EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Override(&st.SV, true)
- // Make sure the cluster's initial status is not balanced.
- // store 1, 2, 3 has 200 replicas, store 4 has only 30 replicas.
- // So obviously, if we want the replica is homogeneous within each store,
- // we should rebalance some replicas from store 1, 2, 3 to store 4.
- // However, we set the WritesPerSecond of store 4 is much bigger than other store,
- // so if we enable stats-based rebalance, we couldn't spread out the replicas on store 1, 2, 3.
- stores := []*roachpb.StoreDescriptor{
- {
- StoreID: 1,
- Node: roachpb.NodeDescriptor{NodeID: 1},
- Capacity: roachpb.StoreCapacity{
- RangeCount: 200,
- WritesPerSecond: 30,
- },
- },
- {
- StoreID: 2,
- Node: roachpb.NodeDescriptor{NodeID: 2},
- Capacity: roachpb.StoreCapacity{
- RangeCount: 200,
- WritesPerSecond: 30,
- },
- },
- {
- StoreID: 3,
- Node: roachpb.NodeDescriptor{NodeID: 3},
- Capacity: roachpb.StoreCapacity{
- RangeCount: 200,
- WritesPerSecond: 30,
- },
- },
- {
- StoreID: 4,
- Node: roachpb.NodeDescriptor{NodeID: 4},
- Capacity: roachpb.StoreCapacity{
- RangeCount: 30,
- WritesPerSecond: 100,
- },
- },
- }
- sg := gossiputil.NewStoreGossiper(g)
- sg.GossipStores(stores, t)
- desc := roachpb.RangeDescriptor{
- RangeID: firstRange,
- Replicas: []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{
- {
- StoreID: 1,
- NodeID: 1,
- ReplicaID: 1,
- },
- {
- StoreID: 2,
- NodeID: 2,
- ReplicaID: 2,
- },
- {
- StoreID: 3,
- NodeID: 3,
- ReplicaID: 3,
- },
- },
- }
- for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
- target, _ := a.RebalanceTarget(
- context.Background(),
- config.ZoneConfig{},
- nil,
- testRangeInfo(desc.Replicas, desc.RangeID),
- storeFilterThrottled,
- false, /* disableStatsBasedRebalancing */
- )
- if target != nil {
- t.Errorf("expected no balance, but got %d", target.StoreID)
- }
- }
- for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
- target, _ := a.RebalanceTarget(
- context.Background(),
- config.ZoneConfig{},
- nil,
- testRangeInfo(desc.Replicas, desc.RangeID),
- storeFilterThrottled,
- true, /* disableStatsBasedRebalancing */
- )
- if expectedStore := roachpb.StoreID(4); target.StoreID != expectedStore {
- t.Errorf("expected balance to %d, but got %d", expectedStore, target.StoreID)
- }
- }
func TestAllocatorComputeActionRemoveDead(t *testing.T) {
defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
@@ -4599,7 +4461,7 @@ func TestAllocatorComputeActionRemoveDead(t *testing.T) {
for i, tcase := range testCases {
mockStorePool(sp, tcase.live, tcase.dead, nil, nil, nil)
- action, _ := a.ComputeAction(ctx, zone, RangeInfo{Desc: &tcase.desc}, false)
+ action, _ := a.ComputeAction(ctx, zone, RangeInfo{Desc: &tcase.desc})
if tcase.expectedAction != action {
t.Errorf("Test case %d expected action %d, got action %d", i, tcase.expectedAction, action)
@@ -4820,7 +4682,7 @@ func TestAllocatorComputeActionDecommission(t *testing.T) {
for i, tcase := range testCases {
mockStorePool(sp, tcase.live, tcase.dead, tcase.decommissioning, tcase.decommissioned, nil)
- action, _ := a.ComputeAction(ctx, tcase.zone, RangeInfo{Desc: &tcase.desc}, false)
+ action, _ := a.ComputeAction(ctx, tcase.zone, RangeInfo{Desc: &tcase.desc})
if tcase.expectedAction != action {
t.Errorf("Test case %d expected action %d, got action %d", i, tcase.expectedAction, action)
@@ -4834,7 +4696,7 @@ func TestAllocatorComputeActionNoStorePool(t *testing.T) {
defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
a := MakeAllocator(nil /* storePool */, nil /* rpcContext */)
- action, priority := a.ComputeAction(context.Background(), config.ZoneConfig{}, RangeInfo{}, false)
+ action, priority := a.ComputeAction(context.Background(), config.ZoneConfig{}, RangeInfo{})
if action != AllocatorNoop {
t.Errorf("expected AllocatorNoop, but got %v", action)
@@ -4902,7 +4764,6 @@ func TestAllocatorThrottled(t *testing.T) {
- false,
if _, ok := err.(purgatoryError); !ok {
t.Fatalf("expected a purgatory error, got: %v", err)
@@ -4915,7 +4776,6 @@ func TestAllocatorThrottled(t *testing.T) {
