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File metadata and controls

615 lines (485 loc) · 24.6 KB
  • Feature Name: Half-Online Loss of Quorum Recovery
  • Status: in-progress
  • Start Date: 2022-11-01
  • Authors: Oleg Afanasyev, Erik Grinaker
  • RFC PR: #92913
  • Cockroach Issue: (one or more # from the issue tracker)


This RFC proposes to extend loss of quorum (later LOQ) recovery tools to support half-online mode. Half-online mode will remove the need to manually collect and distribute recovery data in the cluster and remove the need to take the whole cluster offline to perform recovery. Nodes that contain replicas that lost quorum will still need to be restarted, but it could be done as a rolling restart to reduce impact.

This will make recovery operation less disruptive and make it usable for large clusters that lost a quorum only on a small subset of ranges.

New functionality will be built on top of existing recovery algorithm and will provide facilities to collect replica information and distribute update plans to relevant nodes.

This change will simplify cluster operations and remove the need for intermediate error prone steps like mounting storages of node VM to extract the data, deploy recovery plans to stopped containers, and reduce downtime of unaffected data.


Loss of quorum recovery is a last resort tool to recover cluster state in cases restoring from backup is not possible or will incur significant unacceptable downtime. It only provides best effort guarantees and may leave data in inconsistent state i.e. database constraints are violated, indices are broken or a non-committed raft log entry becomes committed and applied. Latter issue should not be a problem as commits would result in ambiguous error which implies unknown commit state. Even if part of the data is unavailable, there could be other databases and tables that can still serve the data and are not affected. Current loss of quorum recovery tools require operator to shutdown all nodes of the cluster to perform recovery. It also needs offline access to all node storages to process the cluster state. This is not good enough as we want to minimize disruption and reduce blast radius to the nodes that contain replicas of affected ranges.

Technical design

As a part of this change we need to consider following aspects:

  • how to collect replica data from the running cluster
  • how to build and validate cluster wide view of ranges to be recovered in absence of consistent descriptor snapshot
  • how to distribute recovery information to cluster nodes
  • how to execute the recovery plan on affected nodes
  • how to verify that recovery procedure completed

For the sake of clarity here's the summary of how the existing loss of quorum recovery tool works. This information would be referenced later in this document.

To restore the cluster to a workable state all replicas that lost their quorum need to be recovered. Recovery implies selecting one of the surviving range replicas and designating it as a source of truth for subsequent reads and writes. This is achieved by rewriting the replica descriptor with a new replica ID and a sole replica in its group. That restores the consensus and when node is restarted, the replication queue adds more replicas to conform to the configured replication factor. To pick a survivor replica in case a cluster has multiple ones we use the one with the highest raft applied index as its state is most up to date. Ties between replicas are resolved by picking the replica with the highest store id. The replica GC queue removes any stray surviving replicas.

Suppose we have a cluster of nodes 1 to 5 that lost nodes 2 and 3. Some ranges lost their quorum. To recover this cluster operator will:

  1. Shutdown nodes 1, 4 and 5.
  2. Mount node storages or log into hosts where surviving nodes run.
  3. Run cockroach debug recover collect-info --store=/cockroach-data on every node/storage.
  4. Get all produced json files in one place.
  5. Run cockroach debug recover make-plan to generate a recovery plan.
  6. Distribute plan in form of json file to all nodes (1, 4, 5).
  7. Run cockroach debug recover apply-plan to modify local store on affected nodes (1, 4, 5).
  8. Start nodes.

At this point ranges that lost their quorum should be able to progress using one of the remaining replicas as a source of truth.

Data collection

To simplify the collection stage CLI would use an admin RPC call to a single live node to get necessary replica data (collector node). Network Address of the node will be explicitly provided by the operator. E.g.