- false,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to perform allocation: %v", err)
@@ -4938,7 +4798,6 @@ func TestAllocatorThrottled(t *testing.T) {
- false,
if _, ok := err.(purgatoryError); ok {
t.Fatalf("expected a non purgatory error, got: %v", err)
@@ -5205,7 +5064,6 @@ func TestAllocatorRebalanceAway(t *testing.T) {
testRangeInfo(existingReplicas, firstRange),
- false,
if tc.expected == nil && actual != nil {
@@ -5267,8 +5125,6 @@ func TestAllocatorFullDisks(t *testing.T) {
defer stopper.Stop(ctx)
st := cluster.MakeTestingClusterSettings()
- EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Override(&st.SV, false)
clock := hlc.NewClock(hlc.UnixNano, time.Nanosecond)
// Model a set of stores in a cluster doing rebalancing, with ranges being
@@ -5367,7 +5223,6 @@ func TestAllocatorFullDisks(t *testing.T) {
testRangeInfo([]roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{{NodeID: ts.Node.NodeID, StoreID: ts.StoreID}}, firstRange),
- false,
if target != nil {
if log.V(1) {
@@ -5406,8 +5261,6 @@ func Example_rebalancing() {
defer stopper.Stop(context.TODO())
st := cluster.MakeTestingClusterSettings()
- EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Override(&st.SV, false)
clock := hlc.NewClock(hlc.UnixNano, time.Nanosecond)
// Model a set of stores in a cluster,
@@ -5492,7 +5345,6 @@ func Example_rebalancing() {
testRangeInfo([]roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{{NodeID: ts.Node.NodeID, StoreID: ts.StoreID}}, firstRange),
- false,
if target != nil {
log.Infof(context.TODO(), "rebalancing to %v; details: %s", target, details)
diff --git a/pkg/storage/replica_command.go b/pkg/storage/replica_command.go
index 52eb40ffa02e..b67771f64060 100644
--- a/pkg/storage/replica_command.go
+++ b/pkg/storage/replica_command.go
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ func (r *Replica) adminScatter(
var allowLeaseTransfer bool
canTransferLease := func() bool { return allowLeaseTransfer }
for re := retry.StartWithCtx(ctx, retryOpts); re.Next(); {
- requeue, err := rq.processOneChange(ctx, r, sysCfg, canTransferLease, false /* dryRun */, true /* disableStatsBasedRebalancing */)
+ requeue, err := rq.processOneChange(ctx, r, sysCfg, canTransferLease, false /* dryRun */)
if err != nil {
if IsSnapshotError(err) {
diff --git a/pkg/storage/replica_rankings.go b/pkg/storage/replica_rankings.go
index 13b4a99f582d..3810fd9c943c 100644
--- a/pkg/storage/replica_rankings.go
+++ b/pkg/storage/replica_rankings.go
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ const (
type replicaWithStats struct {
repl *Replica
qps float64
+ // TODO(a-robinson): Include writes-per-second and logicalBytes of storage?
// replicaRankings maintains top-k orderings of the replicas in a store along
diff --git a/pkg/storage/replicate_queue.go b/pkg/storage/replicate_queue.go
index 82ed88479cdf..34a93da3ced6 100644
--- a/pkg/storage/replicate_queue.go
+++ b/pkg/storage/replicate_queue.go
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ func (rq *replicateQueue) shouldQueue(
rangeInfo := rangeInfoForRepl(repl, desc)
- action, priority := rq.allocator.ComputeAction(ctx, zone, rangeInfo, false)
+ action, priority := rq.allocator.ComputeAction(ctx, zone, rangeInfo)
if action == AllocatorNoop {
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "no action to take")
return false, 0
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ func (rq *replicateQueue) shouldQueue(
if !rq.store.TestingKnobs().DisableReplicaRebalancing {
- target, _ := rq.allocator.RebalanceTarget(ctx, zone, repl.RaftStatus(), rangeInfo, storeFilterThrottled, false)
+ target, _ := rq.allocator.RebalanceTarget(ctx, zone, repl.RaftStatus(), rangeInfo, storeFilterThrottled)
if target != nil {
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "rebalance target found, enqueuing")
return true, 0
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ func (rq *replicateQueue) process(
// snapshot errors, usually signaling that a rebalancing
// reservation could not be made with the selected target.
for r := retry.StartWithCtx(ctx, retryOpts); r.Next(); {
- if requeue, err := rq.processOneChange(ctx, repl, sysCfg, rq.canTransferLease, false /* dryRun */, false /* disableStatsBasedRebalancing */); err != nil {
+ if requeue, err := rq.processOneChange(ctx, repl, sysCfg, rq.canTransferLease, false /* dryRun */); err != nil {
if IsSnapshotError(err) {
// If ChangeReplicas failed because the preemptive snapshot failed, we
// log the error but then return success indicating we should retry the
@@ -276,7 +276,6 @@ func (rq *replicateQueue) processOneChange(
sysCfg config.SystemConfig,
canTransferLease func() bool,
dryRun bool,
- disableStatsBasedRebalancing bool,
) (requeue bool, _ error) {
desc := repl.Desc()
@@ -297,7 +296,7 @@ func (rq *replicateQueue) processOneChange(
rangeInfo := rangeInfoForRepl(repl, desc)
- switch action, _ := rq.allocator.ComputeAction(ctx, zone, rangeInfo, disableStatsBasedRebalancing); action {
+ switch action, _ := rq.allocator.ComputeAction(ctx, zone, rangeInfo); action {
case AllocatorNoop:
case AllocatorAdd:
@@ -307,7 +306,6 @@ func (rq *replicateQueue) processOneChange(
liveReplicas, // only include liveReplicas, since deadReplicas should soon be removed
- disableStatsBasedRebalancing,
if err != nil {
return false, err
@@ -342,7 +340,6 @@ func (rq *replicateQueue) processOneChange(
- disableStatsBasedRebalancing,
if err != nil {
// It does not seem possible to go to the next odd replica state. Note
@@ -379,7 +376,7 @@ func (rq *replicateQueue) processOneChange(
return false, errors.Errorf("no removable replicas from range that needs a removal: %s",
rangeRaftProgress(repl.RaftStatus(), desc.Replicas))
- removeReplica, details, err := rq.allocator.RemoveTarget(ctx, zone, candidates, rangeInfo, disableStatsBasedRebalancing)
+ removeReplica, details, err := rq.allocator.RemoveTarget(ctx, zone, candidates, rangeInfo)
if err != nil {
return false, err
@@ -493,7 +490,7 @@ func (rq *replicateQueue) processOneChange(
if !rq.store.TestingKnobs().DisableReplicaRebalancing {
rebalanceStore, details := rq.allocator.RebalanceTarget(
- ctx, zone, repl.RaftStatus(), rangeInfo, storeFilterThrottled, disableStatsBasedRebalancing)
+ ctx, zone, repl.RaftStatus(), rangeInfo, storeFilterThrottled)
if rebalanceStore == nil {
log.VEventf(ctx, 1, "no suitable rebalance target")
} else {
diff --git a/pkg/storage/replicate_queue_test.go b/pkg/storage/replicate_queue_test.go
index 8f07bc4a5df5..d32504c6fb5b 100644
--- a/pkg/storage/replicate_queue_test.go
+++ b/pkg/storage/replicate_queue_test.go
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func TestReplicateQueueRebalance(t *testing.T) {
for _, server := range tc.Servers {
st := server.ClusterSettings()
- storage.EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Override(&st.SV, false)
+ storage.LoadBasedRebalancingMode.Override(&st.SV, int64(storage.LBRebalancingOff))
const newRanges = 5
diff --git a/pkg/storage/store.go b/pkg/storage/store.go
index 1861ce599a66..23f692c23e17 100644
--- a/pkg/storage/store.go
+++ b/pkg/storage/store.go
@@ -1021,10 +1021,10 @@ func NewStore(cfg StoreConfig, eng engine.Engine, nodeDesc *roachpb.NodeDescript
- }
- s.storeRebalancer = NewStoreRebalancer(
- s.cfg.AmbientCtx, cfg.Settings, s.replicateQueue, s.replRankings)
+ s.storeRebalancer = NewStoreRebalancer(
+ s.cfg.AmbientCtx, cfg.Settings, s.replicateQueue, s.replRankings)
+ }
if cfg.TestingKnobs.DisableGCQueue {
@@ -1560,7 +1560,9 @@ func (s *Store) Start(ctx context.Context, stopper *stop.Stopper) error {
// Connect rangefeeds to closed timestamp updates.
- s.storeRebalancer.Start(ctx, s.stopper, s.StoreID())
+ if s.storeRebalancer != nil {
+ s.storeRebalancer.Start(ctx, s.stopper)
+ }
// Start the storage engine compactor.
if envutil.EnvOrDefaultBool("COCKROACH_ENABLE_COMPACTOR", true) {
@@ -4542,7 +4544,7 @@ func (s *Store) AllocatorDryRun(
defer cancel()
canTransferLease := func() bool { return true }
_, err := s.replicateQueue.processOneChange(
- ctx, repl, sysCfg, canTransferLease, true /* dryRun */, false /* disableStatsBasedRebalancing */)
+ ctx, repl, sysCfg, canTransferLease, true /* dryRun */)
if err != nil {
log.Eventf(ctx, "error simulating allocator on replica %s: %s", repl, err)
diff --git a/pkg/storage/store_rebalancer.go b/pkg/storage/store_rebalancer.go
index 5be226f33073..41daaf277a25 100644
--- a/pkg/storage/store_rebalancer.go
+++ b/pkg/storage/store_rebalancer.go
@@ -22,8 +22,11 @@ import (
+ "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/settings"
+ "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/util/hlc"
+ "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/util/metric"
@@ -40,6 +43,75 @@ const (
minQPSThresholdDifference = 100
+var (
+ metaStoreRebalancerLeaseTransferCount = metric.Metadata{
+ Name: "rebalancing.lease.transfers",
+ Help: "Number of lease transfers motivated by store-level load imbalances",
+ Measurement: "Lease Transfers",
+ Unit: metric.Unit_COUNT,
+ }
+ metaStoreRebalancerRangeRebalanceCount = metric.Metadata{
+ Name: "rebalancing.range.rebalances",
+ Help: "Number of range rebalance operations motivated by store-level load imbalances",
+ Measurement: "Range Rebalances",
+ Unit: metric.Unit_COUNT,
+ }
+// StoreRebalancerMetrics is the set of metrics for the store-level rebalancer.