$ cockroach debug recover make-plan --host \
            -o recover-plan.json

Collector node would be responsible for collecting necessary information using following Admin streaming RPC call:

message RecoveryCollectReplicaInfoRequest {}

message RecoveryCollectReplicaInfoResponse {
  oneof info {
    roachpb.RangeDescriptor range_descriptor = 1;
    loqrecoverypb.ReplicaInfo replica_info = 2;

service Admin {
  rpc RecoveryCollectReplicaInfo(RecoveryCollectReplicaInfoRequest)
      returns (stream RecoveryCollectReplicaInfoResponse) {}

In the half online approach planning stage is using optional information from meta ranges to resolve ambiguity if replicas move between nodes. To send this additional information back to the CLI collector node will use a single stream for both descriptors from meta if they are available and information collected directly from nodes.

Collector will try to first retrieve consistent snapshots of replicas from meta ranges. If reading meta succeeds, it will stream the results back as RangeDescriptors.

Regardless of the success of the operation it then proceeds to collect additional replica info from all local storages directly from every cluster node.

To collect additional replica info like metadata about raft log content, collector node will use gossip info about all nodes of the cluster and perform a fanout operation to retrieve local replica data. Local replica info is provided using Admin RPC call:

message RecoveryCollectLocalReplicaInfoRequest {

message RecoveryCollectLocalReplicaInfoResponse {
  loqrecoverypb.ReplicaInfo replica_info = 1;

service Admin {
  rpc RecoveryCollectLocalReplicaInfo(
      returns (stream RecoveryCollectLocalReplicaInfoResponse) {}

Data received by the collector node from this call will be streamed back to CLI as it is being received from other nodes.

When streaming data back to CLI collector node should be careful with data accumulated in process as to not overload the node. It may need some throttling and fanout limiting based on measured collection performance.

Individual nodes would scan local replica descriptors in their stores to provide replica info. Data collected from individual nodes might suffer from inconsistencies since replicas could be moved around and changed as collection progresses. Collection process would save the data as it was presented by replicas and defer any reconciliation to the planning stage.

Saving collected info to a file could also simplify investigations by engineering if recovery doesn't succeed.

Cluster connection

Server admin endpoint requires admin privileges and should be run as root with certificate authentication to allow recovery to proceed even in cases where SQL subsystem is not operational and can't verify user roles.

Planning changes

Plan creation will use existing functionality that is used in offline loss of quorum recovery since v22.1 with some modifications.

Plan creation would use additional info when meta ranges are available by first checking if descriptors from meta cover all keyspace. If they do, then it just needs to check which ranges lost quorum using up to date descriptors. For those ranges it will pick survivors using ReplicaInfo collected from local storages.

If meta keyspace coverage is incomplete, then plan creation will rely on the existing planner that uses collected local replica info with the caveat that it could be inconsistent.

Existing planner scans key space and searches for any overlaps or gaps between voter replicas in descriptors. Since healthy ranges are free to move around, we can see transient inconsistency, but we are not interested in ranges that can progress. Instead the scanning process could be changed only to verify boundaries of ranges that lost quorum to ensure that they don't have overlaps. There should be no overlap between ranges that lost quorum and any other ranges, neither healthy nor ones that lost quorum as well. That would cover range overlap checks. For range gaps checks, we could in rare cases see a gap where the state of the replica destination node was captured before the range moved and the state of the replica source node was captured after. That should happen for all replicas of a range. In that case we'll first check if we have partially collected descriptors from meta ranges that correspond to missing part of keyspace and if the current descriptor points to existing stores. If all fails we'll have to retry replica info collection to see if the gap is persistent and if it is not, ignore it.

To simplify tracking of recovery operation, the plan would be augmented by a unique identifier field that could be used to check if plan application was processed by nodes.

To protect the cluster from old nodes that loss of quorum considered dead rejoining the cluster, plan would also contain a set of those nodes.

message ReplicaUpdatePlan {
  bytes plan_id = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
  repeated int32 removed_node_ids = 3 [
    (gogoproto.customname) = "RemovedNodeIDs",
    (gogoproto.casttype) = ""];

Distributing recovery plan

Plan distribution would use Server admin endpoint to distribute the plan to nodes that need to apply changes. CLI command will follow the same approach as the collection command above.

To stage the plan, command will use Admin RPC call:

message RecoveryStagePlanRequest {
  loqrecoverypb.ReplicaUpdatePlan plan = 1;
  bool all_nodes = 2;
  bool force_plan = 3;

message RecoveryStagePlanResponse {
  repeated string errors = 1;

service Admin {
  rpc RecoveryStagePlan(RecoveryStagePlanRequest)
      returns (RecoveryStagePlanResponse) {}

Node serving request from CLI will act as coordinator and perform a fanout to all nodes of the cluster. This behaviour is selected by all_nodes field. If set to true, then the request needs to be fanned out to all nodes of a cluster. If set to false, it needs to be applied to local node only.

When doing a fan out, coordinator will verify that no other plan is already staged on any nodes of the cluster using RecoveryNodeStatus Admin RPC call:

message NodeRecoveryStatus {
  bytes pending_plan_id = 1 [
    (gogoproto.customname) = "PendingPlanID",
    (gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
  bytes applied_plan_id = 2 [
    (gogoproto.customname) = "AppliedPlanID",
    (gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
  google.protobuf.Timestamp apply_timestamp = 3 [(gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
  string apply_error = 4;

message RecoveryNodeStatusRequest {

message RecoveryNodeStatusResponse {
  NodeRecoveryStatus status = 1;

service Admin {
  rpc RecoveryNodeStatus(RecoveryNodeStatusRequest)
      returns (RecoveryNodeStatusResponse) {}

If plan is already staged on any of the nodes and force_plan is not set, then the RecoveryStagePlan call will fail. Errors will contain errors describing problems found during application.

Coordinator will then check if any of the nodes listed in removed_node_ids in the plan rejoined the cluster. If they did, the request will fail.

Coordinator node will proceed to execution and send the request with a plan to all nodes in the cluster.

When called with all_nodes set to false, node will check if there's a pending plan already that is different from the plan in request. If force_plan is not set and plans are different then the request will fail. Otherwise first nodes from removed_node_ids in the plan are marked as decommissioned in the local node tombstone storage. Then if any replicas in the plan are located on the node, it is saved for subsequent application in the first store data directory.

After plans are successfully distributed, the operator will be notified which nodes need to be restarted.

Note that after this step is done, nodes that were found dead by planning won't be able to rejoin the cluster.

$ cockroach debug recover apply-plan --host \
Range r47519:/Table/138{-139} update replica (n6,s6):8 to (n6,s6):13 with peer replica(s) removed: (n3,s3):7, (n5,s5):3

Proceed with above changes [y/N]? y

Plan staged, to complete recovery perform a rolling restart of nodes n1, n6.

Applying recovery plan

To apply the plan node needs to be restarted. Whenever node restarts, it would check the data directory for pending recovery plans to apply. If there's any, after node initializes stores and before server is started it would:

  • move plan into a designated location in the store data directory
  • apply changes to local descriptors to perform recovery
  • record plan application into local key space for audit purposes and to allow application status checks
  • perform all other recovery actions to record the updates in the designated part of local key space as it is done in offline recovery (e.g. after node starts and sql subsystem initializes)
  • attempt to decommission dead nodes by using info in the plan to make node liveness consistent with local node tombstone storage

If the plan application fails, we can still back off and record and log an error. Error details would be recorded in the local key space and could be retrieved by CLI verification command.

Note that the last step of decommissioning nodes may not necessarily succeed if liveness is still unavailable, but the last node to recover should be able to access all necessary ranges if recovery is finished successfully.