+type StoreRebalancerMetrics struct {
+ LeaseTransferCount *metric.Counter
+ RangeRebalanceCount *metric.Counter
+func makeStoreRebalancerMetrics() StoreRebalancerMetrics {
+ return StoreRebalancerMetrics{
+ LeaseTransferCount: metric.NewCounter(metaStoreRebalancerLeaseTransferCount),
+ RangeRebalanceCount: metric.NewCounter(metaStoreRebalancerRangeRebalanceCount),
+ }
+// LoadBasedRebalancingMode controls whether range rebalancing takes
+// additional variables such as write load and disk usage into account.
+// If disabled, rebalancing is done purely based on replica count.
+var LoadBasedRebalancingMode = settings.RegisterEnumSetting(
+ "kv.allocator.load_based_rebalancing",
+ "whether to rebalance based on the distribution of QPS across stores",
+ "leases",
+ map[int64]string{
+ int64(LBRebalancingOff): "off",
+ int64(LBRebalancingLeasesOnly): "leases",
+ int64(LBRebalancingLeasesAndReplicas): "leases and replicas",
+ },
+// qpsRebalanceThreshold is much like rangeRebalanceThreshold, but for
+// QPS rather than range count. This should be set higher than
+// rangeRebalanceThreshold because QPS can naturally vary over time as
+// workloads change and clients come and go, so we need to be a little more
+// forgiving to avoid thrashing.
+var qpsRebalanceThreshold = settings.RegisterNonNegativeFloatSetting(
+ "kv.allocator.qps_rebalance_threshold",
+ "minimum fraction away from the mean a store's QPS (such as queries per second) can be before it is considered overfull or underfull",
+ 0.25,
+// LBRebalancingMode controls if and when we do store-level rebalancing
+// based on load.
+type LBRebalancingMode int64
+const (
+ // LBRebalancingOff means that we do not do store-level rebalancing
+ // based on load statistics.
+ LBRebalancingOff LBRebalancingMode = iota
+ // LBRebalancingLeasesOnly means that we rebalance leases based on
+ // store-level QPS imbalances.
+ LBRebalancingLeasesOnly
+ // LBRebalancingLeasesAndReplicas means that we rebalance both leases and
+ // replicas based on store-level QPS imbalances.
+ LBRebalancingLeasesAndReplicas
// StoreRebalancer is responsible for examining how the associated store's load
// compares to the load on other stores in the cluster and transferring leases
// or replicas away if the local store is overloaded.
@@ -52,6 +124,7 @@ const (
// will best accomplish the store-level goals.
type StoreRebalancer struct {
+ metrics StoreRebalancerMetrics
st *cluster.Settings
rq *replicateQueue
replRankings *replicaRankings
@@ -66,12 +139,15 @@ func NewStoreRebalancer(
replRankings *replicaRankings,
) *StoreRebalancer {
ambientCtx.AddLogTag("store-rebalancer", nil)
- return &StoreRebalancer{
+ sr := &StoreRebalancer{
AmbientContext: ambientCtx,
+ metrics: makeStoreRebalancerMetrics(),
st: st,
rq: rq,
replRankings: replRankings,
+ sr.rq.store.metrics.registry.AddMetricStruct(&sr.metrics)
+ return sr
// Start runs an infinite loop in a goroutine which regularly checks whether
@@ -87,9 +163,7 @@ func NewStoreRebalancer(
// TODO(a-robinson): Expose metrics to make this understandable without having
// to dive into logspy.
-func (sr *StoreRebalancer) Start(
- ctx context.Context, stopper *stop.Stopper, storeID roachpb.StoreID,
-) {
+func (sr *StoreRebalancer) Start(ctx context.Context, stopper *stop.Stopper) {
ctx = sr.AnnotateCtx(ctx)
// Start a goroutine that watches and proactively renews certain
@@ -107,39 +181,46 @@ func (sr *StoreRebalancer) Start(
case <-ticker.C:
- if !EnableStatsBasedRebalancing.Get(&sr.st.SV) {
+ mode := LBRebalancingMode(LoadBasedRebalancingMode.Get(&sr.st.SV))
+ if mode == LBRebalancingOff {
- localDesc, found := sr.rq.allocator.storePool.getStoreDescriptor(storeID)
- if !found {
- log.Warningf(ctx, "StorePool missing descriptor for local store")
- continue
- }
storeList, _, _ := sr.rq.allocator.storePool.getStoreList(roachpb.RangeID(0), storeFilterNone)
- sr.rebalanceStore(ctx, localDesc, storeList)
+ sr.rebalanceStore(ctx, mode, storeList)
func (sr *StoreRebalancer) rebalanceStore(
- ctx context.Context, localDesc roachpb.StoreDescriptor, storeList StoreList,
+ ctx context.Context, mode LBRebalancingMode, storeList StoreList,
) {
- statThreshold := statRebalanceThreshold.Get(&sr.st.SV)
+ qpsThresholdFraction := qpsRebalanceThreshold.Get(&sr.st.SV)
// First check if we should transfer leases away to better balance QPS.
- qpsMinThreshold := math.Min(storeList.candidateQueriesPerSecond.mean*(1-statThreshold),
+ qpsMinThreshold := math.Min(storeList.candidateQueriesPerSecond.mean*(1-qpsThresholdFraction),
- qpsMaxThreshold := math.Max(storeList.candidateQueriesPerSecond.mean*(1+statThreshold),
+ qpsMaxThreshold := math.Max(storeList.candidateQueriesPerSecond.mean*(1+qpsThresholdFraction),
+ var localDesc *roachpb.StoreDescriptor
+ for i := range storeList.stores {
+ if storeList.stores[i].StoreID == sr.rq.store.StoreID() {
+ localDesc = &storeList.stores[i]
+ }
+ }
+ if localDesc == nil {
+ log.Warningf(ctx, "StorePool missing descriptor for local store")
+ return
+ }
if !(localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond > qpsMaxThreshold) {
log.VEventf(ctx, 1, "local QPS %.2f is below max threshold %.2f (mean=%.2f); no rebalancing needed",
localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond, qpsMaxThreshold, storeList.candidateQueriesPerSecond.mean)
+ var replicasToMaybeRebalance []replicaWithStats
storeMap := storeListToMap(storeList)
sysCfg, cfgOk := sr.rq.allocator.storePool.gossip.GetSystemConfig()
if !cfgOk {
@@ -147,29 +228,33 @@ func (sr *StoreRebalancer) rebalanceStore(
- log.Infof(ctx, "considering load-based lease transfers for s%d with %.2f qps (mean=%.2f, upperThreshold=%.2f)",
+ log.Infof(ctx,
+ "considering load-based lease transfers for s%d with %.2f qps (mean=%.2f, upperThreshold=%.2f)",
localDesc.StoreID, localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond, storeList.candidateQueriesPerSecond.mean, qpsMaxThreshold)
hottestRanges := sr.replRankings.topQPS()
for localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond > qpsMaxThreshold {
- replWithStats, target := sr.chooseLeaseToTransfer(
+ replWithStats, target, considerForRebalance := sr.chooseLeaseToTransfer(
ctx, sysCfg, &hottestRanges, localDesc, storeList, storeMap, qpsMinThreshold, qpsMaxThreshold)
+ replicasToMaybeRebalance = append(replicasToMaybeRebalance, considerForRebalance...)
if replWithStats.repl == nil {
- log.Infof(ctx,
- "ran out of leases worth transferring and qps (%.2f) is still above desired threshold (%.2f)",
- localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond, qpsMaxThreshold)
log.VEventf(ctx, 1, "transferring r%d (%.2f qps) to s%d to better balance load",
replWithStats.repl.RangeID, replWithStats.qps, target.StoreID)
- replCtx := replWithStats.repl.AnnotateCtx(ctx)
+ replCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(replWithStats.repl.AnnotateCtx(ctx), sr.rq.processTimeout)
if err := sr.rq.transferLease(replCtx, replWithStats.repl, target); err != nil {
+ cancel()
log.Errorf(replCtx, "unable to transfer lease to s%d: %v", target.StoreID, err)
+ cancel()
+ sr.metrics.LeaseTransferCount.Inc(1)
// Finally, update our local copies of the descriptors so that if
// additional transfers are needed we'll be making the decisions with more
- // up-to-date info.
+ // up-to-date info. The StorePool copies are updated by transferLease.
localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond -= replWithStats.qps
if otherDesc := storeMap[target.StoreID]; otherDesc != nil {
@@ -177,6 +262,87 @@ func (sr *StoreRebalancer) rebalanceStore(
otherDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond += replWithStats.qps
+ if !(localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond > qpsMaxThreshold) {
+ log.Infof(ctx,
+ "load-based lease transfers successfully brought s%d down to %.2f qps (mean=%.2f, upperThreshold=%.2f)",
+ localDesc.StoreID, localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond, storeList.candidateQueriesPerSecond.mean, qpsMaxThreshold)
+ return
+ }
+ if mode != LBRebalancingLeasesAndReplicas {
+ log.Infof(ctx,
+ "ran out of leases worth transferring and qps (%.2f) is still above desired threshold (%.2f)",
+ localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond, qpsMaxThreshold)
+ return
+ }
+ log.Infof(ctx,
+ "ran out of leases worth transferring and qps (%.2f) is still above desired threshold (%.2f); considering load-based replica rebalances",
+ localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond, qpsMaxThreshold)
+ // Re-combine replicasToMaybeRebalance with what remains of hottestRanges so
+ // that we'll reconsider them for replica rebalancing.