Verifying recovery outcome

Once restart is finished, CLI could verify that recovery succeeded. It would check recovery status using a dedicated server Admin RPC:

message RecoveryVerifyRequest {
  bytes plan_id = 1 [
    (gogoproto.customname) = "PendingPlanID",
    (gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
  repeated int32 removed_node_ids = 2 [(gogoproto.customname) = "RemovedNodeIDs",
    (gogoproto.casttype) = ""];

message RecoveryVerifyResponse {
  repeated NodeRecoveryStatus statuses = 1;
  repeated roachpb.RangeDescriptor unavailable_ranges = 2 [
    (gogoproto.customname) = "UnavailableRanges"];
  repeated int32 decommissioned_node_ids = 3 [
    (gogoproto.customname) = "DecommissionedNodeIDs",
    (gogoproto.casttype) = ""];

service Admin {
  rpc RecoveryVerify(RecoveryVerifyRequest)
      returns (RecoveryVerifyResponse) {}

Node serving request will first perform fan out to collect NodeRecoveryStatus'es from all nodes. Resulting statuses would be returned in the statuses field. If some of the nodes fail to serve request entries for statuses will be created with Error field containing the error. Then collect information about cluster ranges from meta range and verify that ranges have no replicas on removed nodes. Finally check the decommission status of nodes provided in removed_node_ids. Information will be returned to CLI.

If some of the nodes still didn't recover then CLI would report nodes that are not restarted yet. For pending restart CLI would report:

$ cockroach debug recover verify --host \ 
Recovery in progress for plan 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
Node 3: Applied at 15:34:11 UTC
Node 5: Pending restart

If an application discovered errors (e.g. nodes unreachable or plan application failed), they would be reported alongside node IDs in the report above. If all nodes included in the plan are restarted and applied plan successfully then CLI will report range availability and node decommission status as well.

$ cockroach debug recover verify --host \ 
All ranges have a live quorum.

CLI Commands

To provide described functionality the operator will rely on CLI commands extending existing subset of debug recover commands.

New commands and new functionality of existing commands will include:

  • debug recover make-plan (new functionality)
  • debug recover apply-plan (new functionality)
  • debug recover verify

Make Plan

Make plan command will accept host specification to distinguish between old mode, where the operator had to provide replica info files collected from all nodes, and new mode where replica info is collected by CLI itself. It will also support any additional connection related options to specify certs and map certs to admin user as needed. It would also work in insecure mode when using --insecure flag for demo purposes.

$ cockroach debug recover make-plan --host <addr/host>[:<admin port>] \
     [-o <plan file name>] \
     [--dead-node-ids <comma separated list of node ids>] \
     [--certs-dir <dir>]

Command will provide a summary of execution with info about scanned nodes and found replicas followed by human readable list of proposed changes for operator to confirm:

Nodes scanned: 5
Total replicas analyzed: 154
Ranges without quorum:   13
Discarded live replicas: 0

Range r6:/Table/0 updating replica (n1,s1):1 to (n1,s1):14. Discarding available replicas: [], discarding dead replicas: [(n2,s3):3,(n3,s6):2].
Range r16:/Table/20 updating replica (n1,s1):1 to (n1,s1):14. Discarding available replicas: [], discarding dead replicas: [(n3,s5):3,(n2,s3):2].
Discovered dead nodes would be marked as decommissioned
 n2: store(s): s3, s4
 n3: store(s): s5, s6

Proceed with plan creation [y/N] y
Plan created with id 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000.

To complete recovery, invoke:
cockroach debug recover apply-plan --host recover-plan.json

Complete recovery message would contain matching plan file name and any additional arguments used to specify cluster parameters like certs dir when make-plan was invoked to simplify usage.

Apply Plan

Apply plan will accept host specification to distinguish between local store application and cluster application modes. It will also support any additional connection related options to specify certs and map certs to admin user as needed. It would also work in insecure mode when using --insecure flag for demo purposes.

$ cockroach debug recover apply-plan --host <addr/host>[:<admin port>] \
     [--certs-dir <dir>] <plan file name>

Command will then present operator with a list of proposed changes to confirm:

Range 6:/Table/0 replica (n1,s1):1 will be updated to (n1,s1):14 with peer replica(s) removed: (n2,s3):3,(n3,s6):2
Range 16:/Table/20 replica (n1,s1):1 for will be updated to (n1,s1):14 with peer replica(s) removed: (n3,s5):3,(n2,s3):2

Nodes n2, n3 will be permanently marked as decommissioned.

Proceed with above changes [y/N]? y

Plan 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 staged, to complete recovery perform a rolling restart of node(s) n1.