+ replicasToMaybeRebalance = append(replicasToMaybeRebalance, hottestRanges...)
+ for localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond > qpsMaxThreshold {
+ replWithStats, targets := sr.chooseReplicaToRebalance(
+ ctx,
+ sysCfg,
+ &replicasToMaybeRebalance,
+ localDesc,
+ storeList,
+ storeMap,
+ qpsMinThreshold,
+ qpsMaxThreshold)
+ if replWithStats.repl == nil {
+ log.Infof(ctx,
+ "ran out of replicas worth transferring and qps (%.2f) is still above desired threshold (%.2f); will check again soon",
+ localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond, qpsMaxThreshold)
+ return
+ }
+ descBeforeRebalance := replWithStats.repl.Desc()
+ log.VEventf(ctx, 1, "rebalancing r%d (%.2f qps) from %v to %v to better balance load",
+ replWithStats.repl.RangeID, replWithStats.qps, descBeforeRebalance.Replicas, targets)
+ replCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(replWithStats.repl.AnnotateCtx(ctx), sr.rq.processTimeout)
+ // TODO(a-robinson): Either make RelocateRange production-ready or do the
+ // rebalancing another way.
+ if err := RelocateRange(replCtx, sr.rq.store.DB(), *descBeforeRebalance, targets); err != nil {
+ cancel()
+ log.Errorf(replCtx, "unable to relocate range to %v: %v", targets, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ cancel()
+ sr.metrics.RangeRebalanceCount.Inc(1)
+ // Finally, update our local copies of the descriptors so that if
+ // additional transfers are needed we'll be making the decisions with more
+ // up-to-date info.
+ //
+ // TODO(a-robinson): This just updates the copies used locally by the
+ // storeRebalancer. We may also want to update the copies in the StorePool
+ // itself.
+ for i := range descBeforeRebalance.Replicas {
+ if storeDesc := storeMap[descBeforeRebalance.Replicas[i].StoreID]; storeDesc != nil {
+ storeDesc.Capacity.RangeCount--
+ }
+ }
+ localDesc.Capacity.LeaseCount--
+ localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond -= replWithStats.qps
+ for i := range targets {
+ if storeDesc := storeMap[targets[i].StoreID]; storeDesc != nil {
+ storeDesc.Capacity.RangeCount++
+ if i == 0 {
+ storeDesc.Capacity.LeaseCount++
+ storeDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond += replWithStats.qps
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ log.Infof(ctx,
+ "load-based replica transfers successfully brought s%d down to %.2f qps (mean=%.2f, upperThreshold=%.2f)",
+ localDesc.StoreID, localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond, storeList.candidateQueriesPerSecond.mean, qpsMaxThreshold)
// TODO(a-robinson): Should we take the number of leases on each store into
@@ -185,33 +351,27 @@ func (sr *StoreRebalancer) chooseLeaseToTransfer(
ctx context.Context,
sysCfg config.SystemConfig,
hottestRanges *[]replicaWithStats,
- localDesc roachpb.StoreDescriptor,
+ localDesc *roachpb.StoreDescriptor,
storeList StoreList,
storeMap map[roachpb.StoreID]*roachpb.StoreDescriptor,
minQPS float64,
maxQPS float64,
-) (replicaWithStats, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor) {
+) (replicaWithStats, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, []replicaWithStats) {
+ var considerForRebalance []replicaWithStats
now := sr.rq.store.Clock().Now()
for {
if len(*hottestRanges) == 0 {
- return replicaWithStats{}, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}
+ return replicaWithStats{}, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}, considerForRebalance
replWithStats := (*hottestRanges)[0]
*hottestRanges = (*hottestRanges)[1:]
// We're all out of replicas.
if replWithStats.repl == nil {
- return replicaWithStats{}, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}
+ return replicaWithStats{}, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}, considerForRebalance
- if !replWithStats.repl.OwnsValidLease(now) {
- log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "store doesn't own the lease for r%d", replWithStats.repl.RangeID)
- continue
- }
- if localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond-replWithStats.qps < minQPS {
- log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "moving r%d's %.2f qps would bring s%d below the min threshold (%.2f)",
- replWithStats.repl.RangeID, replWithStats.qps, localDesc.StoreID, minQPS)
+ if shouldNotMoveAway(ctx, replWithStats, localDesc, now, minQPS) {
@@ -228,7 +388,8 @@ func (sr *StoreRebalancer) chooseLeaseToTransfer(
desc := replWithStats.repl.Desc()
- log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "considering lease transfer for r%d with %.2f qps", desc.RangeID, replWithStats.qps)
+ log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "considering lease transfer for r%d with %.2f qps",
+ desc.RangeID, replWithStats.qps)
// Check all the other replicas in order of increasing qps.
replicas := make([]roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, len(desc.Replicas))
@@ -273,7 +434,7 @@ func (sr *StoreRebalancer) chooseLeaseToTransfer(
zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, err)
- return replicaWithStats{}, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}
+ return replicaWithStats{}, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}, considerForRebalance
preferred := sr.rq.allocator.preferredLeaseholders(zone, desc.Replicas)
if len(preferred) > 0 && !storeHasReplica(candidate.StoreID, preferred) {
@@ -285,7 +446,7 @@ func (sr *StoreRebalancer) chooseLeaseToTransfer(
if sr.rq.allocator.followTheWorkloadPrefersLocal(
- localDesc,
+ *localDesc,
@@ -295,9 +456,179 @@ func (sr *StoreRebalancer) chooseLeaseToTransfer(
- return replWithStats, candidate
+ return replWithStats, candidate, considerForRebalance
+ }
+ // If none of the other replicas are valid lease transfer targets, consider
+ // this range for replica rebalancing.
+ considerForRebalance = append(considerForRebalance, replWithStats)
+ }
+func (sr *StoreRebalancer) chooseReplicaToRebalance(
+ ctx context.Context,
+ sysCfg config.SystemConfig,
+ hottestRanges *[]replicaWithStats,
+ localDesc *roachpb.StoreDescriptor,
+ storeList StoreList,
+ storeMap map[roachpb.StoreID]*roachpb.StoreDescriptor,
+ minQPS float64,
+ maxQPS float64,
+) (replicaWithStats, []roachpb.ReplicationTarget) {
+ now := sr.rq.store.Clock().Now()
+ for {
+ if len(*hottestRanges) == 0 {
+ return replicaWithStats{}, nil
+ }
+ replWithStats := (*hottestRanges)[0]
+ *hottestRanges = (*hottestRanges)[1:]
+ if replWithStats.repl == nil {
+ return replicaWithStats{}, nil
+ }
+ if shouldNotMoveAway(ctx, replWithStats, localDesc, now, minQPS) {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Don't bother moving ranges whose QPS is below some small fraction of the
+ // store's QPS (unless the store has extra ranges to spare anyway). It's
+ // just unnecessary churn with no benefit to move ranges responsible for,
+ // for example, 1 qps on a store with 5000 qps.
+ const minQPSFraction = .001
+ if replWithStats.qps < localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond*minQPSFraction &&
+ float64(localDesc.Capacity.RangeCount) <= storeList.candidateRanges.mean {
+ log.VEventf(ctx, 5, "r%d's %.2f qps is too little to matter relative to s%d's %.2f total qps",
+ replWithStats.repl.RangeID, replWithStats.qps, localDesc.StoreID, localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond)
+ continue
+ }
+ desc := replWithStats.repl.Desc()
+ log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "considering replica rebalance for r%d with %.2f qps",
+ desc.RangeID, replWithStats.qps)
+ // Pick out the stores that we want the range on, keeping existing replicas
+ // around if they aren't on overfull stores.
+ zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error(ctx, err)
+ return replicaWithStats{}, nil
+ }
+ desiredReplicas := int(zone.NumReplicas)
+ targets := make([]roachpb.ReplicationTarget, 0, desiredReplicas)
+ targetReplicas := make([]roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, 0, desiredReplicas)
+ // Check the range's existing diversity score, since we want to ensure we
+ // don't hurt locality diversity just to improve QPS.
+ curDiversity := rangeDiversityScore(sr.rq.allocator.storePool.getLocalities(desc.Replicas))
+ // Check the existing replicas, keeping around those that aren't overloaded.
+ for i := range desc.Replicas {
+ if desc.Replicas[i].StoreID == localDesc.StoreID {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Keep the replica in the range if we don't know its QPS or if its QPS
+ // is below the upper threshold. Punishing stores not in our store map
+ // could cause mass evictions if the storePool gets out of sync.
+ storeDesc, ok := storeMap[desc.Replicas[i].StoreID]
+ if !ok || storeDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond < maxQPS {
+ targets = append(targets, roachpb.ReplicationTarget{
+ NodeID: desc.Replicas[i].NodeID,
+ StoreID: desc.Replicas[i].StoreID,
+ })
+ targetReplicas = append(targetReplicas, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{
+ NodeID: desc.Replicas[i].NodeID,
+ StoreID: desc.Replicas[i].StoreID,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ // Then pick out which new stores to add the remaining replicas to.
+ for len(targets) < desiredReplicas {
+ // Use the preexisting AllocateTarget logic to ensure that considerations
+ // such as zone constraints, locality diversity, and full disk come
+ // into play.