If plan application is not possible due to conflicting plan already scheduled, CLI will notify operator about conflicts and fail.

Conflicting plan 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174005 is already staged on node n2.
Conflicting plan 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174005 is already staged on node n3.

Overwrite existing plan [y/N]? y

If the operator chooses to overwrite an old pending plan, then CLI will proceed with application and prompts to restart nodes as above.


Verify reports on recovery application status across the cluster. Tool requires connection parameters to the cluster node.

$ cockroach debug recover verify --host <addr/host>[:<admin port>] \ 
     [--certs-dir <dir>] [<plan name>]

If a plan file is provided then the verify command will check application status for this particular plan and return an error if the plan is not fully applied.

Recovery in progress for plan 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
Node 3: Applied
Node 5: Pending restart

If the plan was applied on all ranges, the verify command will report node decommission status and range availability.

Decommissioned nodes: n2, n4.

All ranges have a live quorum.

If the plan file is not provided as an argument, then the tool will print pending plans on all nodes.

Recovery in progress
Node 3: Applied plan 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
Node 5: Pending restart for plan 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000


When compared to existing offline recovery we don't have a consistent snapshot of replica states across the cluster. That makes consistency checks for the range coverage and overlap less reliable. In practice it should not be a big problem as ranges without quorum should not be able to progress and change their descriptors.

If the cluster is large and serves large volumes of data, then the node collecting and distributing data could have see and additional memory and cpu usage. We should be careful when doing fanout and limit concurrency to avoid retrieving all data at once and degrading cluster further.

Compared to current approach where all operations are carried out manually we are losing ability to stop recovery after plan was distributed to nodes. While cancellation behaviour may be desired, since we now reduce amount of time needed for the operation, it is less likely that environment will change when operation is in progress and decision to revert it taken.

Rationale and Alternatives

Current design is building on existing set of tools and simplifying the process by adding automation.

Keeping CLI + Admin service as an approach for recovery operations reduces downtime and extends already familiar approach.

Explain it to folk outside of your team

This RFC proposes to extend loss of quorum recovery tools. Loss of quorum recovery tools are used to recover range data in case multiple cockroachdb nodes are lost. Current tools only work when cluster nodes are taken offline. New half-online mode will remove the need to manually collect and distribute recovery data in the cluster and remove the need to take the whole cluster offline to perform recovery. Half online means that there's still a need to restart some nodes after the location of most up to date data is identified.

This document describes how half online recovery mode could be implemented in the cluster that is partially unavailable and how that would reduce operator workload when performing recovery in a high stress situation of cluster outage.

New commands will take responsibility for performing collection, planning and distribution of range metadata and will only require operator confirmation of proposed changes. The operator will then have to restart a subset of nodes of the cluster which is also reducing the blast radius of failure.

Unresolved questions

Cancellation of recovery

Cancellation of recovery is not straightforward and was moved out of main design.

There's a number of problems with it:

  • we need to mark nodes as dead in local node tombstone storage to prevent potential range split brain from happening
  • this storage was never meant for be reversable so unmarking nodes as decommissioned is not necessarily safe
  • without unmarking decommissioned nodes, canceling recovery have little sense as all replicas from those nodes are now explicitly lost
  • even if unmarking is possible, once any pending node restarts, it will propagate node tombstones to liveness status further narrowing the case for cancelation

With this in mind, we should treat the application stage as a point of no return and operators should consider application as final decision. I.e. plan should be applied immediately before restarting nodes when all other recovery avenues are exhausted and not like plan should be staged and eventually applied when convenient.

Do we need an unattended mode

For the application command do we want to support unattended mode where prompts are driven by y/n confirmations? It was problematic in the past as there are more than a single prompt and 'y' to everything is not ideal.

Future work

  • Provide info about affected schema objects or system ranges
  • For pending descriptor changes found in raft log, we could consider removing them in some cases. If replica itself is not being removed or demoted from voter and it is not a range split or merge then the change is only with respect of the whole group and it can be discarded since survivor will have to rewrite descriptor with its own anyway.