+ rangeInfo := rangeInfoForRepl(replWithStats.repl, desc)
+ options := sr.rq.allocator.scorerOptions()
+ options.qpsRebalanceThreshold = qpsRebalanceThreshold.Get(&sr.st.SV)
+ target, _ := sr.rq.allocator.allocateTargetFromList(
+ ctx,
+ storeList,
+ zone,
+ targetReplicas,
+ rangeInfo,
+ options,
+ )
+ if target == nil {
+ log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "no rebalance targets found to replace the current store for r%d",
+ desc.RangeID)
+ break
+ }
+ targets = append(targets, roachpb.ReplicationTarget{
+ NodeID: target.Node.NodeID,
+ StoreID: target.StoreID,
+ })
+ targetReplicas = append(targetReplicas, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{
+ NodeID: target.Node.NodeID,
+ StoreID: target.StoreID,
+ })
+ }
+ // If we couldn't find enough valid targets, forget about this range.
+ //
+ // TODO(a-robinson): Support more incremental improvements -- move what we
+ // can if it makes things better even if it isn't great. For example,
+ // moving one of the other existing replicas that's on a store with less
+ // qps than the max threshold but above the mean would help in certain
+ // locality configurations.
+ if len(targets) < desiredReplicas {
+ log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "couldn't find enough rebalance targets for r%d (%d/%d)",
+ desc.RangeID, len(targets), desiredReplicas)
+ continue
+ newDiversity := rangeDiversityScore(sr.rq.allocator.storePool.getLocalities(targetReplicas))
+ if newDiversity < curDiversity {
+ log.VEventf(ctx, 3,
+ "new diversity %.2f for r%d worse than current diversity %.2f; not rebalancing",
+ newDiversity, desc.RangeID, curDiversity)
+ continue
+ }
+ // Pick the replica with the least QPS to be leaseholder;
+ // TestingRelocateRange transfers the lease to the first provided
+ // target.
+ newLeaseIdx := 0
+ newLeaseQPS := math.MaxFloat64
+ for i := 0; i < len(targets); i++ {
+ storeDesc, ok := storeMap[desc.Replicas[i].StoreID]
+ if ok && storeDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond < newLeaseQPS {
+ newLeaseIdx = i
+ newLeaseQPS = storeDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond
+ }
+ }
+ targets[0], targets[newLeaseIdx] = targets[newLeaseIdx], targets[0]
+ return replWithStats, targets
+ }
+func shouldNotMoveAway(
+ ctx context.Context,
+ replWithStats replicaWithStats,
+ localDesc *roachpb.StoreDescriptor,
+ now hlc.Timestamp,
+ minQPS float64,
+) bool {
+ if !replWithStats.repl.OwnsValidLease(now) {
+ log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "store doesn't own the lease for r%d", replWithStats.repl.RangeID)
+ return true
+ }
+ if localDesc.Capacity.QueriesPerSecond-replWithStats.qps < minQPS {
+ log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "moving r%d's %.2f qps would bring s%d below the min threshold (%.2f)",
+ replWithStats.repl.RangeID, replWithStats.qps, localDesc.StoreID, minQPS)
+ return true
+ return false
func storeListToMap(sl StoreList) map[roachpb.StoreID]*roachpb.StoreDescriptor {
diff --git a/pkg/storage/store_rebalancer_test.go b/pkg/storage/store_rebalancer_test.go
index bec59923cf9d..c631923c72c4 100644
--- a/pkg/storage/store_rebalancer_test.go
+++ b/pkg/storage/store_rebalancer_test.go
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ func TestChooseLeaseToTransfer(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range testCases {
loadRanges(rr, s, []testRange{{storeIDs: tc.storeIDs, qps: tc.qps}})
hottestRanges := rr.topQPS()
- _, target := sr.chooseLeaseToTransfer(
- ctx, config.SystemConfig{}, &hottestRanges, localDesc, storeList, storeMap, minQPS, maxQPS)
+ _, target, _ := sr.chooseLeaseToTransfer(
+ ctx, config.SystemConfig{}, &hottestRanges, &localDesc, storeList, storeMap, minQPS, maxQPS)
if target.StoreID != tc.expectTarget {
t.Errorf("got target store %d for range with replicas %v and %f qps; want %d",
target.StoreID, tc.storeIDs, tc.qps, tc.expectTarget)
diff --git a/pkg/ui/src/views/cluster/containers/nodeGraphs/dashboards/replication.tsx b/pkg/ui/src/views/cluster/containers/nodeGraphs/dashboards/replication.tsx
index 135bd59f95a6..c81e41a2eb9d 100644
--- a/pkg/ui/src/views/cluster/containers/nodeGraphs/dashboards/replication.tsx
+++ b/pkg/ui/src/views/cluster/containers/nodeGraphs/dashboards/replication.tsx
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ export default function (props: GraphDashboardProps) {